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Bug Report for .3

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#1 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 24 July 2005 - 02:54 PM

Here is what I know has problems right now:

Meepo has no paperdoll graphic on inventory screen.
No key for gate into lizardman lair.
Lizardman Chief and others have limited dialogs.
Several banters don't trigger (fixed for next release).

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#2 mr2131

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 08:32 PM

Here is what I know has problems right now:

Meepo has no paperdoll graphic on inventory screen.
No key for gate into lizardman lair.
Lizardman Chief and others have limited dialogs.
Several banters don't trigger (fixed for next release).

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I found a couple of things. The first was a typo in a dialog. When talking to the kobald "queen" (completely forgotten her name.) One of the entries has "Why do you leave here in the . . .? Sounds like it should be "live." Minor.

A second problem is more serious. The encounter with the baby white dragon.
1. dragon surrendered.
2. party accepts surrender.
3. cut scene begins.
4. party continues to attack.
5. dragon dies.
6. cut scene freezes.
7. had to crash game.

Little halfling thief NPC doesn't seem to be able to detect any traps. That get's a bit dicey down there. Ran into a particularly nasty trap with little or no warning.

Time to reload.

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 04:16 AM

Shadow will be able to detect most of the traps once she is level 2 (if you put her skills into traps). Otherwise, don't open side doors!

I will fix the dialog, thanks.

White dragon is a problem. I need to put a MinHP ring on him or something to keep this from happening. It has happened to me as well.

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#4 mr2131

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 07:15 AM

Shadow will be able to detect most of the traps once she is level 2 (if you put her skills into traps).  Otherwise, don't open side doors!

I will fix the dialog, thanks.

White dragon is a problem.  I need to put a MinHP ring on him or something to keep this from happening.  It has happened to me as well.

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I put 15 points into traps at second level. Damn, should have tossed in the lot. Live and learn. That and leave those bloody side doors alone.

Something similar to Imoen's 1hp belt should work nicely. Let me go and run that fight again and see if I can manage to get through it without killing the little snot.

Didn't have to do anything special. Rebooted from the Autosave and Viola!, problem fixed. Amazed, I tried it a few more times and found that rebboting works about 50% of the time.

After several twists and turns and a few more reboots, I've run into an impasse. Can't find the key to a secret door. Weepo will not follow the party out a second door, Death by Cloudkill trap if I exit out the third door.

There has to be a logical way out of this mess but I haven't the time to sit down and work it out at the moment.

Dumped Weepo, went through second door. Picked up another npc. Headed back to town to pick up equipment for new npc. I've run into a persistent ctd when trying to cross the screen between town and the ravine.


Edited by mr2131, 31 July 2005 - 06:32 PM.

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#5 mr2131

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 08:52 AM

I had to tinker with some of the available script mods to come up with acceptable scripts for this adventure. Don't use the e-series, they will cause a ctd if more than one npc in the party is running them. The slim g-series seem to work well enough for now. Shadow will now detect traps most of the time.

Interestingly enough, if I told her to detect traps, she wasn't able to. If the script has her detect traps, then she can detect them. I'm not even going to pretend to understand why that works.

Some of these battles are pretty damn tough for first level characters, even one's moderately buffed with NI. I've paid for not saving frequently enough on a couple of occassions. Experience seems to accumulate painfully slow, but then it also seemed that way in BGI, early on.

Right now I'm still doing the dungeon crawl.

Belak's dialog needs some editing. His line about a stake made of green wood is garbled. How in the hell do you get through that encounter anyway?


Edited by mr2131, 05 August 2005 - 10:48 AM.

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#6 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 05:43 PM


Some of the tougher fights are easier if you use guerrilla warfare and snipers. That is, use Dirbert. He can usually take out a twig blight in one hit (but not always). So I have him sneak in, hit one and run back. If it dies, move to the next one, if not, it will follow him back to the group where you can attack it with everyone else.

Same with the goblin leader, use that long hallway. It spreads out the enemies so you can hit them one or two at a time.

Not sure why the druid's text is corrupt. Perhaps my upload? I'll unRAR the file and see if the compression caused this. I did have some problems getting that monster uploaded.

Big hint - talk to Yusdrayl (kobold leader) when you are finished with the druid. Talk to her again for a store to open (so you can get rid of all that stuff).

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#7 mr2131

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:40 PM


Some of the tougher fights are easier if you use guerrilla warfare and snipers.  That is, use Dirbert.  He can usually take out a twig blight in one hit (but not always).  So I have him sneak in, hit one and run back.  If it dies, move to the next one, if not, it will follow him back to the group where you can attack it with everyone else.

Same with the goblin leader, use that long hallway.  It spreads out the enemies so you can hit them one or two at a time.

Not sure why the druid's text is corrupt.  Perhaps my upload?  I'll unRAR the file and see if the compression caused this.  I did have some problems getting that monster uploaded.

Big hint - talk to Yusdrayl (kobold leader) when you are finished with the druid.  Talk to her again for a store to open (so you can get rid of all that stuff).

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Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out how to "get through" with the druid. :blink:

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#8 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:50 PM

Just with his dialog or fighting him? If the dialog, just skip it and attack him. The other two won't fight until he tells them to.

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#9 mr2131

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 09:25 PM

Just with his dialog or fighting him?  If the dialog, just skip it and attack him.  The other two won't fight until he tells them to.

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I was having a problem dealing with the exponentially spawning Twig Blights. Figured out how to deal with them. Had to adjust my tactics.

I finally figured out how to enter the Dragonpriest's tomb. He seems to be unkillable.

Where exactly does this segment end? I get a ctd when I try to use the lower exit. It acts like this area isn't present yet. Nope, just read the walkthrough, Saltmarsh is included in this segment. The area transition to Saltmarsh seems to be messed up. When you enter the area, instead of the little wheel, you get the "turn to open" symbol.

What I should do next?


Edited by mr2131, 05 August 2005 - 09:33 PM.

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#10 Hundy

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 04:36 AM

:clap: First let me say thank you for the new start in the game. One little question, are we supposed to be able to go anywhere in the haunted mansion besides the first floor and if we are how to get anywhere else? I am on the first floor and there doesn't seem to be anyway to go except back out the door. For some reason my NI stopped working, so I cannot check anything. Again thanks for the start to another TC. The best so far.

#11 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 06:57 PM


You should see a set of stairs in the room all the way to the left (west). They are between the two doors on that wall.


Not sure about the symbol for exiting the area. That seems really strange. Oakhurst is not on the Worldmap, so you do need to exit through that location (no matter what symbol you see). Ah, you mean the 2 arrows going around in a circle? Yeah, I couldn't remember the correct icon that I really needed. Thanks, I think I have already fixed that but I will go back and check it again.

DragonPriest is actually a cleric turned troll (not that we have a good creature animation for this). So you need magic weapons to hit him and fire or acid to kill him. Did you look at Yusdrayl's throne? She had some acid arrows stashed there. Would a troll animation make better sense for everyone? I think the lich animation is too much for this creature but I wasn't sure what else to use. This is one of the many problems with converting a PnP mod to BG2's engine.

I am working up a .35 patch this week. It will be an update, not a full install. Hopefully, it will be uploaded by Wednesday. You only need to start a new game if you want to see fixed to areas you have already been in.

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#12 mr2131

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 07:24 PM


You should see a set of stairs in the room all the way to the left (west).  They are between the two doors on that wall.


Not sure about the symbol for exiting the area.  That seems really strange.  Oakhurst is not on the Worldmap, so you do need to exit through that location (no matter what symbol you see).  Ah, you mean the 2 arrows going around in a circle?  Yeah, I couldn't remember the correct icon that I really needed.  Thanks, I think I have already fixed that but I will go back and check it again.

DragonPriest is actually a cleric turned troll (not that we have a good creature animation for this).  So you need magic weapons to hit him and fire or acid to kill him.  Did you look at Yusdrayl's throne?  She had some acid arrows stashed there.  Would a troll animation make better sense for everyone?  I think the lich animation is too much for this creature but I wasn't sure what else to use.  This is one of the many problems with converting a PnP mod to BG2's engine.

I am working up a .35 patch this week.  It will be an update, not a full install.  Hopefully, it will be uploaded by Wednesday.  You only need to start a new game if you want to see fixed to areas you have already been in.

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:blush: I was using the +1 Sunstone bullets to attack the damned thing, and when he went down, he was immune to everything I could throw at him. Including Thundaga. (Picked up a scroll from a dead Hobgoblin. :blush: Yes I have Exnem installed. I like my games with a healthy slice of Gouda, thankyou.)

I'm still getting the ctd when I try to leave Oakhurst. I'm going to be switching computers with my daughter when I head up to Memphis. When I get everything configured, I'm going to have to redownload and reinstall the mod. I'll start a new thread when I've got a new party set up.

"What rough beast, Its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

W.B. Yeats

May the sun be always in the eyes of your enemies,
and may your feet always find the correct path.

Happy Trails . . .


#13 TheWizard

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 10:11 PM

DragonPriest is actually a cleric turned troll (not that we have a good creature animation for this).  So you need magic weapons to hit him and fire or acid to kill him.  Did you look at Yusdrayl's throne?  She had some acid arrows stashed there.  Would a troll animation make better sense for everyone?

FWIW, I think a troll animation would help greatly with this. Everyone that has played BG2 knows trolls must be killed with acid or fire. :)

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#14 leahnkain

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 10:43 PM

I have played through now three times. The first time I raced through and missed alot of rooms. The second time I played on insane mode...it is possible. The third time I encouted the dragon priest on normal difficulty mode and as soon as I couldn't kill him with normal weapons, I had Dirbert pepper him with acid arrows. It was really the logical thing to do. I have had alot of trouble with the world map....entry points but I know you will clear this up in the future.

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#15 Hundy

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Posted 08 August 2005 - 04:58 AM

I found another bug I think. The militia captain seems to be stuck in a loop after we return from the ship. She keeps repeating the questions over and over again. The only way to stop is to go out of the door.

#16 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 08 August 2005 - 11:10 AM

Thanks Hundy. Not sure how I created that bug. I will look into it.

Status right now is adding all the spells from BP (TDD/SoS/TS, which really means just TDD I think) and also the ones from DSotSC and NTotSC. I have been adding some IWD and Planescape spells to the mix as well. Not all of them convert over as nicely as I would like. I have probably wasted 5 or 6 hours on the damn IWD snowball spell. Seems BG2 doesn't have a matching projectile and animation to match this one. That explains why Vlad never included it in NeJ (unless the newer versions do, hmm...)

This was started as a revamp of the random treasure. Now, you will get all spell scrolls (up to level 4) instead of finding Armor and Grease over and over again.

Not sure about map issues. I will need to check that again. I have added the U3 area (sahuagin fortress) to the map so maybe in the process I will fix what you are seeing. And maybe not.

Mark, I redid TC0011, the area that you are having problems in. Several spawns were not setup the way I wanted and that may have created the crash. All creatures in the spawns are valid (DLTCEP says so), so I will have see what else it could be.

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#17 Zdenek

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 03:09 AM

I found few bugs:

1) When I killed Gulthias Tree before killing Belak, he shouted "No! You fools!" and four Twig Blights appear. Few seconds later he shouted No again and another four Twig Blights appear. Few seconds later ...

2) Forging Nephelium doesn't work
When I tell Rurik to forge Nephelium, cutscene starts but doesn't continue.

I think there is a problem with using original cromwell.bcs:

CutSceneId("wsmith01") - this cause cutscene freeze (wsmith01=Cromwell)

Additionally, I didn't get forged plate because in cromwell.bcs there is:


But in TC0026.BCS the check is Global("ForgeStuff","TC0026",1)


With following lines in cromwell.bcs forging works correctly:

3) When moving from Oakhurst to Saltmarsh, my party appeared near SouthWest gate (Militia Captain who greets you is near North gate).

Btw, this TC is great.

#18 --Mauro--

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 06:50 AM

After I found the little dragon and we returned to the kobold queen Meepo didn't rejoined the party, but his portrait was still there. I never found him him again, and the worst : I couldn't kicked him out of the party.....I don't know why, so I got problems in locations where you have to be with your party to enter.

#19 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 07:06 AM

Thanks everyone. I have a small patch .31 that fixes TC0011 (area near Ravine) and I also fixed the travel mouse pointer on some of the other areas. This also fixes Saltmarsh so you enter at the same spot the captian of the guard is.

Meepo should be found down with the dragon in its cage. He is still a member of your party and you can remove him if you want. I didn't force his departure since some people want to keep him around.

Mark - I can't put the belt on the dragon because you have the option to kill him as well as take him back. The belt would keep that from happening. So what I plan now is to bump up the HP on the dragon making it harder to kill in one hit. We'll see if this works.

Rurik/Cromwell issue :doh: I forgot to include the updated Cromwell cutscene script. I will see about making a new one and I will post it here.

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#20 leahnkain

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 08:00 AM

I am wondering will the update include the new picture and sound files for Blush? Her dialogs have two references to having blonde hair...sorry for that oversite. Also Aesdale?s soundset isn't working as it should. I emailed you a soundset script and the modified soundset again.

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