Well, now I have some bit of a problem:
Position: On my way to Amkethran, done WK with successfully solving the Deva Quest (made a new creature out of Deva and Demon)..with a NG half-elven Skald.
Problem: Jaheira forces me to decide between Irenicus and her, because it seems like I failed to "make an impression" on him. Shit,shit...
Well, I took a look in my game with shadowkeeper (dang that I can't do anything else with it if LR is installed, but whatever) and found out that my Redemption Score is at -1003!
Well, I managed to redeem Irenicus once before, so I have the idea how to talk to Irenicus - so I am wondering wether how I got THAT utterly bad or wether this is some kind of bug?
I'd be very thankful of someone can help me fix or circumvent that...