Talk to Eldod (captain of the guard), go inside and talk to Satos. He will introduce everyone. Afterwards, to left/North to area that looks like a BG city house. Talk to the guard in here (Pique I think). Go upstairs and talk to Avery (cleric) and Lenore (women). Lenore is your key person. She will ask to join, be nice but don't let her (she can't and doesn't anyway). Go back to first room (Satos area).
Go out East door (just right of fire pot) and this should be a store area from Ulgoth's Beard. Talk to the paladin if you want. Talk to the guy next to the "begger". You can talk to the begger too. Go downstairs and talk to Shelton. If you have the latest version of the mod, the correct Shelton is here. After talking to him about Eldod, go back upstairs. Watch the attack on the begger. Head to Satos.
Don't bother talking to Satos, but do head back upstairs to talk to Lenore. She should give you the scroll. Take that across the hallway to find Eldod in his room. Depending on your conversation with him (and if you used the scroll on him), the real murderer is revealed. If you heal Eldod, he will tell you to go to the crypt to find an ogre magi. If you pissed off Eldod, he goes downstairs and kills Satos.
If Satos is dead, a later quest is unavailable. So "Restore" Eldod and go talk to Satos. He will give you the key to the crypt. From there, go outside and head north to the crypt.
Depending on your actions, various people inside will either help you or be "charmed" by the ogre magi to fight you. So not being an ass with your dialogs earlier will help you now. When done, go back to Satos and get your reward. Later, you can talk to the Helm priest and Avery again to open the altar for a key you need at the end of the game. If Satos is killed, this will not be possible.
Thanks A LOT Sir BB,
as far as i remember i've done those steps but didn't get the scroll ... but i'll test it again.
This evening i guess i have time to test it ;-)
CU soon,
UPDATE: OK, it seems fine until cript. I don't know if it is correct (or bugs?) but so far here is how the actions must be done:
- You cannot have a dialog with Eldod as soon as you reach the citadel. It simply says that he doesn't care of people coming from
- You MUST speak to Lenore first, THEN to Pique (Pique simplyhas nothing to say to you).
- The VERY FIRST time you speak to Lenore she gives us the scroll, THEN she just says to find missing people.
- AFTER you've spoken with Shelton, you must go OUTSIDE and speak with Eldod (because he is still here), THEN he goes upstairs to his room so ... at that time you must "follow" him and release him.
Of course i think these are not bugs, i just wanted to compare with you your spoiler to see if there could be something wrong or not ;-)
Edited by melkor_morgoth75, 12 January 2006 - 11:23 PM.