This is done without permission. Sorry if I am stepping on your toes, SConrad.
Since I was having to redownload all my NPC mods (about the only ones I did not keep on disk as they are almost always works in progress), and I decided to re-fix the readme in his IM6 entry, which is more bug-fixed then the previous versions. If you would like to use this, copy it to notepad, name it SC#IM6, and place it in your SC#Hub folder. I made minor updates to the readme, as it refrenced the kit not being avialable. If you are looking for this version of the kit, check Moongaze and Greyfain's posts about which version.
Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant NPC-mod
For BGII ? SOA and ToB
BobTokyo, SConrad
Version 1.0b
Table of Contents
I. About
II. Installation
III. Hubelpot
IV. Known Bugs and Compatibility
V. Credits
VI. Version history
VII. Links
VIII. Copyright/Redistribution
Section I. About
This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is a joinable druid-NPC.
You can find Hubelpot in Enge?s fruit and vegetable shop in the Promenade (he?s leasing the space).
Section II. Installation
It's a WeiDU-mod, which means that you unzip the file to your BGII-directory, click the
SETUP-Hubelpot.exe and choose the 'Yes'- option to install.
The mod will have three components, first Hubelpot and then two optional kits for Hubelpot, the Village
Druid and the Vegetable Farmer. You may only install one of those.
Section III. Hubelpot
Hubelpot started out as a joke, turned into a one day NPC, then a one week NPC, and is now an NPC
project. Let this be a lesson to all of you never, ever to tell a joke under any circumstances, ever.
The challenge was to create an NPC free from tainted blood, dark secrets, mental illness, etc, etc. The NPC
would not step on CHARNAME's lines, would not be a power-gamer's dream, and would be fun to have in
the party. What we came up with was Hubelpot.
Hubelpot features around 30 banters, none of them breaking the 4th wall, and none of them featuring the
word "turnip". He interacts with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok. In TOB he?s still fairly quiet, only
speaking up when called, with Volo and at the end of TOB; he does have an epilogue. If there is an
expansion, more TOB dialog will be added.
Hubelpot is by default a Totemic Druid. The village wise man who can call spirits to aid his people is well
established in folkloric tradition, and fits Hubelpot well enough. He also has two kit options; The Village
Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a
powerful kit with high comic relief value. Both of the new kits are NPC only, and both are fairly well
balanced compared to other BG2 kits.
From a play value point of view, Hubelpot adds one quest with an unusual reward. As a single class druid
with a unique item and a few kit options, he starts off able to survive and contribute and will be roughly as
powerful as most of the Bioware NPCs by the end of the game.
We hope you'll like him.
Section IV. Known Bugs
This mod has not yet been thoroughly tested, so there is a possibility of bugs. The mod should be
compatible with any other mod, since we have tried not to interfere with other mods, or the main story-line.
Some people have reported Hubelpot?s horn as non-functional; make sure you have rested at least once
before you try to use it. If it still doesn?t work, CLUA in
RN2 and try that. If that doesn?t work, please tell us.
This mod is not tested without ToB, and we cannot be sure whether the effects used by any of our custom
spells or items require ToB. If you are a SoA-player only, please report to us if it works or not.
If you find a bug or a compatibility issue, please drop a line at:
- the official Hubelpot forum.
Alternatively, you can mail SConrad at:
We do, however, prefer if you use the forum.
Section V. Credits
Team Leaders:
- BobTokyo, SConrad
Concept and Head Writer:
- BobTokyo
King of All Code:
- SConrad
Main Writers:
- BobTokyo, Domi, MajorTomSawyer, Beyshaliban, NotMrT
Proofreading, Ideas and General Guidance:
- Beyshaliban, Domi, Morning Glory, SConrad, Thrain, NotMrT
Art and graphics:
- Sir-Kill, Khayman, and Sol Ek Sa
Voice Actors:
- NotMrT
Bug Hunting:
- SConrad, BobTokyo, NotMrT, Shed
Special credits:
- Thanks to Terry Pratchett, a god among authors, and Heather Wood, multi-talented filk songstress, for
inspiration. For several versions of The Hedgehog Song and much more, please go to
- The team leaders also wish to credit everyone not mentioned who've contributed with ideas,
suggestions, help, response and encouragement. This has meant a lot to us. Hubelpot wouldn't exist if it
weren't for you. Thank you!
Hubelpot came to life through these programs:
- WeiDU
- Near Infinity
- Infinity Explorer
- IE Creature Maker
- Sir-Kill's graphic programs: Jasc PaintShopPro 8, BamWorkshop 1.
Section VI. Version History
SC#IM6 - Bugfixes and now the Vegetable Merchant kit can be selected for Hublepot.
Version 1.0b - the beta version.
Section VII. Links
Hubelpot's own forum:
- http://forums.forgot...p?showforum=156
Forgotten Wars forums:
Sol Ek Sa:
- http://forums.forgot...p?showforum=147
Infinity Explorer:
IE Creature Maker:
- (currently down)
- (currently down)
IESDP - all modders bible:
- (currently down)
The Hedgehog Song:
Section VIII. Copyright/Redistribution
This mod may be freely distributed, but it may not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any
form without the consent of its authors.
Copyright © Robert Dorf and Sebastian Conrad 2004.
Hubelpot is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare or Interplay/Black Isle.
Hubelpot is not a tool of the devil. Hubelpot is not now nor has he ever been a communist. Hubelpot is not
down with his bad self. Hubelpot is not the walrus.
He is the vegetable man.

SC#IM6 Corrected Readme
Started by AnnabelleRose, Oct 06 2005 09:30 AM
No replies to this topic
Posted 06 October 2005 - 09:30 AM
- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.