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Pelltar does not show up

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#1 -Atamair-

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 06:52 AM

Hi there.

I'm having quite a problem. I wanted to start the SoB story, but no one is showing up at the temple of Lathander. No Pelltar or anything. Anyone got any idea of what I can do? Maybe summon using the console or?


#2 kharan5876

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 07:37 AM

Have you finished the nashkel mines? Also I think you have to go see him before clearing the bandit camp but not sure.

#3 -Guest-

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 07:50 AM

I have finished the mines, yes. And I did go see him right after, before entering the bandit camp. Now, I'm in Baldur's Gate, but I wonder, whether it is still possible for me to play SoB? And what could be the problem?

#4 -Atamair-

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 08:12 AM

I have now managed to use the console to find my way to Restenford. As soon as I arrive to Restenford, Pelltar says: "Here we are. Welcome to Restenford." etc...
Do you think I can continue SoB now? I never did talk to Pelltar outside the temple of Lathander after all. But maybe that doesn't care?

#5 ronin

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 09:37 AM

sounds ok, he said what he should when you arrive the normal way.


#6 -Guest-

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 09:58 AM

Well, I think I'll it this way then. See if it works..
Thanks anyway..

#7 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 01:51 PM

Pelltar appears based on what chapter you are in. He will not appear until the Bandit Camp chapter begins (after finishing the Naskell mines). So after Chapter 3 is finished. He will stay until Chapter 5 (Cloakwood Mines). He should leave after that.

You have to complete the first mod (L1 - The Secret of BoneHill) in order to do the second mod (L2 - The Assassin's Knot). The second mod takes place after you leave the Candlekeep crypts. It will not happen if you didn't perform the first quest.

Pelltar may have left the temple if your Chapter number is wrong or too high. Otherwise, he should have been there. Jumping to BH0100 (Restenford) is fine also, though you shouldn't have needed to.

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#8 -Guest-

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 02:28 AM

Hi there.

I'm having quite a problem. I wanted to start the SoB story, but no one is showing up at the CLathander. No Pelltar or anything. Anyone got any idea of what I can do? Maybe summon using the console or?


:wacko: Same problem here. I have always wanted to play this mod (heck the module too from back in the good old days but not one of my friends owned it) do you have to go straight to the temple after you finish the Nashkell mines or what!!! does anyone respond to these forum messages???

#9 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 05:35 AM

Several of us respond to them daily. I am not sure why you feel you need to write your message that way. <_<

Pelltar will only appear if the Nashkel mines are done (Chapter 4) and will leave if you are heading to Candlekeep (Chapter 7). Therefore, you can do the Bonehill mod anytime during the Bandit Camp, Cloakwood Mines, or Baldur's Gate (first time) parts of the mod.

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#10 earhug

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 06:37 PM

Hi there.

I'm having quite a problem. I wanted to start the SoB story, but no one is showing up at the temple of Lathander. No Pelltar or anything. Anyone got any idea of what I can do? Maybe summon using the console or?


I know Billybob is saying Nashkel but he only turned up when the after the bandit camp bit for me

#11 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 05:56 AM

Are you saying that you completed the Band Camp or started the Bandit Camp? The issue is related to the chapter ending for Nashkel (which should trigger when you pick up the paperwork from Mulahey's chest).

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#12 Azazello


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Posted 18 December 2005 - 10:36 PM

SBB, what's the reason for closing off Bonehill at all? I was hoping to do it after TotSC (Ulgoth's Beard and everything). Plot, maybe, or tis a spoiler?

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Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#13 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 11:59 AM

I close it because the second part can't be done until you do the first part. I can push the second part further back but Tutu and BGT don't run the TotSC in the same order (TotSC is done after Saverok's death in BGT).

Other reason is that the mod was designed for level 3-5 PCs and being a level 9 fighter would be a joke for you to even bother with this. Most of the enemies are gnolls, orcs, hobgoblins, and some bandits. Not exactly hard work to someone that can toss 3 or 4 fireballs without resting.

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#14 cujo

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Posted 20 December 2005 - 02:17 AM

I know Billybob is saying Nashkel but he only turned up when the after the bandit camp bit for me

Are you playing TuTu v6 Beta? It has a problem with the chapters and might be related to this issue.

I close it because the second part can't be done until you do the first part. I can push the second part further back but Tutu and BGT don't run the TotSC in the same order (TotSC is done after Saverok's death in BGT).

IIRC in BGT Zeta TotSC is not done after Saverok's death any more.

#15 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 20 December 2005 - 07:43 AM

Well I haven't downloaded Zeta nor v6 of Tutu. The chapter issue in Tutu would cause problems for this mod.

I still don't plan to change the timing of BoneHill's parts. The fights are way too easy if you are that far into the game. The L series of mods are actually for a starting party. I made it harder to match a team that would be higher level. But an orc is an orc. Other than throwing orc shamans or some other difficult spellcaster into the mix, I think you will find the second part of BoneHill very boring if you attempt it at TotSC.

There is a third mod to the set, L3 which at some day in the future I may create. If so, that one would be done at TotSC. Don't look for it anytime soon. I have plenty of other projects to work on right now.

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#16 Vlad

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Posted 24 December 2005 - 08:47 AM

SBB, to my great sorrow Pelltar didn't show up either in AR9300 nor in AR9302 neihter in Chapter 4 after exiting Nashkel Mines before entering Bandit Camp, nor before entering Candlekeep... I have to confirm that this is the major bug in your TP2. I've chekced AR9300 and AR9302 in NI and found no scripts AR9300.BCS and AR9302.BCS installed. These scripts are written in the area files but DO NOT EXIST. You assume in yout TP2 that they DO exist, and this is the origin of this bug.

PRINT ~BGT-Weidu installed, installing BGT files~
COPY ~Bonehill\BGT\ARE~ ~override~
COMPILE ~Bonehill\BGT\d~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR9302.bcs~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/AR9302.bcs~
COPY_EXISTING ~AR9300.are~ ~override/AR9300.are~
WRITE_ASCII 0x94 ~AR9300~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR9300.bcs~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/AR9300.bcs~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR7223.bcs~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/AR7223.bcs~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR7800.bcs~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/AR7800.bcs~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR6526.BCS~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/AR6526.BCS~

COPY_EXISTING and EXTEND_BOTTOM doesn't work in this case. Sorry. You should COMPILE these scripts if they do not exist. Please add the additional block for checking this in your TP2.

I would recommend the following scheme:

COPY_EXISTING ~AR9302.bcs~ ~override/AR9302.bcs~
EXTEND_TOP ~AR9302.bcs~ ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/sAR9302.bcs~
COPY ~bonehill/BGT/BCS/sAR9302.bcs~ ~override/AR9302.bcs~

where sAR9302.bcs has a script for appearance of Pelltar.

Here is screenshot of NI.

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Edited by Vlad, 24 December 2005 - 11:18 AM.

#17 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 26 December 2005 - 10:57 AM


I use the same method for DSotSC and NTotSC and they will add my chunks of code even with the script doesn't already exist.

For DSotSC:

EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR9302.bcs~ ~DSotSC/BAF/Area/AR9302.BCS~

I don't even change the ARE file in this case because BGT-Weidu already has the ARE file pointing to a non-existing AR9302.BCS file. So when I install DSotSC, the only AR9302.BCS file is what I extend_bottom with. Therefore, I am not sure why this isn't working for just installing BoneHill. Since I usually install DSotSC, NTotSC, and BoneHill, I may not see this problem.

Also, I use the Extend_bottom on all other area scripts for other mods, i.e. Exnem and BG1NPC, and even if the area script doesn't exist prior to mod installation, they do now.

BoneHill is done differently than the others because of the check for Tutu vs. BGT. So perhaps something else in the TP2 file is causing this problem. I will have to see if I can replicate this issue you are seeing.

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#18 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 28 December 2005 - 05:16 AM


I use the same method for DSotSC and NTotSC and they will add my chunks of code even with the script doesn't already exist.

For DSotSC:

EXTEND_BOTTOM ~AR9302.bcs~ ~DSotSC/BAF/Area/AR9302.BCS~

I don't even change the ARE file in this case because BGT-Weidu already has the ARE file pointing to a non-existing AR9302.BCS file. So when I install DSotSC, the only AR9302.BCS file is what I extend_bottom with. Therefore, I am not sure why this isn't working for just installing BoneHill. Since I usually install DSotSC, NTotSC, and BoneHill, I may not see this problem.

Also, I use the Extend_bottom on all other area scripts for other mods, i.e. Exnem and BG1NPC, and even if the area script doesn't exist prior to mod installation, they do now.

BoneHill is done differently than the others because of the check for Tutu vs. BGT. So perhaps something else in the TP2 file is causing this problem. I will have to see if I can replicate this issue you are seeing.

I have to agree with SirBillyBob, and I base my opinion on results. I have both SoBH and DSotSC installed, both mods using his .tp2 method. My AR9302.BCS contains the needed code from both mods, visually inspected.

#19 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 28 December 2005 - 07:41 AM

Is there a possible glitch in Weidu that sometimes this doesn't work right? I have used this method to install the scripts since the very beginning of these mods. Once in awhile someone always says the scripts aren't there. So it makes me wonder about this.

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