Post your Oblivion custom class
Posted 07 April 2011 - 01:36 PM
Race:Wood Elf.
Birthsign:The Thief.
Favoured Attributes:Luck and Agility.
Skills:Sneak,Security,Light Armor,Blade,Marksman,Illusion,Mercantile.
The Shadow is a tricky,slippery rogue.Locks hold nothing closed for him,guards can never find him,he has pinpoint accuracy with both bow and blade,and is able to get the most for his goods.He can also turn invisible in a sticky situation.
So far,I have the Black Hand Robes,Gray Cowl,an Elven Shortsword enchanted to deal Shock Damage on a hit,arrows enchanted to paralyze.I also have 100 agility,100 luck,and 100 speed,as well as 100 Marksman,150 Acrobatics,132 Sneak,and 114 Security.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 02:59 PM
Race (If Applicable): Nord
Birthsign: Warrior
Favoured Attributes: Combat
Specialty (Magic, Stealth, Combat): Str, End
Skills: Athletics, Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Destruction, Acrobatics, Armorer (sometime Alteration, Sneak or Marksman)
Description: "Citizens of Skyrim, they are a tall and fair-haired people. Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold. They are highly talented warriors."
"Today the Warrior shall prove a stalwart companion when fortune fades."
"Greetings, Nord".
Posted 11 June 2011 - 05:13 PM
Er... don't you mean "Xiaolin Monk?"
And please, spelling and punctuation are your friends. Spellchecker: PLEASE TO USE.
Hmmm, evidently grammar is excluded from your pedantic round-up. Accuracy would seem to be similarly out of scope as your question mark should fall outside the literal quote "Xiaolin Monk" that in itself appears to be a bizarre variant on the commonly accepted spelling - "Shaolin Monk".
Please call again.
Xiaolin Monk is also acceptable. Chinese doesn't translate to English well.
-Some guy-
Posted 14 June 2011 - 11:36 AM
Race- Breton
Birth-sign- The Steed
Type- Stealth
2 Favored Attributes- Agility, Luck
7 Major Skills-Athletics, Acrobatics, Destruction, Marksman, Alteration, Hand-to-Hand, Conjuration
Desc.- This class is made for a major purpose; to find the best things there are. This class helps the player avoid danger, and when in trouble, able to immediately destroy their opponents. Break into homes and find 100's of dollars worth of gold. Ore, wander deep into Vindasel and take out Umbra to claim your prize.
Class Name: Destruction's Wanderer
Race- Nord
Birth-sign- Tower
Type- Combat
2 Favored Attributes- Endurance, Strength
7 Major Skills- Light Armor, Destruction, Blade, Athletics, Acrobatics, Marksman, Conjuration
Desc.- These people focus on one thing- elimination. If there is an enemy, there is no way it will survive. They will destroy it. They focus more on power and strength than organization and profit.
Posted 15 June 2011 - 07:45 AM
Favoured Attributes:Endurance and Speed.
Skills: Athletics ,Heavy Armor ,Blade ,Block ,armorer ,restoration , athletics
Description: read the class name
Posted 10 July 2011 - 06:03 AM
Good idea,but isn't that basically a sorcerer or battlemage?Class Name: Knight Mage
Race: Dark Elf
Birth sign: Mage or Warrior (I did mage)
Specialization: Combat
Major Attributes: Strength & Willpower
Major Skills: Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Destruction, Alteration
I wanted a knight like class so he could have heavy armor and use weapons and junk, but i still wanted him to be able to use magic, mainly destruction and conjuration but i also threw alteration in there so he could have shields and lower encumbrance. I chose dark elf because they're good with Destruction magic, bladed weapons, and bows. I don't care for the bow part of it very much but the destruction magic and blade part would be useful. Also they can summon a guardian ancestor for 60 seconds once a day.
(I know the dark elves can look weird some times but if you make them young and change their hair and complexion they look cool)
Posted 10 July 2011 - 07:09 AM
Class Name:Illusionist
Race(s):Bosmer(Wood Elf),Argonian,Khajiit(All races have a lockpicking or agility bonus)
Birthsign(s):Thief,Steed,Shadow(Thief and Steed help getting past people quickly,while shadow goes invisible)
Specialization:Preferably steath,if not magic
Favored Attributes:Agility(Lockpicking,sneaking,ect.),Personality(Illusion magic)
Major Skills:Acrobatics,Athletics,Blade(or blunt,preferably blade),Illusion,Light Armor,Security,Sneak
Description:The commonly know thief/assassin is no match for an Illusionist.The Illusionist is a steathy type of mage,even though he mainly focuses on steath and athletics he uses illusion spells to improve his strategies,or even create them.He uses spells such as...Chameleon spells,making a poor sneak good or a good sneak nearly undetectable,but still able to defend himself...Frenzy spells to make guards or enemies fight eachother,or even civilions getting in a brawl,making guards leave their posts...Demorilize spells,making enemies run in terror...Or night-eye spells,for those dungeon crawlers.
NOTES:The Bravil mages guild specializes in illusion;Delphine Jend and Ita Rienus sell the most illusion spells.
If you visit the Apprentice birthsign doomstone you can recive the greater power Void Seed.This power fortifies your illusion skill 20 points once a day for 120 seconds.
After yourrenown reaches 40,you can visit the Sithian heaven doomstone to recive the greater power Sithian Web.One of the several benifits from this power is that it fortifies your illusion skill 20 points once a day for 120 seconds.
Posted 10 July 2011 - 07:16 AM
For the treasure hunter,if you like to take risks,just of the side of the island near Anvil,thier lies a skeleton of "identity unknown",about a foot away you'll find his skull and on it will be the enchanted glass helmet know as "Fin Gleam".But there is a catch...it's at the bottem of the ocean.Good luck........Class Name: The Treasure Hunter
Race- Breton
Birth-sign- The Steed
Type- Stealth
2 Favored Attributes- Agility, Luck
7 Major Skills-Athletics, Acrobatics, Destruction, Marksman, Alteration, Hand-to-Hand, Conjuration
Desc.- This class is made for a major purpose; to find the best things there are. This class helps the player avoid danger, and when in trouble, able to immediately destroy their opponents. Break into homes and find 100's of dollars worth of gold. Ore, wander deep into Vindasel and take out Umbra to claim your prize.
Class Name: Destruction's Wanderer
Race- Nord
Birth-sign- Tower
Type- Combat
2 Favored Attributes- Endurance, Strength
7 Major Skills- Light Armor, Destruction, Blade, Athletics, Acrobatics, Marksman, Conjuration
Desc.- These people focus on one thing- elimination. If there is an enemy, there is no way it will survive. They will destroy it. They focus more on power and strength than organization and profit.
Posted 25 July 2011 - 03:12 PM
Race:Dunmer*,Redguard or Imperial
Birthsign:Thief* or Warrior
Specialization:Steath* or Combat
Favored Attributes:Speed,Agility(When leveling up pick the third as Endurance)
Major Skills:Acrobatics,Blade,Hand to Hand,Light Armor,Security,Sneak,Speechcraft*/Mercantile
* means I chose "*" if there are more than on options.
Posted 20 August 2011 - 09:29 AM
Attributes: Speed, Personality
Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Athletics, Acrobatics, Illusion, Speechcraft, Alteration
Posted 21 August 2011 - 06:54 PM
Class: Rebel
Race: any (prefered imperia or wood elf)
specialization: stealth
favoured attributes: speed, agility
Skills: athletics,light armor,marksman,blade,security,sneak, speach craft
description: Born free and wild. mostly hepls when help is needed. quick with a bow and slick with a blade. natural enemy of authority, but hepls them if needed.
Posted 22 August 2011 - 06:36 AM
well all of these classes sound great I've personaly tried the samurai class but what do you think of this class...
Class: Rebel
Race: any (prefered imperia or wood elf)
specialization: stealth
favoured attributes: speed, agility
Skills: athletics,light armor,marksman,blade,security,sneak, speach craft
description: Born free and wild. mostly hepls when help is needed. quick with a bow and slick with a blade. natural enemy of authority, but hepls them if needed.
I forgot to mention the sign you should have is either the thief or the steed.
Posted 31 August 2011 - 03:10 AM
Type: Fighter
Race: Any (Chose out of personal prefrance)
Sign: Any (Once again prefrance)
Atributes:Endurance and Personality
Favoured skills: Block, Heavy Armour, Armourer, Blunt, Restoration, Ilusion, Mercantile and Speechcraft
Cross between Healer and Knight, using healing and ilusive magic to heal and inspire. As a bonus these Preiests extra battle traning allows them to maintian and fight with heavy blunt wepons and of couse armour. They are also known to be great at persuading with their toung as well as with magic.
Role Play:
Your role is as a healer, protecter and as a becon of unding hope in the darkness around you. Always remember in darkness you shine the brightest...
Posted 04 September 2011 - 10:46 AM
Class: Battle Priest
Type: Fighter
Race: Any (Chose out of personal prefrance)
Sign: Any (Once again prefrance)
Atributes:Endurance and Personality
Favoured skills: Block, Heavy Armour, Armourer, Blunt, Restoration, Ilusion, Mercantile and Speechcraft
Cross between Healer and Knight, using healing and ilusive magic to heal and inspire. As a bonus these Preiests extra battle traning allows them to maintian and fight with heavy blunt wepons and of couse armour. They are also known to be great at persuading with their toung as well as with magic.
Role Play:
Your role is as a healer, protecter and as a becon of unding hope in the darkness around you. Always remember in darkness you shine the brightest...
This sounds like an awesome class I am going to try this class out today whan I play oblivion
Posted 13 September 2011 - 06:55 PM
High elf (magicka)
The warrior
Strength and endurance
Major: destruction. alteration. athletics. blunt. block. heavy armor. Restoration
high Minor: mysticism. Sneak. Blade.
Description: this player is the opposite and better half of the honest paladin. With 110 health and 200 magicka at level one this beast has the ability to cast major destruction spells at close or ranged or if the player wants to get his hands dirty, he uses his dremora mace to bash your skull in. The heals are there if needed. By its rare.
Best spell at 50-75 destruction skill
Weakness to magic 40%
Shock + fire + frost damage = 35
Posted 26 September 2011 - 05:27 PM
Race: High Elf
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Class: Magic
Attributes: Intelligence and Endurance
Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Light Armor, Sneak, Athletics, and Acrobatics.
Description: This setup works incredibly well for those who focus more on the magicka aspect of the game rather than the physical fighting.
-Spell Checker-
Posted 30 September 2011 - 11:11 AM
So, let's post our custom classes for Oblivion. All the skills etc. can be found here (Updated TES Codex).
Class Name:
Race (If Applicable):
Favoured Attributes:
Specialty (Magic, Stealth, Combat):
Here's mine (Big surprise, I know, I know):
Class Name: Archmage
Birthsign: The Mage
Favoured Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower & Personality
Specialty: Magic
Skills: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, Conjuration, Mysticism, Restoration & Alchemy
Being an archmage isn't just about having more power than the other mages, it is about knowledge, skill and wisdom to use that power appropriately. Archmages have vast knowledge of history, politics, general lore, different worlds and, of course, knowledge of all the branches of magic. Often very charismatic and always very intelligent, archmages are natural leaders of the mages' guilds and other magic-oriented organizations. One archmage can shake the foundations of an entire city, three can devastate an army, so why has this not happened, one might ask. That is because archmages see that such deeds would cause people to fear mages and magic, and would eventually lead to the isolation and persecution of all magic-users. And if an evil archmage or a one-driven-crazy by his experiments, should attempt to accomplish some of the afore mentioned feats, he would have to face all those archmages who want to keep things as they are, The Preservers some call them. Overall, the archmage is a profession which demands; Strenght of will, intelligence, wisdom and ambition are all necessary traits. Becoming an archmage is a task that takes one's whole life. In return, however, one wields the greatest powers of magic with skill, and those powers allow extending one's life span far over those limits set for ordinary mortals. And still, many mages with the potential do not achieve this exalted status. That is because only a few can actually stick to the most important principle: The Art always comes first.
You can't even spell strength, and you talk about Arch-Mages requiring intelligence.
Posted 09 October 2011 - 10:50 AM
So, let's post our custom classes for Oblivion. All the skills etc. can be found here (Updated TES Codex).
Class Name:
Race (If Applicable):
Favoured Attributes:
Specialty (Magic, Stealth, Combat):
Here's mine (Big surprise, I know, I know):
Class Name: Archmage
Birthsign: The Mage
Favoured Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower & Personality
Specialty: Magic
Skills: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, Conjuration, Mysticism, Restoration & Alchemy
Being an archmage isn't just about having more power than the other mages, it is about knowledge, skill and wisdom to use that power appropriately. Archmages have vast knowledge of history, politics, general lore, different worlds and, of course, knowledge of all the branches of magic. Often very charismatic and always very intelligent, archmages are natural leaders of the mages' guilds and other magic-oriented organizations. One archmage can shake the foundations of an entire city, three can devastate an army, so why has this not happened, one might ask. That is because archmages see that such deeds would cause people to fear mages and magic, and would eventually lead to the isolation and persecution of all magic-users. And if an evil archmage or a one-driven-crazy by his experiments, should attempt to accomplish some of the afore mentioned feats, he would have to face all those archmages who want to keep things as they are, The Preservers some call them. Overall, the archmage is a profession which demands; Strenght of will, intelligence, wisdom and ambition are all necessary traits. Becoming an archmage is a task that takes one's whole life. In return, however, one wields the greatest powers of magic with skill, and those powers allow extending one's life span far over those limits set for ordinary mortals. And still, many mages with the potential do not achieve this exalted status. That is because only a few can actually stick to the most important principle: The Art always comes first.
You can't even spell strength, and you talk about Arch-Mages requiring intelligence.
Posted 09 October 2011 - 10:58 AM
Race :Breton or Frigher race
Sign: warrior or mage
Specaily:Combat or magic
Attributes:Strength willpower intellgent
Skills:Alchemy alteration blade conjuration destruction heavy armor restoration
This class is unstopable u can pick using more magic or fighting burn u enemy down or slashes them apart,make healing potions or posien using sheild spells or lowering ur burden sommon things to kill and distract then healer ur self. Sorry for spelling.
Posted 09 October 2011 - 02:35 PM