truth to be told, the best solution for this problem is not the one we are discussing, this is only a poor and forced alternative.
Please justify calling my suggestion "poor and forced". Also why would we need to add many new lines of dialog? This could be written into as much or as little story as we desire to. It wouldn't have to apply to every part of the game story! This isn't a all or nothing situation!
Please be respectful of me enough to talk about my suggestion and not Vlasák's. Clearly from what you guys are saying his idea isn't doable anyways. But mine is.
To append to my idea, items specifically geared to knock someone unconscious. Verses vlasák's, every weapon being usable for that purpose (then you wouldn't need to edit every weapon) along with knocking a person out at 25% health.
Please note, in my suggestion- I am not suggesting a player get experience for the knocked out foe! While a nice thought it clearly needlessly complicates things. Any quest that involves knocking a foe out verses killing or has that option of knocking out instead of killing can reward in experience accordingly.
Even if it wasn't used for enemy forces, your own forces being knocked out at 25% health, on its own would be a interesting addition to the game.
Uhm, well... I don't want to hijack anything
Your idea is different from mine, that's without any debate. In Non-Lethal Combat (NLC), you have the possibility to choose whether you want to kill your enemy or just knock it out. Appropriate weapons for this type of combat have the second, non-lethal mode of attack.
While your idea is about the fact that before death the creature falls unconscious, if I understand you correctly. It is just the different angle of view to the huge possibilities of unconsciousness in the game - and the products of that different views are different too.
However, there is one significant note - we have developed this idea for purposes of the TC where we can do everything from the beggining and only with our limits.
To be honest, I can't imagine the implementation of NLC to the original
BG2 content - to be usable, it would required a lot of work (scripts, items, dialogs) and maybe the main reason - feeling of
ToB is maybe not 'compatible' with such method that improves the role-play.
ToB with NLC would be completely different game - the new dialogs would occur, new quests, etc. Does we really want to see
ToB different?
Our TC is based on less 'heroic' or 'epic' concepts - rather interaction and unique characters than combats and anonymous enemies; before you kill anybody, you must count the consequences of the killing of that person/creature.
NLC is fully compatible with this concept and even improves it. I've already coded many quests and events to the game and for the time being it seems that it has its place in the game and it is doable.
I haven't put my tutorial on the web with the motivation to say "do the mods with it" - it was rather the offering of the possibilities of the engine. We can share our ideas and methods and anybody can improve them, give feedback to them and use them or just use their parts.
You don't have to feel that your idea was attacked by mine. There is no reason why it should be - there was just the mention about that "someone did something similar for something different - you can see different view on unconsciousness in the game and you can see the technincs that can be used for it."
It is not roleplaying to have ten creatures attack me and 4 are knocked out during the battle, these creatures will still be hostile and I will still need to kill them, either that or leave and never return to that map, or leave Heal and return which just introduces cheese rather than more roleplay.
The knocked enemy can just flee away when they awake, can get respect to you and not attack you again and many other possibilites. The role-play factor in this is in the fact that the killing is not just the only way how to solve a "problem". Check
BG2 combats - you'll find many and many occurences where the killing of the enemy was not the best solution of the quest or interaction.
Edited by Vlasák, 29 June 2005 - 03:35 PM.