I've developped this part of Flora's background.
Flora was born in the "High Forest". Her father was only at this moment an adventurer in quest of treasures and relics with his group. There, he met a Dryad, a Priest of Mailikki, and loved her at first sight. He stopped his activities to stay with her. They had lived together for many years, but one day, during which he was elsewhere, she disappeared. He felt very sad and despaired, so he became a Paladin of Tyr, fighting for Justice, and believed that his love ( and not her wife
) left him. But he never forgot her, he still loves her, and hopes to find her again. In fact, she had been captured by an evil sorcerer, Veronard ( with other forest creatures ), who went back to his head quarters, near "Green-Wood" ( Bois-Vert in french ), to make experiments on them. But before going back, the Dryad who was pregnant, was confined of Flora. The sorcerer left the baby alone, in the forest. She had been adopted by a large human family, but couldn't look after her, so they decided to entrust her to their cousin, who cannot have children, in Green-Wood.
When Flora grew, one day, she met in the forest a mysterious Druid. She immediately make confidence, and he saw into her a potential admirer of Nature. So he started to teach her the values of nature, and especially Mailikki, because he venerated her. She was instinctively attracted by this goddess and became an excellent "pupil" of Mailikki, thanks to her mother.
Now, her father is in mision in this region, and know that there is a sorcerer who keeps imprisonned some forest creatures. He has to release them. He intended to say also that there is the daughter of a Dryad and a human who had been adopted here. After the attack of the wyverns, he'll give her appointment to check her identity...
Spoiler for the next :
Keldorn ( who is not his father ) is in fact a friend af her father. They fought together during a mission and became good friends, not more, but they both followed their own way, and seperated after several years... when she find her father, if Keldorn is in Party, they recognize themselves and seem to be happy to be together again. During a cutscene at the evening, in the house of Flora's parents, Keldorn swear to her father that he will protect her from Evil...
Edited by Shinook, 03 July 2005 - 04:10 AM.