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Kit problems

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#1 Hety

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 11:46 AM

I added new kit to game(all is ok, tested, working etc etc).
Then i tried to apply it to NPC.
BEGIN ~Viconia: Priest of Shar~
COPY_EXISTING ~Viconi.cre~ ~override~
			  ~Viconi4.cre~ ~override~
			  ~Viconi6.cre~ ~override~
  WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0 // doesn't change
  WRITE_BYTE  0x246 ~%H!C_Shar%~ // the internal name of your kit, surrounded by %
  WRITE_BYTE  0x247 0x40 // doesn't change

Taken directly from tutorial. Intarnal name changed to mine.

Weidu said that he cant translate %H!C_Shar% or %%H!C_Shar%% to integer.

I deinstalled kit . Then installed kit and immediately applied it to NPC. Worked.

Not a real problem, tho i would be happy to know why it happens.

And here is the problem.
I want to modify NPC weapon profs. How can i do it?
Need to add one point to one prof and substract one from other. Also need to set few to certain numbers.

Thx in advance.

Edited by Hety, 03 January 2006 - 11:47 AM.

GIEF EPEX! © Believe @ Lightning' Blade(WoW)

I often type on shitty keyboards and in dark places. So dont mind my typos. PLEASE.


#2 Shed



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Posted 03 January 2006 - 11:50 AM

Weapon proficiencies are set by effects. There's an "Effects" tab in DLTCEP. If you don't know what DLTCEP is or how to use it, say so and I'll provide links :).

#3 Hety

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Posted 03 January 2006 - 01:05 PM

I know how to use dltcep :) And i know how to alter effects :) But i got no idea how to alter em directly from tp2.

I understand that i can make cre files with changed kit/weapon profs/whatever i like and put it in override. Tho i want to edit profs directly from tp2(changing byte values).

Found answer to kit asigning problem here:
Workaround i posted above is the only way to do it :)

Edited by Hety, 03 January 2006 - 01:12 PM.

GIEF EPEX! © Believe @ Lightning' Blade(WoW)

I often type on shitty keyboards and in dark places. So dont mind my typos. PLEASE.


#4 Idobek


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Posted 03 January 2006 - 03:39 PM

It is quite possible to scan kit.ids for a kit's number, assign that value to a variable and then patch a cre using that variable.

#5 Hety

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 08:22 AM

I c. Still not worth time imo.

Again, any ideas how to change weapon prof points by byte editing of cre files?
GIEF EPEX! © Believe @ Lightning' Blade(WoW)

I often type on shitty keyboards and in dark places. So dont mind my typos. PLEASE.


#6 5th_horseman

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 07:38 PM

Try setting using the effects tab of the cre file and add #233 (0xe9) Stat: Proficiency Modifier [233] you set the points for masterery and styles for the critter.

#7 Grim Squeaker

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 04:57 AM

Weidu said that he cant translate %H!C_Shar% or %%H!C_Shar%% to integer.

I deinstalled kit . Then installed kit and immediately applied it to NPC. Worked.

Not a real problem, tho i would be happy to know why it happens.

This happens when you are trying to apply the kit before using ADD_KIT to add it to the game i.e. WeiDU doesn't know what the value of %H!C_Shar% is because it hasn't been declared yet by your ADD_KIT command.
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#8 Hety

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:58 AM

Try setting using the effects tab of the cre file and add #233 (0xe9) Stat: Proficiency Modifier [233] you set the points for masterery and styles for the critter.

Again. I do NOT want to overwrite .cre files. i want to patch em from inside of tp2.

This happens when you are trying to apply the kit before using ADD_KIT to add it to the game i.e. WeiDU doesn't know what the value of %H!C_Shar% is because it hasn't been declared yet by your ADD_KIT command.

Figured that out already :) but thx anyway :)
GIEF EPEX! © Believe @ Lightning' Blade(WoW)

I often type on shitty keyboards and in dark places. So dont mind my typos. PLEASE.
