Frustrated noob seeks advice.
Posted 10 June 2005 - 05:52 AM
<Primogenitor> Once youve changed the constant, you need to save the script.
<Primogenitor> Then, without closing or saving the module. YOu need to recompile it.
<Primogenitor> You need to use the PRC compiler to do it, because of circular includes.
I am going to try compililng my module with the prc compiler. I compiled the module using the toolset by building the module script only. I am wondering if it compiled correctly.
I read that people had problems similar to mine and was resolved by compiling the module correctly
I am hoping this will solve my problem too
Posted 12 June 2005 - 11:05 PM
thanks guys
Posted 24 August 2005 - 06:43 PM
Posted 25 August 2005 - 05:17 PM
What I would like to see is someone to edit it so you can save skill points for next levels the way it is now it forces you to use them all.
Edited by Xordac, 25 August 2005 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 28 August 2005 - 10:41 AM
Posted 29 August 2005 - 02:36 PM
Posted 04 September 2005 - 06:39 PM
#28 -Balgor-
Posted 04 September 2005 - 10:27 PM
The new PRC version is using the convo CC integrated with it, and uses a series of switches for activating or deactivating it, as basic persistence support and other things. For the time being, if you want to play this module, you have to keep with nwn 1.65, prc 2.2d and cep 1.51, or thereīll be bugs and funny things everywhere. I donīt have a clue if there will be a new version of this when the PRC 2.3 goes final, I have serious doubts about it, without a clean version (without PRC) itīs very difficult to rearrange all the scripts affected by the changes, and possibly itīll need a lot of new scripting. Iīve tried to make some changes, but me not being the author makes me impossible to know how exactly this beast works (there are changes everywhere from the original scripts for most of the systems it uses). Unless Horred makes a new version (and pray he can make one for this, I donīt know if he kept documenting all the changes, with the new PRC thereīre a lot that wonīt work), this module wonīt be able to cope with the new things NwN offer to us :-(
Sad for me, Iīve had very good roleplaying with this one, but I prefer to use the new PRC and CEP, so I leave it until a new version is out or the means for this to update. If anyone of you have info about updating this, please, tell me.
Posted 06 September 2005 - 01:02 AM
Edited by Xordac, 06 September 2005 - 01:10 AM.
#30 --Belph--
Posted 14 September 2005 - 01:30 AM
I got leto to work eventually
thanks guys
Please, say what did u do after assuming to recompile all stuff. 'Couse i did everything as u wrote. I changed inc_letoscript to suite my installation dir, i checked database for existing connection( all tables seems 2 be on it's place ), i even recompile oll scripts using PRC compiler... but the problem still exists... When i'm trying 2 enter world ( from gateway ) by 1st lvl character nothing happens, i push "send me in" and ... silence. With 2'nd lvl char it does well, but where is no loot from monsters!
by the way, while recompiling i've encountered with several mistakes connected with wrong function definition and using the wrong type after it.
My NWNX.ini:
; NWNX2 configuration file
; These are the default values for NWNX2. Values specified on the command
; line take precedence.
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
source = mysql
server = localhost
user = nwnuser
pwd = nwnuser
db = nwn
#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "D:/Games/NeverwinterNights/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";
//Script Types
U probably had the same probles as i am.
#31 --Belph--
Posted 14 September 2005 - 01:35 AM
Posted 20 September 2005 - 11:28 AM