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so now I've done it, too many mods --> performance probs?

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#1 Jlagreen

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 03:13 PM


well I installed a bunch of mods and although the game works I have a big problem, it is damn slow... :(

I often have some lags and that's annoying... so is it because my dialog.tlk is too big or is there a mod known to cause such things?

I would appreciate any help since I dont wanna install from scratch again :(

a list of all mods would be possible but is far too big so I first wanna know if anyone has an idea...

#2 Hety

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 03:22 PM

Well only such problem i've encountered so far was in 3rd cloakwood area. Heavy general lag. So.. yes. Happens. Trust me, you dont need ALL mods. Select few and play with em.
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I often type on shitty keyboards and in dark places. So dont mind my typos. PLEASE.


#3 Thauron

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 03:26 PM

This problem is caused by your override containing to many files - you could solve this by biffing it with weidu.

You do that as following:

First, for your own safety, you best make a backup of your chitin.key (just copy it to somewhere safe (and rename it to chitin.bak or something f.e.)

Then open a dos-prompt and go to your game directory:

type: weidu --make-BIFF override

weidu will now store your entire override folder in a biff file in the data folder - if that's done just rename your override (to something like 'old override' or something - whatever you want)

Normally your problem should be solved now.

Edited by Thauron, 20 January 2006 - 03:27 PM.

#4 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 07:16 PM

It also depends on the mods you installed. BGT-Weidu biffs its own files. DSotSC/NTotSC will biff their own files if you run the Biff.bat that I include (don't use the DSotSC if you also install NTotSC because NTotSC's batch file will biff both). Horred has posted instructions for biffing SoBH (I haven't posted his actual BAT file yet). Most of the other BGT mods are small enough that it doesn't matter. The larger SoA mods should biff their own files as well. So the remaining files would be from BG1NPC, Grey Clan, EoU, and whatever other small mods you installed. These should not cause a major problem like game lag.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website

#5 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 08:21 PM

It also depends on the mods you installed. BGT-Weidu biffs its own files. DSotSC/NTotSC will biff their own files if you run the Biff.bat that I include (don't use the DSotSC if you also install NTotSC because NTotSC's batch file will biff both). Horred has posted instructions for biffing SoBH (I haven't posted his actual BAT file yet). Most of the other BGT mods are small enough that it doesn't matter. The larger SoA mods should biff their own files as well. So the remaining files would be from BG1NPC, Grey Clan, EoU, and whatever other small mods you installed. These should not cause a major problem like game lag.

scripts are often to blame for lag; either a script block that keeps firing, conditions never satisfied. Or too many checks. Or too much crap. Has anybody besides me takn a good look at baldur.bcs, with many mods installed? I manually rearranged mine; I was experiencing periodic lag on a mid-high end PC, until I did.

#6 Jlagreen

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Posted 21 January 2006 - 01:27 AM

thx for your help guys but I will now go for a simple solution:

I split BG1 ad BG2 parts...

the reason is simple:

I only need BGT for having the BG2 rules in BG1... the transition isnt important to me since I dont want to take any char with me... same for items etc.

therefore I first will install BG2+BGT+BG1 Mods and play it and then make a backup of my saves.

Afterwards I install BG2 again with BG2 only mods this way it should work, I know it's kinda against the principle of BGT for playing the Game in one shot but still it should have less Mod problems and like I said I dont need to have a direct transfer from BG1 to BG2 since I will just import my BG1 char in BG2. And since I plan to use a standard multiclass kit I wont have problems there also :).

Still thx for help maybe I will still need 'em because there many BG2 Mods only I want to use, primarily NPCs and they put much in the override.

The lags only occured in outdoor areas and since I had like 15000-17000 files in my override I guess that was the problem :lol:.
--> still crazy that the game even started so I have to say good work guys, mod compaibility seems to work great :)

is it possible to have 2 BG2 installs? Like doing fresh install, and copying it? That would be great :). I can copy it on another drive ^^

Edited by Jlagreen, 21 January 2006 - 01:29 AM.

#7 ronin

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Posted 21 January 2006 - 01:36 AM

is it possible to have 2 BG2 installs? Like doing fresh install, and copying it? That would be great :) . I can copy it on another drive ^^

check at G3 for the multi-install tool.



#8 Jlagreen

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Posted 21 January 2006 - 03:24 AM

thank you very much, I will check it out!

you guys just rock :D

#9 Bill Bisco

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 08:54 AM

This problem is caused by your override containing to many files - you could solve this by biffing it with weidu.

You do that as following:

First, for your own safety, you best make a backup of your chitin.key (just copy it to somewhere safe (and rename it to chitin.bak or something f.e.)

Then open a dos-prompt and go to your game directory:

type: weidu --make-BIFF override

weidu will now store your entire override folder in a biff file in the data folder - if that's done just rename your override (to something like 'old override' or something - whatever you want)

Normally your problem should be solved now.

Alright, Sorry for Asking, but how exactly do you open a Dos-Prompt and go to your Game Directory. I too am experiencing lagging gameplay.

#10 Thauron

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 11:39 AM

You could probably get that answer from your windows help...

But anyway: open up Programs ==> Bureau Accessories (or something alike, I don't know what English versions of Win have there - it should be the place were your WordPad, Calculator, Little Win Games, etc. are) - you'll see DOS-prompt there. Click it

==> A DOS screen (black screen with just a few letters: c:\windows or somesuch) opens up
type c: (or d: depends on which drive your game directory is)
type cd *gamedirectory* f.e. games\Baldurs Gate 2
Then type the weidu... thing

By the way: it's probably useful to learn some basic DOS - we, 'old ones' know it from way back, but it turns out be very useful rather often IMO.

Edited by Thauron, 28 January 2006 - 11:39 AM.

#11 Bill Bisco

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 02:36 PM

Well, my Command Prompt starts out as C:\Documents and Settings\Admin> I then type immediately After: c: cd Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA weidu --make-BIFF override

Nothing is happening though. Sorry, I need help :wacko:

Or am I missing something additionally. Do I have to download Weidu even though I've installed all of these mods?

#12 Anomaly

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 03:20 PM

You need a weidu.exe in you bg2 folder. If you don't have one, copy one of those Setup files coming from a mod (for example Setup-BGT-Main.exe) and paste it. Name that copy "weidu.exe".

Now, once you start the command prompt, you need to type all the cd command between double quotes because there are spaces in the path.

cd "c:\program files\black isle\bgii - soa" (and then Enter)
(if you haven't used the default folder for installation, please modify the command above accordingly).

Your prompt will now be C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA> _ or something like that.

Now you can type the weidu thing like above.

Don't forget to hit Enter after each command.

Good luck. :)
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#13 Sara Blackhand

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 10:01 PM

You need a weidu.exe in you bg2 folder. If you don't have one, copy one of those Setup files coming from a mod (for example Setup-BGT-Main.exe) and paste it. Name that copy "weidu.exe".

Now, once you start the command prompt, you need to type all the cd command between double quotes because there are spaces in the path.

cd "c:\program files\black isle\bgii - soa" (and then Enter)
(if you haven't used the default folder for installation, please modify the command above accordingly).

Your prompt will now be C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA> _ or something like that.

Now you can type the weidu thing like above.

Don't forget to hit Enter after each command.

Good luck. :)

Wouldnt it be just as easy to recommend people not familar with good old dos to make a batch file
and save that in the bg ii folder as a txt file :unsure:

#14 Anomaly

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 02:26 AM

Wouldnt it be just as easy to recommend people not familar with good old dos to make a batch file
and save that in the bg ii folder as a txt file :unsure:

Sure, but I am not certain this will be effective.

I had expercienced big lag before with my Big Picture (classic) installation. The cause was the baldur.bcs (over 400k... the original one is only 70k) ; at each IA cycle, it checked for items to assemble, and my unlimited bag of holding full of items was really long to check every time. I could replace the baldur.bcs by the original one, or drop my bag of holding to get the game back to normal speed. I killed my game instead.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#15 Stone Wolf

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 02:35 AM

Carried containers really do make a huge difference. That's usually the first thing I check when I start getting lag. It's not like I actually need 27 longswords +1...

#16 Azazello


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Posted 29 January 2006 - 10:37 AM

Disabling ambient sounds was one workaround to the problem. It's a trade-off, for sure. It worked for me. YMMV.

Edited by Azazello, 29 January 2006 - 10:38 AM.

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"Girls are like phones, they like to be held and talked too, but if you press the wrong button, you will be disconnected!" DJ Nikodemus
Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#17 Bill Bisco

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 06:54 PM

You need a weidu.exe in you bg2 folder. If you don't have one, copy one of those Setup files coming from a mod (for example Setup-BGT-Main.exe) and paste it. Name that copy "weidu.exe".

Now, once you start the command prompt, you need to type all the cd command between double quotes because there are spaces in the path.

cd "c:\program files\black isle\bgii - soa" (and then Enter)
(if you haven't used the default folder for installation, please modify the command above accordingly).

Your prompt will now be C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA> _ or something like that.

Now you can type the weidu thing like above.

Don't forget to hit Enter after each command.

Good luck. :)

Alrighty. I did that and then I got a long list of Commands that have nothing to do with biffing :wacko:
Pressing enter eventually gets me to them and among them are a lot of biff choices

biff x
--biff value
--biff-get res
--make-biff x

I tried using biff x and make biff x but I got a further list of commands which I didn't know what to choose.

#18 Anomaly

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 02:25 AM

Try: weidu --make-biff override

If it does not work, I cannot help you :P But if you carry some containers like bags of holding or so, you should try to drop it and see if it speeds up your game.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#19 SaKiS

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 02:42 AM

Unzip this in your game folder and run biffover.bat
Attached File  biffover.zip   414bytes   467 downloads

You can also biff wav files. Wav's in override should be more tha 1Gb. I'ts better to create 3 or 4 over-wav#.biff

Edited by SaKiS, 03 February 2006 - 02:44 AM.

#20 Bill Bisco

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 06:09 PM

Alright thank you very much. I will be sure to use that in my next run through of using many mods. I tried it, it unfortunately messed up Restenford in "The Secret of BoneHill" So maybe the lesson is to Install a mod, biff, Install a mod biff, ect. ? Would that have made a difference?

But if you carry some containers like bags of holding or so, you should try to drop it and see if it speeds up your game.

Oh my goodness, thank you. My Game is back now. That is so unfair! The developers made a feature which could severely impact gameplay. Let me guess that there is no way around this?

What about turning bags of holding and others into shops perhaps? Would that solve the problem.

Thanks for all your help.