I'm deep in part two, and I saw some issues. The castle shouts are all whacked, guards stand around while others die, etc. It is likely my fault, for writing scripts that changed the whole shout system. So, in return--I wrote you a custom shout script for your mod: BHSHOUT2. Based on the BP shout system (with all the heals, protection/assistance, and so on), but customized. The main call-to-arms is based on your ALERT (shoutids. 125)--you use this in all the dialogs I've checked. I added this script to all I know are involved in the scenario. Leaders (Arrness, orc lieutenants) were given the specific PERSON_4, so they can be identified easily in the script. You can assign specifics to others, in other scenarios, to give them a unique ID in scripting. As in--you could use this script in other areas, if they cause trouble. I also gave it to your lizardmen, in BH2201
Using the custom shout script will insure compatability with other mods. This is probably just a BP-SoBH issue, not every mod-SoBH issue. Probably not the last I'll face.
NOTE: In BP shouts, Shout(79) is the universal call-to-arms. Bioware uses a variety of codes. That's why I made a universal one, to handle generic situations. Custom situations call for custom shouts.
I haven't tested this all out yet in-game, but I will. The principle is sound, it should work wonderfully.
Other issues:
1) could not leave BH2100 without CLUA. All Destinations Unreachable.
2) encounter with the goons in town triggered twice (once upon leaving temple, once after inn)
the time I left the temple, the goon said his spiel when I was cross-screen.
3) in the castle, one guard warned me the area was off-limits. i walked to the other side, and a different guard said "I warned you" and attacked. I checked your proximity trigger script out, and it might be the cause. You step on the staircase, it sets to 2; the setting to 2 causes his dialog to set to 3, and become enemy. Maybe have the trigger set to 1, with a "warning shot"? Or, perhaps BHASCUE.BCS is the cause. Your use of LastTrigger will check some funky things, it is meant for trap (trigger) scripts. It also works with the last spellcaster, if I recall from my notes years ago. This is the block I'm talking about:
Other blocks in the script use LastTrigger as well, but this is the one that matters in this instance. And why the invisible checks, the condition right before it requires a sight check?
It also looks to me, from the logic of this script, that anyone will be deemed guilty if this guy even sees them.
Setting the global to 2 causes him to become enemy in the DLG file.
I suggest the following value system for the global:
0: Never been near the stinkin stairs
1: Walked into Ascue's 'little space'. I'd suggest giving it a range, as small as you can get away with--just make sure it does the job. He gave me his warning.(Use a ClearAllActions command in BHASCUE.BCS as well, so the party doesn't mindlessly keep drifting into the bad space after the warning. Boots of speed are hard to put the brakes on in 10 feet gamespace!)
2: Set off the staircase trigger. I'd move it back right onto the stairs, a clumbsy
NPC in auto-pilot could walk over it while heading for the kitchen. It happened to me, now that I think of it. Only set it off if you got the warning from Ascue (GLOBAL=1).
3: Ascus is pissed off, calls his cronies, starts a brawl. Cronies are using the BHSHOUT2 script, so they turn into enemies. So will the nearby human and orc guards. We'll have to keep an eye on the mayor, or make an "exception" condition for her in BHSHOUT2 call-to-arms block--she is pretty close to the battlefield, after all...or do you want her to join in?) If you want her to fight, she'll need a MAGExxx script (or a custom job) to cast her spells; all she has now is SHOUT and WTASIGHT. If you want a custom job, I can easily paste one together from the BP set. Even if I leave the detectable stats intact; the worst case should be it counts as a dead line, if BP is not installed. And much more, if BP is installed.

P.S: You did see the code for an SoBH biffing bat? If not, check my last post in the pinned topics section.
Edited by horred the plague, 29 December 2005 - 10:06 PM.