For any WeiDU errors please post the error message from the DEBUG.
Posted 10 October 2005 - 04:30 PM
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show
Posted 10 October 2005 - 07:30 PM
Posted 10 October 2005 - 08:19 PM
Posted 10 October 2005 - 08:42 PM
Posted 11 October 2005 - 12:29 AM
how come you always look so damn cool in every photo I see you in?!?
Speaking of modding, I listened to IER 3 yesterday, so you can have another quote for your signature: how come you sound so damn cool, as well as look it? It's unfair. Seriously.
Posted 11 October 2005 - 01:04 AM
Posted 11 October 2005 - 02:15 AM
I tried to enter ARJZ00 through AR0709 (crashed the game), than using CLUAConsole (same outcome). To make long story short, there was no ARJZ00.tis file in override (but there was ARJZ00.tiz instead). Had to unpack ARJZ00.tiz manually. Seems to work now (have just entered JZ's studio).
This appears to be the same issue; the installation somehow stopped before the tiz was unpacked and the oggs converted. Likewise, you probably haven't seen the movie.And a question: there are no new .WAV files in the override, but lots of .OGGs.
How come? Yet voices in the game seem to sound. Weird, isn't it?
Can you tell me which episode it was?I’ve just played through JZ’s shows which do not require Aerie and others and got these messages in dialogues:
ActionErrors:-Action: SetCutSceneLite not found. Check for proper brackets. Line Number:4
Nothing crashed , there was just a slight pause.
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 October 2005 - 04:20 AM
Typo in a dialogue:
Newb - You have some wierd people on, huh?
Thanks all who found typos2 typos:
@206 = ~I think we can learn a lot from today. Restraint and tolderance are very important [...]
@623 = ~Maria, this is merely a military expediency for the purpose of comfort and hygeine!~
Also, there's something I'm not sure about:
@616 = ~So those lacey red panties I ordered from Calimshite, with the peekaboo panels that I thought Vesper stole?~
Shouldn't it say "Calimshan"?
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show
Posted 11 October 2005 - 05:29 AM
The error (which also appears in Hubelpot and other mods, albeit I never got around to reporting that) may be that youI tried to enter ARJZ00 through AR0709 (crashed the game), than using CLUAConsole (same outcome). To make long story short, there was no ARJZ00.tis file in override (but there was ARJZ00.tiz instead). Had to unpack ARJZ00.tiz manually. Seems to work now (have just entered JZ's studio).
This appears to be the same issue; the installation somehow stopped before the tiz was unpacked and the oggs converted. Likewise, you probably haven't seen the movie.And a question: there are no new .WAV files in the override, but lots of .OGGs.
How come? Yet voices in the game seem to sound. Weird, isn't it?
Why this is, I don't know. I checked, double-checked and triple-checked the installation procedure before releasing the mod.
Instead of pressing [Enter] when
Press ENTER to exit."
maybe you closed the window instead? If so, the installation couldn't call upon the batch files handling the unpacking, decoding and movie-tweaking. Does it sound familiar, or did you see all the oggs being decoded?
Posted 11 October 2005 - 05:42 AM
I never did reflect over that line. I believe it's been with me for so long that I've stopped thinking about what it actually does. I'll look into it - thanks.The error (which also appears in Hubelpot and other mods, albeit I never got around to reporting that) may be that you
AT_UNINSTALL ~uninstall.bat~
whereas they have both to be INTERACTIVE [or both non-INTERACTIVE]. Otherwise, if the mod gets uninstalled and reinstalled via WeiDU operating on a previous mod, the files get deleted and don't reappear, making TIS, OGG etc. files disappear.
Yes, I'm well aware. I specifically designed it this way.Also, the bats can be put inside the mod directory, and still be executed with working directory = bg2 main dir, rather than using the ugly workaround with all inlined files and COPY +.
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 October 2005 - 05:52 AM
copy Setup-JZ.exe JZMovie.exe JZMovie --make-biff JZMovie del JZMovie.exe
if not exist setup-rtw.exe goto nosetup_rtw copy setup-rtw.exe rtwbiff.exe rtwbiff --make-biff rtwtiz rtwbiff --make-biff rtwwav del rtwbiff.exe goto end_biff :nosetup_rtw weidu --make-biff rtwtiz weidu --make-biff rtwwav :end_biff
Posted 11 October 2005 - 05:56 AM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 October 2005 - 06:08 AM
Posted 11 October 2005 - 06:14 AM
Hah! I knew it!I didn't bother picking up Viconia, nor saving/killing her when I entered JZ's show. When she was summoned in one of the scenes, she first said her "staked" message. ("Shar, my deliverance is in your hands... wait! I recognize you!", and it was voiced too.)
After that, she continued with her JZ dialogue.
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 October 2005 - 06:31 AM
CheersThe error (which also appears in Hubelpot and other mods, albeit I never got around to reporting that) may be that you
AT_UNINSTALL ~uninstall.bat~
whereas they have both to be INTERACTIVE [or both non-INTERACTIVE]. Otherwise, if the mod gets uninstalled and reinstalled via WeiDU operating on a previous mod, the files get deleted and don't reappear, making TIS, OGG etc. files disappear.
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show
Posted 11 October 2005 - 10:44 AM
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show
Posted 11 October 2005 - 01:42 PM
Instead of pressing [Enter] when
Press ENTER to exit."
maybe you closed the window instead?
Posted 11 October 2005 - 01:49 PM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 October 2005 - 02:21 PM
Well done. Though frankly, I've always thought that having all files in mod directory but onlyDon't worry, I know what I'm doing. I'm not throwing in batch commands in a tp2 just for the fun of it, you know.
It's called inlining a .bat file (or 'invisible bats'), and I wrote a tutorial on the subject here.
[ActionErrors:-Action: SetCutSceneLite not found. Check for proper brackets.Can you tell me which episode it was?