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Game asked me to insert CD #2

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#1 BottomFeeder

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:46 PM

After a rocky start a while back, I started a new TuTu game. I just began Chapter 4 (cleared bandit camp) and Peltar showed up at the Temple (he didn't show up in my last game). To this point, by the way, my game has operated virtually bug free.

After speaking to Peltar, I was transported to Restenford, spoke briefly to Peltar again, and was free to roam the town. I entered the armor shop, talked to the merchant, then headed downstairs. At that point, a screen popped up asking me to insert CD 2 into the machine.

I have the Original Saga set, so I don't think I even have the "CD 2" that the game is requesting. I am also playing this game on a multiple install, if that makes any difference. Is there any way to fix this without ruining my current install or otherwise having to start over?

On a side note, this is my fifth or sixth restart, and frankly, I'm very reluctant to do anything that might compromise an otherwise bug free game. I am, to say the least, very risk adverse at this point.

Edited by BottomFeeder, 17 January 2006 - 11:49 PM.

#2 Shed



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Posted 18 January 2006 - 01:57 AM

Did you try with whatever CD you did have?

#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 03:16 PM

The game should be looking for the area graphics of Cromwell's shop in the Dock district. I assume this must be on CD2 of SoA. Did you do a full install of SoA before installing Tutu? This error should mean that you didn't. Even if you have the 3 disc version, I would think the game knows which CD you need to insert. Try a game with a full install and see if you still get this problem. BTW, your saved game will be fine if you move it to a full install.

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#4 BottomFeeder

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 04:08 PM

Thanks for the quick responses. Actually, I am working off a copy of a full (and fresh) install of BG2 (I presently have 2 copies of BG 2 installed). This, however, is the first time this problem has reared its ugly head. I'll try inserting various CDs and see if that helps. Since I was thinking in terms of BG1 CDs last night (it was very late), maybe the BG2 CDs will work.

#5 BottomFeeder

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:35 PM

Inserting the disc didn?t work. I ran the game again, was transported to Restenford, went to the weapons shop, and got the screen with the computer table with a bloody dagger on it bearing a message that read ?no disc in drive, insert disk 2." I tried using all the BG2 disks, but no response. I had to alt-tab out of the game.

As I said above, I am running multiple installs of BG2 on my computer, one for BG2 and one for TuTu. I am running TuTu from a copy of the original install. The install for BG2 was fresh and done after a defrag. I installed the TuTu version right after the install of BG2. Here?s what I did:

1) I did a full install of BG2-ToB.
2) I copied the entire BG2 folder to a new one, naming it BG2 TuTu.
3) I opened the baldur.ini file in the BG2 TuTu folder and changed the line that read: HD0:=C:\Games\BG2\ to HD0:=C:\Games\BG2 TuTu\
4) Then I deleted the CD* folders from my BG2 TuTu folder. According to the folks on the TuTu Board, these aren?t necessary, because the baldur.ini is still telling BG2 (tutu version) to look at the original CD* folders, in the original directory.

It strikes me that deleting the CD folders in step 4 is the culprit. However, in my first run-through (before my previous install melted down), I used this same multiple install method, got to the very end of The Bone Hill mod, and was never asked to insert a CD.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. I'd hate to miss playing this mod. I genuinely enjoyed the first part, and am looking forward to playing the second part for the first time.

Edited by BottomFeeder, 19 January 2006 - 11:38 PM.

#6 BottomFeeder

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 04:23 PM

Any more suggestions? In my current game, I am in the Cloakwood mines, but am holding off on completing them. My understanding is that Peltar leaves when you complete the mines, so I hoping to resolve this issue first.

#7 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 03:13 PM

No ideas from me.

Pelltar will leave when you start the chapter for Candlekeep. He or Fabio will reappear afterwards for you to start part 2. You have to complete part 1 before Candlekeep.

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#8 BottomFeeder

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:15 PM

Thanks for your help. Luckily, I was able to play the first part of the game in a previous game, so technically, I'll only be missing the second part. If the second part is a good as the first, however, its disappointing.

Off the top of your head, how many sections in the first and second parts use BG 2 maps? If its only that one map (the one in the downstairs of the weapons shop), theoretically, I can skip the merchants, and play the mod. Regretfully, I doubt either section only uses one BG2 map.

Edited by BottomFeeder, 23 January 2006 - 10:16 PM.

#9 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 02:27 PM

Most of the areas in part 2 are either new or use areas from IWD. I am sure there are one or two areas from SoA but I can't think of any right now. When I made it, I tried to go with areas not seen in BG1 or BG2. Only 1 outdoor area comes from BG1.

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