- 1 Writer.
Consider this "frozen" since we seem to have a valid "candidate", ATM. - 1 Dialogue coder,
to help me out with these damned .d files.
Be warned that RtW dialogue pathing is as intricated as it can get.
But, there's the chance of starting right now with an existing dialogue to update, and this is the best way to start, while I'm still drowning in a 40 pages long one - All_purpose_coder #1,
who would focus on scheduled issues, like needed cutscenes, area scripts, editing, monster spawning and such. - All_purpose_coder #2,
who would take a slower approach, taking the time to read through our plot docs, dialogues, and all, to understand the big picture. Then he should run through the existing builds to uncover problems, forgotten unfinished stuff, holes of any kind, and possibly take care of them.
Ok, all_purpose_coder #1 might even suffice, but I wouldn't take chances. - A separate team for the new NPC:
we need 2 helpers, here. We are considering the idea of aiming to a release without the NPC, and add it as a separate module when it's ready.
Of course, we would consider this a terrible sacrifice, since we all *love* the NPC, and we hold it as an integrated part of the mod under every aspect.
But, we must at least remove it from the list of open issues, and know, for our own peace of mind, that it proceeds "by itself".
Consider that the RtW content for this NPC is more or less ready: what's missing is the development for the rest of the "regular" ToB.
No SoA content is needed, obviously, so there isn't really a "full" NPC to implement. Plus some ideas are planned, at least.
But the pieces need to be put together, hence the need of more all_purpose_coders.
We have The_Bigg already, and he is a Force of Nature, but we can't let everything to him, and he has all the WeiDUing, too.
Unfortunately, facts have proven beyond doubt that, despite the occasional outbursts of production (as the present one), we are unable to reach the Critical Mass of Average Work needed to keep the wheel turning.
Without these numbers, the mod can't be completed, simply.
So, if you have modding skills (or if you are one of those IE gurus out there) and you can provide a reasonably continuative help, please apply.
It's a lot to ask, we know