Play by post
Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:57 AM
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:30 AM
Sounds excellent. About how much time are you planning on for reply posts once you post?
I'd hope to post three times a week myself, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That would apply most of the time. That though isn't set in stone, and if it was too frequent (or too slow) another schedule would be possible. And since 400 villagers is too many for me to cover every conversation, I'd be happy for players to post both sides of a conversation with the less important NPCs, provided they kept in character. And if it wasn't an NPC I'd previously declared important, a player could establish basic parts of the NPCs character in conversation. There would be some limits on what you could do, as it's fairly easy to abuse this, but it seems like the best way to run this.
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:31 AM
If not a cleric then a Druid, Bard, or Mage, or a possibility of a Fighter, Ranger or Rogue.
There's no reason you couldn't be a cleric, I'm just warning you that you might end up with some demands on your time that wouldn't necessarily be there for other characters. If cleric is what you want, go for it.

Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:38 AM
Posted 02 August 2006 - 09:27 AM
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 03 August 2006 - 12:49 AM
Sounds good to me, how many players are you looking at allowing to join?
Some of the "adventures" I've got in mind were intended to be played by my PnP group, which means they were meant for 5 people. I can certainly adjust for more or less, and since they aren't rules-heavy the actual number of people involved isn't too important. To some extent it will depend on how many people want to get involved and how often they post. There's no reason why occasional posters couldn't be doing things in the village while other players were doing other things. The most people I think I'd be comfortable with as a regular group would be eight, though at the moment there's only two people expressing an interest and I can work with that too.
One thing I've decided is that unless someone comes up with an objection quickly this will be set in the Realms. The location is going to be a village near the Westwood, about 50 miles north of Waterdeep. The year will be 1372DR, so just a little before the current timeline. However, it's a small enough place that a lot of events will pass by, unless the PCs get involved.
Before I go on holiday (next week - 10th of August) I'll try to get some basic information out. At least a list of the important NPCs and of family names. For the NPCs it will say who they are, what they do, and some indication of their personality. For families it will say who the most prominent family member is (if it isn?t one of the NPCs), what they do (farming, shepherds, foresters, etc), and which other families they get on well with and which ones they dislike. If your character is going to be local, it?d be useful if you picked one of these families to come from. While I will add details to the families, keeping some vague gives more flexibility with plots. If anyone wants to describe their own family in detail that will be fine, though it has been known for family members to keep secrets that only the DM knows.

Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 03 August 2006 - 01:47 AM
Your choice is fine with me. I was thinking about a half-elf fighter/theif but I am not too sure about the theif part.
Posted 03 August 2006 - 03:37 AM
I've been looking through the deities, and if I have a cleric here's some thoughts. Tyr, Oghma, Tymora, or Kelemvor. Though Lathander, Llira, or Waukeen might all work too.
Would you have a preference.
Edited by Kael, 03 August 2006 - 03:40 AM.
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 03 August 2006 - 04:08 AM
Posted 03 August 2006 - 05:19 AM
In other words.
Cleric- Human or Half-Elf
Bard- Any
Druid-Human, maybe Half-Elf or Halfling
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 03 August 2006 - 05:35 AM
Posted 03 August 2006 - 08:52 AM
Perhaps we could pm Celestine Mythrantar, Cantrip, and Oralpain since they all expressed interest and let them know something is happening.
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 03 August 2006 - 10:04 AM

Posted 03 August 2006 - 10:28 AM
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 03 August 2006 - 09:05 PM

Posted 03 August 2006 - 09:42 PM
I'm back. Yeah I'm interested in the mage role. =) Do I get a choice to pick the race? I want to be an elf, yeah no surprise there.
You create your own character, check a few posts above, bluenose gave a rundown of the setting.
Posted 04 August 2006 - 12:45 AM
I'm back. Yeah I'm interested in the mage role. =) Do I get a choice to pick the race? I want to be an elf, yeah no surprise there.
Hi there. As Ronin says you can play whatever you want. An elf probably won't be a local resident, but there's no reason you can't play one. You might plausibly be an apprentice of the local wizard, if you want, in which case you'd know most things the others would, or you could just be visiting. And I do plan on giving people certain bits of information that others won't know, so an elf wizard might have some interesting knowledge.
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 04 August 2006 - 12:48 AM
Campaign name: Local Heroes
Rules System: D&D 3.5 edition with any Forgotten Realms additions.
Posting Schedule: DM posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ? player posts can be in response to these or can be interaction between players or between players and minor NPCs, though interaction with NPCs should stay with NPCs established characters.
Setting: A farming and logging village called Barnoldswick approximately 50 miles from Waterdeep on the edge of the Westwood. The starting year is 1372DR.
Character creation. Starting characters are 1st level and generated using the point-buy system with 28 points available. Acceptable options include anything in the PHB, DMG, the Complete? series of books, and the Players Guide to Faerun. If you wish to use something from another source, please contact me first to discuss this.
Maximum number of players: 6. Kael and Ronin69hof and Celestine have already expressed interest and will be in if they want, so that leaves 3 possible places.
Information about Barnoldswick.
Barnoldswick sits in an mainly flat region about 50 miles north of Waterdeep and on the Eastern fringe of the Westwood forest. About a mile inside the forest is a spring sacred to Eldath where a group of druids live. This spring is the source of the Redwater stream that runs past the village. Standing about a mile from the forest is an isolated copse and once a season a dozen druids and other followers of Silvanus travel there for a ritual, but otherwise people can?t seem to find there way in. There?s a small hill just North of the village that has a ruined and reputedly haunted watchtower.
Most of the population of 450 adults is human but there is a significant halfling minority that has more wealth than most of the humans realise. A dwarf family runs the local inn, and an extended family of gnomes run a store. No elves currently live in Barnoldswick, but a small number of half-elves have been born here.
The village has an important furniture business that sells high quality furniture to important families in Waterdeep. In addition because much of the timber and some of the farm produce is transported to Waterdeep, several barns have been converted for storage. Visitors either stay at the Sturdy Inn, run by dwarfs, or can sleep in local families homes or outbuildings for a small fee or a willingness to do some work in exchange. There is a shrine to Chauntea which is regularly visited by priests from the nearby temple-farm of Goldenfields; and another to Lurue which was established after a reported visitation by the goddess and which is somewhat neglected in comparison. A gnome family and their human rivals run two general stores.
Local authority figures are the Speaker, elected by acclamation at the annual harvest festival. The position is currently held by Cobhran Wenneman. Other important people include the bitter rivals Cornaghan Tarnithson and Alithea Corven, the heads of two prominent local families. The local watch is commanded by Geraint Strongdagger, a former member of Waterdeep?s City Guard.
Other important local figures include Orack Rockcrusher, the dwarf who owns the local inn; Benen Macenteth, a former adventuring bard who runs the Jovial Jongleur tavern; the local ranger Cantara Longeye, who is noted for disappearing for long periods at irregular intervals; Breadan Elmwood, an aging wizard who has retired to his families home but who still takes an apprentice; Adaelos Hawkwinter, a Waterdhavian noble who buys timber and farm produce and arranges for it to be shipped to Waterdeep; the gnome Falrinn Tavartarr and the human Bran Landerson, rival shopkeepers; and the halfling Tara Hardingdale, probably the most respected halfling villager.
Barnoldswick is a small place, somewhat off the main trade routes, which attracts relatively few visitors. The major events of the Realms may pass it by, but things happen even in small places and that gives people a chance to become Local Heroes.
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 04 August 2006 - 02:33 AM
Posted 04 August 2006 - 05:00 AM
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan