It is not a bug ( i think...) i describe, but i am suprised that Melanthium don't cast any spells of abjuration to remove protections against fire, cold , magic etc... ( remove magic, khelben, breach, ruby ray etc...)
In fact with this tip the fight is easy just because you only must focus his attention ( in order to avoid maze or worse ) with a fiend ( the better i think is to memorize 2 or three of level 8 ) and wait his shield of oblivion falls ( the fiend will kill him )
The best is a berseker if you have it one
In fact he used these spells after his first death ( after the dialog ) ( but ONLY one spell: nine level of abjuration )
OK i agree that the fight would be impossible to win in SOA if he had these spells and according to the background he is a so powerful sorcerer that he needn't remove spells of protection of his ennemies.
However a powerful sorcerer would wonder why his powerful spells don't manage to kill you and would adapt his strategy.
Edited by Ferrumach, 14 August 2005 - 11:16 PM.