After a recent discussion on the Refinement authors' mailing list, both my comrades (TGM and Littiz) expressed concern about the fact that they won't, unfortunately, be able to devote much time and energy to modding, something that sadly had been already been in the air for a little time.
However, even though the comments that come with each update and the number of posts this forum makes us think that our work is well-appreciated and of good quality, it hasn't yet reached a somewhat final state. It's still a lot limited when compared with the todo list, which probably won't be fullfilled in a short time spawn anyhow. That said, there are a small number of components which we feel are necessary to be added for the mod to reach an even better shape than now:
- the BlackGuard kit, as a counterpart to the Sword Angel; see this thread: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=11894.
- the Improved Five + Gromnir, to make at least these opponents use the HLA abilities from our pool, see this thread: http://www.shsforums...?showtopic=8551.
So, considering thse two factors, we have agreed to start looking for additional team members, to help us achieve a `finalized' version of our mod, while unfortunately TGM and Littiz won't be able to do anything but offer technical advice and contribute to discussions. Of course, you'll receive full author status and have your share when taking decisions about the mod.
So, we are looking for people who have these kind of abilities:
- Somebody able to make BAMs (creating one BAM for each ability or HLA for the kit, plus extracting or manipulating the visuals from other games, is a bit too much for the SES, even if they made BAMs).
- One or two miscellaneous coders, for all different kinds of needs (the usual files: ITM, SPL, CRE, BCS, EFF, at times also PRO and VVC files). We don't need a lot of experience on your part as this is mostly a matter of time, rather than leet tricks, so if you're interest submit your application even if you're still in the learning - there are plenty of helpful people around here, and my comrades are quite expert in this field and should be able to offer advice on particularly nasty problems.
- Some AI scripter for the Five. Differently from the above item in the list, this is an expertise work (EG being able to write intelligent, efficient and non cheesy AI scripts), so, if you aren't at least a bit expert, you may be in for a steep learning curve (however, there are still people willing to help around everywhere, so feel free to submit your application in any event - just be warned that you might find the first times a little difficult).
- A writer the Sword Angel NPC (banters, interjections, a quest...). While this isn't as 'needed' as the other roles, if anybody is interested in making an extremely good NPC give us a shout.
- A d-coder for the Sword Angel NPC (depending on finding a writer).
If you're interested in joining, post here (or PM either me, TGM or Littiz) saying so, and giving an e-mail; you'll receive shortly after an invitation to join the Refinements Yahoo! group and from then on you're in

Thanks for any cooperation you might offer and for your time reading this,
The Bigg (on behalf of the current authors)