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*EDIT* - I would reccomend downloading and using Ascension64's revised version. His mods are always top notch.
Readme for Ascension64's updated version:
Lost Items
Version Revised 2
Author: Aramis
WeiDU Conversion: Vedran
WeiDU Revision: Ascension64
Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT)-WeiDU
This mini-mod makes no changes to dialog.tlk, so there are no dramas with changing the installation order of this modification.
This mini-mod has been tested with BG1FixPack1.1, BG1GameTextUpdate1.1, BG1 EaseOfUse 2.1, BG2 EaseOfUse and Vault Mod v4. It seems to work OK. However, the bags, ammo stack alterations and HAPPY.2DA change covers most of the changes in EaseOfUse and Vault (but without the unique items), so I don't use any of them.
Extract LostItems_vR2.rar file to your BGT-WeiDU, BG1Tutu, or EasyTutu installation directory.
Run Setup-LostItems.exe.
Follow the installation prompts.
Run Setup-LostItems.exe.
Follow the installation prompts.
This mini-mod adds a number of standard Baldur's Gate II items into BGT-WeiDU, BG1Tutu, or EasyTutu. A few issues have been addressed, namely:
Component 'Lost Items'
1) No upgrades for throwing daggers or spears, no katanas, ninja-to or wakazishis, no scimitar upgrades until the late game unless you whack Drizzt (How could you?). Nor are there gem bags, scroll cases, potion cases, ammo belts or bags of holding. This component adds Gem Bags, Potion Cases, Scroll Cases, Ammo Belts, Bag of Holding, Spear +2, Scimitar +1, Flail +1, Flail +2, Katana (unbreakable), Katana +1, Katana +2, Wakazishi +1, Ninja-To (unbreakable), Ninja-To +1, Boomerang Dagger +2, Poison Throwing Daggers, Sunstone Bullets, Bracers AC5, and Bracers AC4 to a number of adversaries (mostly in the first half of the game) and containers in areas. There are also a couple of items not mentioned that should make some late fights more interesting - nothing overpowered though. The vanilla Katana and Ninja-To will not break and are available so early that starting characters out with those proficiencies are now feasable. Ammo stacks are increased to 50, including Throwing Axes (standard only), Darts, and Throwing Daggers, both garden-variety and poisoned.
Component 'Xan has Sorcerer class'
2) Sorcerer NPC spell lists suck buttocks. Xan becomes a Sorcerer with a decent spell list. His existing list *really* sucks. There are no other mage NPCs with high enough Charisma to make good Sorcerers. It is actually INT in Baldur's Gate II, but that is Bioware's fault. So other NPC lists remain unchanged.
Component 'Monk +3 AC and +1 THAC0 Bonus'
3) Monks are missing the WIS bonus to AC (Thanks Bioware!) and are certifiable pussies. Even in Baldur's Gate II monks are generally considered weak until around level 12. In Baldur's Gate they are pathetic, bruised, bleeding, simpering fools. At the beginning of Baldur''s Gate monks that have greater than 15 WIS will receive a permanent +3 AC and +1 - it makes them playable but by no means overpowered. At level 5 my monk had about the same kill/xp record as Imoen just using a short bow. If carried over to Baldur's Gate 2 I doubt that the bonus would ever overpower them, since by the time AC gets really high it really isn't an issue anymore, and it is in the AD&D rules after all. Well, the AC bonus at least - the THAC0 bonus is to make up for the readily available +1 weapons in Baldur's Gate.
Other components include:
4) Happy patch: NPCs do not leave due to reputation, where HAPPY.2DA has been changed so that NPCs will still get pissy but will not leave when reputation is too high or low.
5) Viconia has 18 WIS.
6) Alternative portrait for Faldorn.
7) Alternative portrait for Xan.Alternative portrait for Imoen.
9) Baldur's Gate 2 portrait for Viconia.
Faldorn, Imoen and Xan get new portraits courtesy of the very talented Karse Soze at the Portrait Portal ( They are 'celebrity' portraits, but since I am not even vaguely interested in 'celebrities' they don't look at all familiar to me and fit the game well.
Have fun,
Aramas (revised by Ascension64)
Version Revised 2 (27 November 2006)
-Fixed bugs with usage of existing bags
Version Revised 1 Re-release (13 November 2006)
-Fixed installation errors in BGT-WeiDU installations (BISHOP.CRE->BGBISHOP.CRE, XAN.CRE->BGXAN.CRE)
Version Revised 1 (12 November 2006)
-First release of revised version
-Karse Soze, for making those wonderful portraits that are used here
-Wes Weimer, for making the wonderful WeiDU utility. Modding of Baldur's Gate would not be the same without it.
-Vedran Kordi, for creating the TP2 file.
No permission was obtained to revise and re-distribute this mod. The original version of this mod is dated 5th February 2004, and neither Aramis nor Vedran have been around for more than 2.5 years. Therefore, all credit for this mod remains with Aramis and Vedran. However, all bug reports and other issues will be supported by Ascension64.
Edited by K'aeloree, 20 August 2008 - 02:27 PM.