I'm trying to install Redemption mod. Keep getting error in Weidu, mod will not install:
Error dialog.tlk has size 18626292 TOO BIG FOR WEIDU Max 16777211
Is there a way to fix this problem to install mod.
My Weidu Log:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldurdash Fix Pack for ToB, v1.5 WeiDU
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #1 // Textupdatepack -> Baldurdash English Text Update Pack for ToB, v1.4 WeiDU
~SETUP-SOS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Shadows Over Soubar, v105 WeiDU
~SETUP-TDD.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Darkest Day, v105 WeiDU
~SETUP-TDD.TP2~ #0 #1 // TDD Character Kits
~SETUP-CTB-TDDFIX.TP2~ #0 #0 // CtB-TDDv1.05 Compatibility Fix
~SETUP-CTB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Check The Bodies, v1.6
~SETUP-TS-BP.TP2~ #0 #0 // TORTURED SOULS v6.04 (BP Compatible Version)
~SETUP-BGT-MAIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Eldoth reminds of Skie's ransom
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Angelo notices Shar-teel
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Finishable Kagain caravan quest
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Tougher Sarevok and Semaj
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Major locations explored upon visit
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #5 // Druid/Ranger-responsive bears in BG1
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #7 // Import more items into Shadows of Amn (WARNING: This can be considered a cheat)
~SETUP-DSOTSC.TP2~ #0 #0 // DSotSC for BGT-Weidu v1.80 Mod
~SETUP-DSOTSC.TP2~ #0 #1 // Area .tis files. (Required)
~SETUP-NTOTSC.TP2~ #0 #0 // NTotSC for BGT-Weidu v1.40 Mod
~SETUP-NTOTSC.TP2~ #0 #1 // Now for the decompression of area .tis files.
~SETUP-BONEHILL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Bone Hill Mod v2.01 (Requires BGT-Weidu or Tutu)
~SETUP-BONEHILL.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install the new areas? This must be done at least once!
~SETUP-SIRINESCALL.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Lure of the Sirine's Call
~SETUP-TGC1E.TP2~ #1 #0 // The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.01
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project for BGT: Core Install
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project for BGT-Weidu: Phase I (Banters)
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #2 // The BG1 NPC Project for BGT-Weidu: Phase II (Quests and Interjections)
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #3 // Jason Compton's Accelerated Banter Script.
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #14 // Non-joinable character portraits
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #16 // Placeholder 1: New Quests
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #17 // Dynaheir's Romance Core (Rated PG13)
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #19 // Branwen's Romance Core (Rated PG13)
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #28 // Dynaheir's Romance Speed -> Dynaheir's Romance Speed: 1 hour
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #40 // Branwen's Romance Speed -> Branwen's Romance Speed: 1 hour
~SETUP-BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #100 // Install Player-Initiated Dialogues
~BG1NPCMUSIC/BG1NPCMUSIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project Music Pack
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #2 // Kalah and What He Was Promised
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #3 // "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #4 // Gorje Hilldark and the Extended Illithium Quest
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #5 // The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #6 // Restored Crooked Crane Inn
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Restored Encounters
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #8 // Artemis Entreri in Bodhi's Lair
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #9 // Corrected "Xzar's Creations"
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Gorf the Squisher Fix, by Gebhard Blucher
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Item Restorations
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #15 // NPC Portrait Restorations
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Corrected BAMs and Scripts
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Corrected Character Names and Biographies
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Restored Minor Dialogs
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #20 // Extended ToB Item Descriptions
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #24 // Sarevok's Remorse
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Ilyich (requires ToB)
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Ritual (requires ToB)
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Improved TorGal and De'Arnisse Keep
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved Sahuagin City
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #4 // Improved Bodhi
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Irenicus
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #6 // Improved Guarded Compound in the Temple District
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #7 // Improved Twisted Rune
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #9 // "Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #11 // Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #12 // Gebhard Blucher's Improved Demon Knights
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx and Guardians
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #14 // Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #15 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #16 // Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons"
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #17 // Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #18 // Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #19 // Improved Undead
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #20 // Improved Golems
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #21 // Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mind Flayers
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #22 // Smarter Dragons in SoA
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #23 // Smarter Beholders
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #24 // Kensai Ryu's Smarter Vampires
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #25 // Slightly Smarter Mages and Liches
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #28 // Göran Rimén's Improved Nymphs
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #29 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Copper Coronet
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #30 // SimDing0's Improved Oasis
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #31 // Mike Barnes' Improved Small Teeth Pass
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #32 // Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mike Barnes' Marching Mountains
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #34 // Slightly Tougher Demons
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #35 // Tougher Druid Grove
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #36 // Tougher Fire Giants
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #37 // Streamlined Trolls
~BWQUEST.TP2~ #0 #0 // Black Rose Part I: Market Prices
~SETUP-FR_ROV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Freedom's Reign (SoA or ToB)
~SETUP-FR_ROV.TP2~ #0 #1 // Reign of Virtue (ToB)
~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Copy all portraits for use by player characters
~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install new portrait for Mazzy
~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new portrait for Minsc
~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install new portrait for Imoen
~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install new portrait for Jaheira
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #0 // Alternate Aerie Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #1 // Alternate Anomen Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #2 // Alternate Cernd Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #3 // Alternate Edwin Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #4 // Alternate Haer'Dalis Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #5 // Alternate Half Orc Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #8 // Alternate Jan Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #9 // Alternate Keldorn Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #10 // Alternate Korgan Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #13 // Alternate Nalia Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #14 // Alternate Sarevok Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #15 // Alternate Valygar Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #16 // Alternate Viconia Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-NMBEAUTY.TP2~ #0 #17 // Alternate Yoshimo Portrait by NiGHTMARE
~SETUP-BG2SOA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Add Items from Baldurs Gate to SoA
~G3ANNIVERSARY/SETUP-G3ANNIVERSARY.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #43 // Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #49 // Weapon Animation Tweaks
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #52 // Icewind Dale Casting Graphics (Andyr)
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #55 // Restore SoA Load Screen Logo (ToB Only)
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #61 // Commoners Use Drab Colors
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #64 // Icon Improvements
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #67 // Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Leather Armor (Galactygon)
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #91 // Force All Dialogue to Pause
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #94 // Use Valen/Solaufein Style Interjections
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #97 // Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #106 // Universal Clubs
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #107 // English Only: Description Updates for Universal Clubs Component
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Weapon Styles for All
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #116 // Improved Athkatlan City Guard
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #119 // Druids Use Cleric Level and Spell Progression
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #129 // Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // English Only: Alter Item Descriptions for 'Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor' Component
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #133 // Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #134 // English Only: Alter Item Descriptions for 'Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor' Component
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #143 // Gradual Drow Item Disintegration
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #152 // Sellable Staffs, Clubs, and Slings (Icelus)
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #158 // Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #180 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #183 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg) -> For All Creatures in Game
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #194 // Bottomless Containers
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #197 // Add Ammo Belts and Potion Cases to SoA
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // PnP Spell Progression Tables
~G3TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #231 // Change Jaheira to Neutral Good
~JZ/SETUP-JZ.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Jerry Zinger Show
~JZ/SETUP-JZ.TP2~ #0 #1 // Remove Delay Between Episodes
~SETUP-SPITEMPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Daniel Goodrich's Custom Item Collection
~SETUP-SPITEMPACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Creslyn's BG2 Item Pack
~SETUP-SPITEMPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Davoran's Spell Pack
~SETUP-SPITEMPACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Shadow Daemon's Spells Pack
~TB#QUEST/TB#QUEST.TP2~ #0 #0 // The curse of Mprolla the spammer
~TB#QUEST/TB#QUEST.TP2~ #0 #1 // The curse of Mprolla the cheater
~TB#QUEST/TB#QUEST.TP2~ #0 #2 // A large battle
~TB#QUEST/TB#QUEST.TP2~ #0 #3 // Underdark Mage Duel
~ABYSTORE/ABYSTORE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Unusual Oddities Shop
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ascension v1.41 (requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #1 // Tougher Abazigal (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #2 // Original Tougher Demogorgon (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #3 // Tougher Gromnir (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #4 // Tougher Illasera (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #5 // Tougher Yaga-Shura (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ascension: Turnabout
~SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2~ #0 #1 // Balthazar Epilogue Portrait, by Cliffette
~SETUP-REFINEMENTS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Universal lesser mage robes

Installation problem
Started by BaddAzzYellaBro, Jan 21 2006 12:06 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 21 January 2006 - 12:06 PM
Posted 12 February 2006 - 01:58 PM
Hmm, a new problem. You have lots of mods installed, and it seems WeiDU cannot deal dialog.tlk if its filesize is greater than 3 bytes. I don't know WeiDU's source code and algorythms, but this seems to be an important problem, and should be addressed by the creators of WeiDU sooner or later.
Edited by Baronius, 12 February 2006 - 01:59 PM.
Law, chaos, mystery... interesting plot and dangerous battles... new enemies - and new friends. -- some new fun in BG1Tutu: In Candlelight