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some bugs in Bp+BGT

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#1 mrnemo00

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 11:45 PM

I encountered a bug on Baldurans Island. In the caves right before I reach the exit the game crashes(I reinstalled the whole thig and it happened again), so I had to teleport myself with ctrl-J to the exit :P . Now the seccond bug or glich(I think) is in NEJ. After I came back with the heartstone gem, and the willage was under attasck the wilagers also attacked my group too, then when I talked with the druid  and wanted to go through the portal... well nothing happened   :wall: . A and one question how the hell can I find the hidden elven fortres, or were can I find a NEJ walktrough???   :crying:

#2 seanas

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 02:17 AM

have you installed all the necessary patches? both of these are *very old* bugs - the werewolf island was patched in the BP-BGT-NEJ 3.13 patch, and the NEJ portal was fixed in the s_and_h patch.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#3 mrnemo00

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 07:27 AM

have you installed all the necessary patches? both of these are *very old* bugs - the werewolf island was patched in the BP-BGT-NEJ 3.13 patch, and the NEJ portal was fixed in the s_and_h patch.

Yeah, I installed them, and the only thig that they solved is that, now the game crashez when I try to go through the portal instead of doing nothing. I started a new game an what happend was that Hrothgars dialog was all messed up.

#4 horred the plague

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 06:48 AM

have you installed all the necessary patches? both of these are *very old* bugs - the werewolf island was patched in the BP-BGT-NEJ 3.13 patch, and the NEJ portal was fixed in the s_and_h patch.

Yeah, I installed them, and the only thig that they solved is that, now the game crashez when I try to go through the portal instead of doing nothing. I started a new game an what happend was that Hrothgars dialog was all messed up.

Just to check; you are using the old version of NeJ(v13 whatever)? BP-weidu and NeJ2 should be perfectly compatible; BPv161g and NeJ2 will have numerous issues.

#5 mrnemo00

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 12:47 PM

Just to check; you are using the old version of NeJ(v13 whatever)? BP-weidu and NeJ2 should be perfectly compatible; BPv161g and NeJ2 will have numerous issues.

I am using Nej13i weidu and Bp-Nejv12. The exe that I used to install the whole thing is BP-BGT-Nej311exe, but I also had BPv161 wich was used by the installer.(as most of the install guides sugest).
A and another thing, is it realy important to empty the contents of the Basckup folders, if yes than I may have my answer why the paches messed up the game :P

#6 horred the plague

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 04:44 AM

[quote name='mrnemo00' date='Jan 25 2006, 03:47 PM' post='238005']
Just to check; you are using the old version of NeJ(v13 whatever)? BP-weidu and NeJ2 should be perfectly compatible; BPv161g and NeJ2 will have numerous issues.

I am using Nej13i weidu and Bp-Nejv12. The exe that I used to install the whole thing is BP-BGT-Nej311exe, but I also had BPv161 wich was used by the installer.(as most of the install guides sugest).
A and another thing, is it realy important to empty the contents of the Basckup folders, if yes than I may have my answer why the paches messed up the game :P

No, it's not crucial to delete files. It just saves disc space.

What version of the s&h patch do you have? Seanas is right--this problem has not been reported in around two years.

#7 mrnemo00

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 06:00 AM

I am using BP s_and_h pach 7. By the way do I realy need to install the visual basic6 package, becasue I don't have any visual basic programs, and if I must can it be downloaded?

Edited by mrnemo00, 28 January 2006 - 06:00 AM.

#8 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 01:17 PM

You may already have the files from the VB package. My computer with Windows XP and .NET already does. If the installer can't run the XP Patcher to reset your starting level, then yes you need to download it.

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#9 mrnemo00

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 05:23 AM

Something is very very wrong.... I have reinstalled everything(the filechecker said that I had everything in place). according to the instalation guide found on this site, the one with pictures :D (I am not saying that it's not good it just didn't work 4 me in the end). and when loaded one of my old saves I tried to go through the portal.... you know, the game crashed...... I tried a new game and again Hothgard dialog was messed up...
I deleted only the NEJ and the BP-BGT backup as the installer sugested before patching
I have another question did someone played the entire game without geting stuck... :( .
When I installed the game it the dialog box somewhare on the way sad "WARNING internal label not found etc"
So please ENYBODY HELP!!!!! :crying:

#10 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 11:28 AM

I have always had one copy of BP-BGT-NeJ sitting on my drive. Yes, it stalls fine. It doesn't always work the first, second, third, time around but it does install. Now you are starting to understand why we are all working on converting these mods to a Weidu format. Much easier to install.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
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#11 mrnemo00

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 09:01 AM

It installs itself just fine but then when I start a new game it crashez in the same place( the portal from NEJ) for the xs'th time :wall:

#12 horred the plague

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:51 AM

It installs itself just fine but then when I start a new game it crashez in the same place( the portal from NEJ) for the xs'th time :wall:

Try moving to the area without the portal, just for kicks. CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("TT1000")

#13 mrnemo00

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Posted 07 February 2006 - 05:49 AM

Heck I'v found another bug....and this is a big one.....does this hapened to enybody else?
After the cutscene at the begining of SoS. the game crashez( Just as a reminder, I did not get any errors at the game instalation). A... and I also installed two other minimods...the improved thief's guild and the Romance mod, does enybody think that this is a can cause a SoS crash?

#14 seanas

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Posted 07 February 2006 - 06:34 AM

which 'beginning' of SoS are you referring to? how many custscenes have you had, and at which one did it crash? are you in the inn at trademeet, the inn in the umar hills, outside in the umar hills, in soubar proper, or somewhere else?

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||

#15 mrnemo00

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Posted 07 February 2006 - 08:53 AM

which 'beginning' of SoS are you referring to? how many custscenes have you had, and at which one did it crash? are you in the inn at trademeet, the inn in the umar hills, outside in the umar hills, in soubar proper, or somewhere else?

After the first one(the one when you enter in Umar Hills, when they say something about geting a baalspawn and they throw some halforc dude out)