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Readme - Jerry Zinger
<a name="top" id="top"></a>
<div id="headerdiv-top">
The Jerry Zinger Show<br />
<span id="headerdiv-top-fw">A Spellhold Studios mod</span>
<div id="headerdiv-middle">
<span class="headerdiv-line">Authors: <a href="mailto:sconrad@spellholdstudios.net">SConrad</a>
and <a href="shed@spellholdstudios.net">Shed</a></span> |
<span class="headerdiv-line"><a href="http://www.shsforums...?showforum=200" target="_blank">Forum</a></span> |
<span class="headerdiv-line"><a href="http://www.spellhold...studios.net/jz" target="_blank">Mod homepage</a></span> |
<span class="headerdiv-line">Version: 1</span>
<div id="headerdiv-bottom">
<a href="#intro">Introduction</a> | <a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
<a href="#components">Components</a> | <a href="#faq">FAQ</a> |
<a href="#version">Version history</a> | <a href="#credits">Credits</a> |
<a href="#tools">Tools Used in Creation</a>
</div><a name="intro" id="intro"></a>
<div id="maindiv">
The Jerry Zinger Show allows the PC and his companions to view (and take part in) the live talk show of Jerry
Zinger, well known Amnish celebrity! Shows are daily, and executed largely by cutscenes. The programme is as follows:
<div class="divimp">
<li>"My ex is an evil mastermind"</li>
<li>"Racial tension" (Korgan)</li>
<li>"Leaving with my lover"</li>
<li>"Families Reunited" (Aerie)</li>
<li>No name</li>
<li>"Knights who wear Lingerie and and the women who love them" (Keldorn)</li>
<li>"Latex Gnomes"</li>
<li>"My husband's mistress" (Keldorn)</li>
<li>"Who's your daddy?" (Aerie)</li>
Note that the episodes featuring a NPC are only viewable if the NPC is currently in the party, and not dead. The other episodes are viewable no
matter what party you have. You will not be able to choose which episode to view. They will display in the given order where possible.
<b>Fully Fledged Introduction Movie!</b><br />
SConrad and Jezil'jin have together created an introduction movie, and with SConrad's pioneering technique it has been included in the mod.
<b>New Area!</b><br />
A new area based on the Playhouse, made by BLUE_CHIP, is included in the mod. This area is the Jerry Zinger Studio where the episodes play out. The Jerry Zinger Studio is available through the the Den of Seven Vales, the inn north of the Circus in Waukeen's Promenade. The entrance is located on the south-east wall of the first floor of the inn, just slightly to the right of the point where you first enter the Den of Seven Vales.
<b>Comprehensive Voicing!</b><br />
Jerry Zinger is voiced by TheWizard, and SConrad and Seifer are also voicing themselves. Aerie's (two) fathers, Sir William of Thorpe, and Rumar are voiced by Shed and Tris.
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Introduction</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="installation" id="installation"></a>
<div class="divimp">
The Jerry Zinger Show is packaged and installed with <a href="http://www.weidu.org....org">WeiDU</a>
and is distributed as a NSIS-installer. To install, simply double-click the <b>JZ-v1.exe</b> and follow the
instructions on screen.
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Installation</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="components" id="components"></a>
There is one optional component in the Jerry Zinger Show.
<div class="divimp">
Remove Delay Between Episodes<br />
<i>This will remove the necessity to wait one day of game time between watching each episode.</i>
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Components</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="faq" id="faq"></a>
Frequently Asked Questions
<span class="faq-q">Q: How do I experience the Jerry Zinger mod?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: The content of this mod occurs in the new area which can be accessed through the Den of Seven Vales, the inn north of the Circus in Waukeen's Promenade. The entrance to the new area is located on the south-east wall of the first floor of the inn, just slightly to the right of the point where you first enter the area.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: Hey, what's this? I thought this was a place for mods for the BG universe? How did I get here?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: No, you're in the right place. This IS a mod for the BG II game.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: Well, who is this 'Jerry Zinger', and what does he do? Is he related to the Jansen clan?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: No, he's a half-elf, and a famous television personality in Amn. He has a daily, er, 'talk show' dedicated to the ills of Western society.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: Oh, I see... He tries to help people.</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: No, he exploits them.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: Just where did you come up with this insane idea?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: The idea was originally developed by MorningGlory but due to various circumstances,
she were unable to continue the work. This resulted in Shed and SConrad taking over the project.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: What if I don't know about The Jerry Springer Show, Mr. Smarty Pants? Why should I care about this mod?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: Mocking other's problems and situations in a humorous is an age-old mechanism of the theatre.
Plus, the original show is to be taken about as seriously as will be our mod.
Rumour has it that the show's absurdity is actually scripted, but we have been assured that is a false allegation,
and that it portrays real people with real problems.</span>
Jerry Springer actually appears around the world. Might not air in Tibet, however.
Check out the official Jerry Springer website if you've been living in Tibet and haven't heard of it.
And, of course, check out your local television listings for both daytime television and night-time viewing.
Check out the <a href="http://www.jerryspri...r.com">official web site</a> for the show: You'll have to register if you want to peak behind the main menu.
And, there are numerous other sites you can come up with through google, if you have an interest.
<span class="faq-q">Q: They didn't even HAVE television in Faerun! How are you gonna get around that one?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: They did have theaters, however. The equivalent of a studio, per se.
And, I doubt if they had hot tubs in Faerun, either, but in the BG II game, I distinctly remember one in Aran Linvail's suite at the Shadow Thieves headquarters.
So, who knows? Maybe the Jansens have the first television in Faerun. We all know how inventive Jan can be.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: So, are you gonna have just one giant cut-scene, or what?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: No, the original show is a daily show, and we are going to attempt to do that, too.
A blend of cut-scenes and some interactive stuff as well. Want the player to get in on the action, too, you know.</span>
<span class="faq-q">Q: Hey, before I forget.. Just who's working on this piece of insanity?</span><br />
<span class="faq-a">A: The team is headed by Shed and SConrad. A full list listing everyone's contributions will be available in the <a href=#credits>Credits</a></span>
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Frequently Asked
Questions</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="version" id="version"></a>
Version History
<p class="version">
Changes from Beta:
<ul class="version-list">
<li>First Release
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Version History</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="credits" id="credits"></a>
<div class="divimp">
<i>Starring:</i><br />
<a href="mailto:rdupuis@patmedia.net">TheWizard</a> as the voice of Jerry Zinger<br /><br />
<i>Production Design by</i><br />
BLUE_CHIP<br /><br />
<i>Directors of Photography</i><br />
<a href="mailto:sconrad@spellholdstudios.net">SConrad</a> and jeziljin<br /><br />
<i>Sound Production by</i><br />
Tris <br /><br />
<i>Written by</i><br />
Beyshaliban<br />
<a href="mailto:shed@spellholdstudios.net">Shed</a><br />
Userunfriendly<br /><br />
<i>Produced by</i><br />
<a href="mailto:sconrad@spellholdstudios.net">SConrad</a><br /><br />
<i>Directed by</i><br />
<a href="mailto:shed@spellholdstudios.net">Shed</a><br /><br />
<i>With the Voices of</i><br />
<a href="mailto:rdupuis@patmedia.net">TheWizard</a></a> as Jerry Zinger<br />
<a href="mailto:sconrad@spellholdstudios.net">SConrad</a> and <a href="mailto:olryx2@yahoo.co.uk">Seifer</a> as themselves.<br />
Tris as Aerie's father and Sir William of Thorpe<br />
<a href="mailto:shed@spellholdstudios.net">Shed</a> as Aerie's real father and Rumar<br />
<p class="faq-q">
We'd like to thank the following people:
<ul class="version-list">
<li>Jerry Springer
<li>Dave Matthews Band
<li>Monty Python
This mod may be freely distributed, but it may not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of its authors.<br />
Copyright © Sebastian Conrad and Edward Plant 2005.<br />
The Jerry Zinger Show is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare or Black Isle.<br />
The Jerry Zinger Show is not developed, supported, or endorsed by Jerry Springer or NBC Universal Television.<br />
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Credits</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>
<a name="tools"id="tools"></a>
Tools Used in Creation
<a href="http://www.weidu.org...org/">WeiDU</a> by Westley Weimer<br />
<a href="http://www.idi.ntnu..../~joh/ni/">Near Infinity</a> by Jon Olav Hauglid<br />
<a href="http://www.dragonlan...d=9">DLTCEP</a> by Avenger<br />
<a href="http://infexp.source....net/">Infinity Explorer</a> by Dmitry Jemerov<br />
<a href="http://www.clandlan....rror">IETME</a> by the TBG team<br />
<a href="http://return0.pisem...i2mve.html">AVI to Interplay MVE converter</a> by ABel<br />
<a href="http://mediasoftware...mily.asp">Vegas 5</a> by Sony Pictures Digital Inc.<br />
<a href="http://www.context.c...x/">ConTEXT</a> by Eden Kirin - used with the highlighters made by Idobek and Gebhard Blucher<br />
<a href="http://www.ultraedit...ltraEdit-32</a> by IDM - used with the highlighters made by Shed<br />
<a href="http://iesdp.gibberl...net/">IESDP</a> maintained by igi<br />
<a href="http://nsis.sourcefo....net/">NSIS</a> by Justin Frankel
<span class="address-footer-1">THE JERRY ZINGER SHOW > Tools Used in Creation</span>
<a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a>

JZ Readme
Started by SConrad, Oct 10 2005 03:36 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 10 October 2005 - 03:36 PM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 30 March 2009 - 03:47 AM
Yikari, monk NPC
Shed's Mods - Three time TeamBG Contest winner!
The Jerry Zinger Show