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#1 aernor

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 03:19 AM

1.Complete clean install. BG2 TOB patch 26498 then baldurdash english language patch
I've downloaded this TDDweiduV1 Beta and unzipped into my main BG2 directory.
Ran the install program, and said 'no' to kits.
Back to menu and ran main program....
"Windows has encountered an error and needs to close..."
Computer locked solid. Had to cold reboot.
Obviously it's not installed properly. Any ideas?

2. Just for the record Hlid, "for the folks out there", pls clarify difference between TDDweiduV1 Beta and TDDsinTDD.

3. If you are working on TDD is there any chance of sorting the dialogue once and for all. It's a lot better than TDD 1.0.2d (!!) but still b****y dreadful.
I'd be more than happy to work my way through the game again and rewrite it in English.

4. I've even got a solution to the infamous Dinan problem.

#2 hlidskialf


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Posted 29 June 2005 - 03:59 AM

Well, I didn't write the TDD weidu version, but I'll attempt some answers for you:

1) No idea, have you tried it since that incident?
2) TDD weidu is just that - a weidu installation package for TDD. TDDsinTDD is all the kits and such of TDD without any of the quests/areas/other content.
3) Not my baby. I did my time with TDD converting it to work with TOB back in the day, plus a buttload of bugfixes that barely touched the pile. If someone else wants to tackle the dialog, have at 'er.
4) It's been fixed six ways from Sunday. Some people just have no luck with it irregardless. The first bugfix I put together for it back in the day worked for me. *shrug* What's yours?

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#3 aernor

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 05:34 AM

1. Just tried it again. Same result. The weidu install did have some errors, but the screen was scrolling too fast. But for a weidu installation to corrupt the host program so completely it crashes?
I'd be very grateful if you could point me at the person/group handling the conversion, here or by e mail.
Shouldn't like to see "the old lady" bottom up like this.

3. Same applies, I'll be happy to offer them my vogon poetry.

4. Forget about the key. The moment party returns Dinan says. "I squeezed past the bars ...." then teleport straight to inn and reward.
After all this time the bug doesn't bother me too much - I just leave him, but there are/will be people playing TDD for the first time.

Thanks for your help.

#4 Eon Blue Apocalypse

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 04:51 PM

IIrc correctly, Horred weidued TDD, you'd have to ask for it down at the BP forum. :)

#5 Alavin

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 02:17 AM

I recently got bored and decided to translate TDD. I've done 152 of the 407 dialogues so far... Then there's all the items and spells. This could be a while. but I'll do it.

This really shows I have too much free time, fun though it is.

#6 -Rorschach-

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 06:17 PM

4. I've even got a solution to the infamous Dinan problem.

Ok, so I am at that point in the game, and he is not talking to me. How do I force the issue?