Plasmocat :
If this is the kind of thing that needs to be written into the forum guidelines, that's something a little different than asking that someone reiterate what's been said in several different ways already. If that's what you mean, then your request takes on a slightly different direction.
Is that what you think should happen?
Plasmocat :
That's cool, however my question was actually directed at Zyraen. And it wasn't meant in the sense of asking his advice as much as it was a request for clarification of his comments.
As mentioned already, there have been plenty of allusions all in agreement, none of which seem direct enough, but this could be due to my poor grasp of the language.
Zyraen :
Perhaps I'm just too much into semantics, but so far *no one* on staff (I doubt JC, Sim and Ghrey are considered) has come out definitively and said that
"Deleting posts for no other reasons other than that the one who deleted it hates the poster is wrong."
Plasmocat :
said in several different ways already
Out of all these several different ways, I am not sure if there is even a SINGLE line that says explicitly, in no uncertain terms, that the Staff as a whole (and not just say, Shed as an individual. besides, just because a stand is reasonable doesn't actually mean that it is a stand that a person has committed to) finding either Dorotea's actions disagreeable, NOR condemning such actions (which would be a non-person-specific, non-case-specific stance, not directly related to Dorotea and JC).
In ALL of the lines, it seems, but it could just be me, that Staff stop SHORT of actually saying that such behaviour is not acceptable in the least (but I could simply be the draconian one here). "Relatively Minor Offence," "Dealt with" (leniently? harshly? to overlook is a form of dealing with things as well), the persistent refusal to condemn such actions (not the person, but the actions! let us be objective here...) allude to a possible tolerance of such behaviour, rather than what has been acknowledged to be reasonable (by Shed) "Whenever we can prevent it from happening, we will. And we will tell our hosted modders to try not to do so." which is a very definite, intolerance towards such actions. ( hmm I am wrong again it seems. it should be more intolerantly, dropping the "try", to be "modders to not do so." )
Shed :
Those who had received the complaint disagreed with JC that his case was valid.
Furthermore, assuming that "the relatively minor offence" "has been dealt with", why was this not reflected earlier to JC, so that this thread would have NEVER been made public? Instead, I understand from earlier postings in this thread that ALL 8 MODERATORS have told JC that his complaint was INVALID. If the complaint was Invalid, then there should never have been a "relatively minor offence" to be "dealt with." Which of course brings up the unspoken question - if this thread had never been created, would anything have been "dealt with" ? ( Oh but I forgot the part about shades of Grey... I've known myself to defend an offender in front of another person while privately telling the offender to not do that again... it's a neater way of dealing with things, yes?)
Still, it is probably, given the track record and all, that his complaint was INDEED invalid, but the point about considering "deleting posts for no other reasons other than that the one who deletes them hates the poster" as unacceptable behaviour stands. In that case, there is still no issue in condemning such behaviour - it only shows that the Studios Staff definitely do not tolerate such behaviour, but in this particular case, because JC's complaint was truly Invalid (after all, few of us have the details, and there is no proof), little/no action will be taken.
Perhaps I am the only one finding it disturbing that despite attempts to draw a non-person/case-specific, definite, explicit, collective stand on condemning the act of "deleting posts for no other reasons other than that the one who deletes them hates the poster", it has not yet materialised (that's my perspective). I may have missed it though, if it has already been made, so just feel free to quote one and set my heart at ease.
I would love to Conclude with a big
"WHAT is there to LOSE in condemning the deleting posts for no other reasons other than that the one who deletes them hates the poster?"BUT... I understand the
IE Community has a lot of stuff going on in the background (rumours say politicking is still an active pastime for some), so while it may *appear* to me that there is NO Reason why the Staff can't come straight out and say "Such actions are unacceptable", that might not ACTUALLY be the Case.
In any case, this will be a last, reasonable attempt to look forward to seeing an entirely reasonable statement put forward by an entirely reasonable staff condemning such unreasonable actions. Assuming that such a statement is not forthcoming, I can just assume that there IS something to Lose by making such a statement, that the Staff has difficulties and interests that we mortals are unaware of, and so are unable to commit as a whole to such a statement.
Alternatively, the real issue is probably ME in thinking that such actions are unacceptable, when in reality they actually are, and that would make me.. GASP! Draconian!
Oh man, what a bummer...
That being said, my voice is only my own, and there is no need to be too concerned about what I say. I have no stakes here, except that making further posts in here would probably make me less popular with Studios staff, many of which I have no interests in angering (right, as if I haven't already stepped on some toes in here...). I must admit though, it's quite fun to call Ghreyfain and JC dissenters, especially the latter with a terrible track record
It's something I won't get to do on
PPG much, I suspect, hehe.
It is entirely likely that anyone else who reads this thread would find the Studios Staff perfectly unanimous in denouncing in such "tyrannical" behaviour, and I am the only one who doesn't seem to get the message.
Edited by Zyraen, 27 September 2005 - 02:32 AM.