My problem is when I go to DLTCEP to create a new spell there is all these buttons and choices to make, "Hale" I'm an old Fart, when I was born computers where the size of "stationwagons" If I had somebody sitting over my shoulder and instrucing me on the step by step basics of creating a new spell I could then ask questions of what each button does, why, when to use it and learn how to create a new spell to my specs. But we must deal with the time lag of forums The improved Lowwer Resistance seems like it would be fairly straight forward, if I had a clue as to what to do. Resist Psionics would be harder, but there is a sword in TOB that gives protection from psionics that might be able help on the writing of Resist Psionics for somebody that knows what they are looking at, and that sure as heck ain't me.
Is there somebody that would be willing to write a walkthrough for creating these spells, or point me in the direction of a spell creating tutorial?
Edited by JDH, 12 June 2005 - 07:49 AM.