My installation instructions do not claim to be correct, they could not be as I was not at all involved in the creation of these mods, nor do I have any idea of modding, but I tried the installation quite often, read lots of threads about various problems and tried things out.
What follows is how I installed the monster on my computer with German versions of BG1 and BG2 (which should not make a difference).
Please keep in mind that it is still beta and might not work.
1. Backup your installation of Bg2:ToB, especially the portaits and characters folders (You don't need to backup the folders CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4 and CD5) to save your previous installation attempts.
2. Uninstall Bg2:Tob and Bg2:SoA
3. Delete your Bg2 game directory
4. Make sure you have about 10 GB free disc space
1. Install a full install of Bg2:SoA
2. Install a full install of Bg2:ToB
3. Apply the patch 26498 for Bg2:ToB
4. Start Bg and configure the game
5. Start a new game and walk around a few steps
6. Exit the game
7. Install a custom install with all boxes ticked of Bg1
8. Install a custom install with all boxes ticked of TotSC
9. Apply the patch for Bg1 TotSC
Note: If you have the 3-CD version of BG1, replace steps 7-9 with: Install a custom installation with all boxes ticked of the 3-cd version of BG1 ;-)
10. Start Bg2:ToB and configure the game.
11. Select Throne of Bhaal, start a new game and walk around a few steps. (You can also start a new SoA game but then you have to wait and watch the Irenicus-scene)
12. Exit the game
1. Extract the following RAR archives to your game directory by right clicking them and selecting Extract files, then specifying your game directory:
BP-BGT Worldmap v3b.rar
Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.4.rar
Weimer-Ease of Use-v32.rar
2. Extract the following self-extracting archives (EXE) BY RIGHT CLICKING THEM, SELECTING EXTRACT FILES, THEN SPECIFYING YOUR GAME DIRECTORY (this prevents autorun of the setup files):
TDD_weiduv1.exe (this file is inside TDD
3. Extract the following zip-archives by right clicking them, selecting extract files, then specifying your game directory: (you get this file from horred's yahoogroup) and overwrite all files (overwrite all files)
1. Open Setup-TDD.tp2 with Notepad and search for Mage_All
2. Replace the lines
3. Open Setup-DSotSC.tp2 with Notepad and search for Sto3201
4. Replace the lines
//COPY_EXISTING ~STO3201.STO~ ~override~ // ADD_STORE_ITEM ~SCRL1X~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #2 // ADD_STORE_ITEM ~SCRL1Y~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #2 // ADD_STORE_ITEM ~SCRL7G~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #2 // ADD_STORE_ITEM ~SCRL8W~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #2 // ADD_STORE_ITEM ~WAND13~ #20 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #25. Remove all Bg-related CDs from your drives or virtual drives and insert non-bg-related discs. (!!!)
6. Run Setup-TDD.exe, wait for the weidu-versions to be patched and then press enter. If it asks you "Install Component ..." continue as in next step.
1. Run Setup-TDD.exe.
When asked "Install Component [THE DARKEST DAY V 103A WEIDU]" select y
When asked "Install Component [TDD Character Kits]" select y
When asked "Install Component [THE LONG WAIT --Tilesets and bif's-- Yes you need these!!!]" select y
Press ENTER to exit and wait while the areas and sounds are handled (about 10 minutes)
2. Run Setup-SoS.exe
When asked "Install Component [Shadows over Soubar, v102 Weidu]" select y
Press ENTER to exit and wait while the areas and sounds are handled (about 10 minutes)
Close the Readme and press enter to close the dos-window.
3. Copy tisunpack.exe from the SOS subfolder of your game directory to your game directory (yes, vile SOS took it away.)
4. Run Setup-NeJ2.exe
When asked "What should be done with all components that are not yet installed?" select i
Wait while NeJ2 installs (about 5 minutes)
Press ENTER to exit and wait while the areas and sounds are handled (about 10 minutes)
5. Run Setup-BGT-Prep.exe (make sure that you removed all bg-related discs from your drives!)
When asked "Insall Component [Baldur's Gate Trilogy Pre-installation Setup]" select y
Press ENTER to exit ...
Enter the full path of your Baldur's Gate 1 installation, then press enter.
Wait while BGT backs up the NeJ-override (about 5 minutes)
The main setup starts ...
When asked "What should be done with all components that are NOT YET installed?" select a
When asked "Install Component [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core]" select y
When asked "Install Component [OPTIONAL: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - XP reduction for traps, locks and spells]" select n for an
easy and y for a little more challenging game.
When asked "Install Component [OPTIONAL: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Intelligent EscapeArea()]" select n
When asked "Install Component [OPTIONAL: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Menu Screens]" select y
When asked "Install Component [OPTIONAL: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Change Elminster wielding sword to Elminster wielding staff in
start screen]" select whatever you want.
Press ENTER to exit and wait while BGT performs the magical task to make one game out of two. (about 45 minutes)
Press enter when the installation is complete.
6. Run Setup-DSotSC.exe
and install all components
Press ENTER to exit and wait for the compression...
7. Run Setup-NTotSC.exe
and install all components
Press ENTER to exit and wait for the compression...
8. Run Setup-BG1NPCBGT.exe
and install whatever components you like.
Press ENTER to exit
9. Run Setup-Ascension.exe
and install whatever components you like.
Press ENTER to exit
10. Run Setup-Tactics.exe
and install whatever components you like
EXCEPT new kits
Press ENTER to exit
11. Run Setup-BD-ToB.exe
and install whatever components you like
Press ENTER to exit
12. Run Setup-G3Tweaks.exe
and install whatever components you like
EXCEPT new kits or components that interfer with other installed components (better don't install unlimited capacity bags of holding in G3Tweaks if you install it in Ease of Use)
Press ENTER to exit
13. Run Setup-Ease.exe
and install whatever components you like
EXCEPT new kits or components that interfer with previsouly installed components
Press ENTER to exit
14. Run Setup BP-BGT Worldmap.exe
and install all components
Press ENTER to exit and wait for the compression... (about 10 minutes)
Q: Where do I get this or that file?
A: From
unless mentioned otherwise.
Q: A problem occurs while installing Bg1NPC and it asks me to send WeiDu.log to someone I don't know.
A: I thought this might happen! Bg1NPC is the most difficult part to install. You probably didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't post which lines you have to change in the .tp2 file. I messed around with it in my installation and tried to figure out which way it should have been and wrote this in the instructions, but I could have overlooked something. Please pm me your DEBUG file and weidu.log. I will update the instructions.
Q: A problem occurs while installing any other mod and it asks me to send WeiDu.log to someone I don't know.
A: I have no idea what could be wrong. When this happened to me I usually deleted the lines in the tp2 file that caused the problem and tried if the monster will work. This probably causes the CtD that I have to work around. However, as long as this is very rarely the case the game is still enjoyable to my mind and better than not having mods at all. Please send me your weidu.log and the DEBUG file of the mod that caused the problem and I will take a look at it. However you can still skip that mod and enjoy a slightly lighter version of the monster.
Q: AREA XYZ produces a CTD when loaded.
A: This happened with two or three (not so important) areas in my installation as well (e.g. DSotSC fortress). Backup the AREA file, then open it in NI and delete all Actors. Then it should work. Alternatively, you could avoid the area by CLUAConsole-ing to the desired area.
Q: AREA XYZ produces a CTD when i walk around on it.
A: This happened with two or threr (not so important) areas in my installation as well (e.g. the area before the gnoll fortress, Area S of Beregost). You can pass them by pausing the game when the AREA is loaded, then Ctrl-J to the edge of the map where you want to leave it and leave it immediately.
Q: Why do you recommend installing BG1NPC version 1 instead of 2?
A: I had serious trouble with version 2. Try it out if you feel lucky.
Q: Why do you recommend installing NEJ2 although it is said that it is incompatible?
A: The readme says that part1 is much more stable in NEJ2 than it is in NEJ1. I can't say anything about it because I never played it yet, because I have too much mods installed which makes it difficult to finish a game

Q: Why don't the NPCs have kits?
A: They don't have kits in BG1 and no mod changed them. If you want a party member to have kits, simply save your game, open it in NI, look up which clabfile the preferred kit uses in kitlist.2da, open that clabfile, remove all the GA_ and AP_ entries below and at the current level of the NPC and add them at the next level that your NPC will gain. Then edit your savegame and change the kit in the CRE file of the character.
Q: Imoen does not answer to NPC-NPC banters and the player initiated dialogues won't work.
A: True. However, there is no support for BG1NPC BGT version as it is just a conversion of a TuTu mod.
Q: Why didn't you install the Imoen Romance or the Bioware banter packs?
A: If you do that many gb1npc banters won't work anymore. Simply install it after you completed the bg1 part of the game and reinstall the worldmap if you experience problems.
Q: Why didn't you install SoBH, CtB, ... ?
A: I don't know. Either I heard that it might cause problems and didn't try to solve them or I was too lazy to download them. There might be installation instructions with any of these mods included in a later version, but you can of course install them right now.
Q: I have read that I should install TDD after SOS!?
A: You have to do that if you don't replace the lines in setup-tdd.tp2. However, most mods won't work if you don't replace those lines.
Q: I found an error in your installation instructions!
A: Feel free to post it!
Edited by Dunderdon, 31 July 2005 - 11:23 AM.