I am having trouble at the Academy Of Kuldin. I am at the second level and my party got split. The problem is one half cannot go up and the other half cannot go down. I have the 'You must gather your party' blah blah message. So Is there anyway to resolve this ?
Should I even bother with this ? So far the only quest that worked was the Company Of Eight.
Next time start your own thread 'eh?
As for your problem, go to the place with the party members you wish to travel too. Hit the 'X' key. Note down the name of the area displayed in the dialog box as the result.
Now, enable the cheats. (There's dozens of threads detailing how if you don't know.) Go to the party members that are elsewhere. Click on them, and use the console:
Where ARxxxx is the name of the are you want to go too. You should teleport to the area shortly.