While, in the light of his biography, I would say that dex, con and cha are ok, I would say that wisdom definetely needs to be raised. Generally, I would avoid stats below 8 altogether, because under 8 means something bad happened to the character (the stat is below average, which is 8-13). Also, I would increase his strength with 1-2 points, because I understand he is a very good swordsman, and a 12 Str would make him a little bit too weak.
Other comments ?
And, btw, I see no problems with his intelligence. Rogues can be smart and cunning.
About charisma, it's a fine with me, but Seb should post what charisma represents in Khadion's case. Charisma can be used for many things : leadership abilities, but also looks. There are clues which point in one direction, but also to the other. While Khadion has a lot of success with girls (the dream of every maiden, so he says, hehe), it's not very clear how good he is as a leader.
Edited by Feanor, 05 December 2005 - 01:32 PM.