Frustrated noob seeks advice.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 04:08 AM
I dont seem to be getting any extra tables added to the database, i have not seen an prc character at start of module for creating character,
if i creat a new char it wont let me into nordock when i see a guide, it allows premade characters in though
i have no persistence with banks or bull board.
mobs dont seem to be dropping any loot
can anyone point me in the right direction as to find out what i did wrong?
my nwnx.ini is the same as tutorial, i even looked in common errors and checked it against that too.
or shall i wipe a start again?
i wont give up on this as i really really want to get it to work, i was wondering if anyone may be of any help to guide me.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 04:21 AM
I have loosely installed all the plugins, i am lost what to do next.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 04:25 AM
at prompt
mysql -u root -p
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'nwnuser'@'localhost'
SET PASSWORD FOR 'nwnuser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('nwnuser');
then in control centre i selected a new file as follows:-
Name = nwn
Host Name = localhost
User Name = nwnuser
Password = nwnuser
port 3306
it tested ok i added it, created a new db called nwn from the tree, selected query and added this
USE nwn;
player varchar(64) default '',
tag varchar(64) default '',
name varchar(64) default '',
val text,
expire int(11) default '0',
last timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
KEY idx (player,tag,name)
then executed it, this all came back fine
then i imorted a sql db file and executed that fine too.
; NWNX2 configuration file
; These are the default values for NWNX2. Values specified on the command
; line take precedence.
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
; Log file
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 0=nothing, 1=only errors, 2=everything
; Use these two settings for the SQLite internal database
;source = sqlite
;file = sqlite.db
; Use these two settings for ODBC connections
;source = odbc
;dsn = nwn
; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
source = mysql
server = localhost
user = nwnuser
pwd = nwnuser
db = nwn
; Set hookscorco to false if you want to disable hooking of
; StoreCampaignObject and RetrieveCampaignObject entirely
hookscorco = true
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 1=overall statistics, 2=full script callstack
the database says its connected and running ok from the control centre.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:13 AM

here is what i did.
at prompt
mysql -u root -p
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'nwnuser'@'localhost'
SET PASSWORD FOR 'nwnuser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('nwnuser');
then in control centre i selected a new file as follows:-
Name = nwn
Host Name = localhost
User Name = nwnuser
Password = nwnuser
port 3306
it tested ok i added it, created a new db called nwn from the tree, selected query and added this
USE nwn;
player varchar(64) default '',
tag varchar(64) default '',
name varchar(64) default '',
val text,
expire int(11) default '0',
last timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
KEY idx (player,tag,name)
then executed it, this all came back fine
then i imorted a sql db file and executed that fine too.
; NWNX2 configuration file
; These are the default values for NWNX2. Values specified on the command
; line take precedence.
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
; Log file
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 0=nothing, 1=only errors, 2=everything
; Use these two settings for the SQLite internal database
;source = sqlite
;file = sqlite.db
; Use these two settings for ODBC connections
;source = odbc
;dsn = nwn
; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
source = mysql
server = localhost
user = nwnuser
pwd = nwnuser
db = nwn
; Set hookscorco to false if you want to disable hooking of
; StoreCampaignObject and RetrieveCampaignObject entirely
hookscorco = true
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 1=overall statistics, 2=full script callstack
the database says its connected and running ok from the control centre.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 12:24 PM
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
Take the quotes off of the module name, like this:
[NWNX] ServerPort = 5121 ModuleName = Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued WatchdogProcess = yes UpdateIntervalProcess = 5 WatchdogGamespy = no UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20 GamespyRetries = 5 OldGamespyProtocol = no RestartDelay = 5
And hopefully, it should make a profound difference.

Edited by horred the plague, 06 June 2005 - 12:25 PM.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 02:19 PM

Sorry I didnt catch that before blood! LOL
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
Take the quotes off of the module name, like this:[NWNX] ServerPort = 5121 ModuleName = Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued WatchdogProcess = yes UpdateIntervalProcess = 5 WatchdogGamespy = no UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20 GamespyRetries = 5 OldGamespyProtocol = no RestartDelay = 5
And hopefully, it should make a profound difference.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 06:51 PM
ROFL amazing how you could look at something like that and never really see it
Sorry I didnt catch that before blood! LOL
Funny thing Is I laughed about this then turned around and did the same thing on a module update.
Yeah, im not smart.
Posted 06 June 2005 - 07:46 PM
Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:40 PM
I have done everything like this also, but mine keeps going to the SQLite DB, I have no Idea. But could we use the SQLite DB?
No, the SQLite won't work with this mod. Not only will the tables not build right, they are written/read from a different way--some of my (important) scripts would be made useless.
Try setting up the database & config file without any password--I've never used one on my servers.
The only other difference in my config file is this part:
; Use these two settings for the SQLite internal database ;source = sqlite ;file = nwn.db
I sincerely doubt it's of any use...

Posted 07 June 2005 - 12:00 AM
My only last issue:-
What should i see at the entrance of nordock, should i see another npc that allows me to create a prc character?
All i get is one npc that sells gear for noobs, if i create a new character then enter the entrance area, the server guide statues wont let me in to nordock when i choose let me in from the convo.
on the other hand i can get into nordock by using a premade character of a higher level
any idea what could cause this?
i extracted letto into a temp folder then dragged all of it into nwn directory, just as i did with all the other dll files, they are all in there loosely
Would the quotes in the nwnx.ini cause this problem?
has anyone had this happen to them before?
i will remove those quotes and see if it works.
Posted 07 June 2005 - 04:03 AM
E:\program files\nwn\
could anyone give me an example of what my inc_letto script should look like?
i would really appreciate it, i think this is where my problem is.
Posted 07 June 2005 - 08:20 AM
#include "aps_include"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
//alternativly it will use a local string on the module named NWN_DIR if set
//in preference to the constant
const string NWN_DIR = "E:/program files/NWN/";
const string MOD_DIR = "E:/program files/nwn/modules/";
const string DB_NAME = "NWNXLeto";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";
//set this to true if using build 18 or earlier of letoscript.dll
object oPC = GetExitingObject();
//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes
SCRIPT, taking a
Posted 07 June 2005 - 09:40 AM
Edited by Summit, 07 June 2005 - 02:16 PM.
Posted 07 June 2005 - 09:53 PM
Just say my nwn game was installed on
E:\program files\nwn\
could anyone give me an example of what my inc_letto script should look like?
i would really appreciate it, i think this is where my problem is.
I think this is where your problem is too, did you import an erf file from NWNXLeto? If you did you might have to start over as I don't know what else might have been over written. The inc_letto script should start like this:
#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/nws1/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";
//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes
If the NWNXLeto is not working and you start a new charector the PRC Character Creator wont start and then new charectors cant leave the entrance

Good Luck
Posted 07 June 2005 - 11:33 PM
or another folder?
if so, you put the mod name in which i did not do in mine
I also forgot to put the \ at the end of my nwn directory at first, i only just read in the leto site forum the other day.
const string NWN_DIR = "E:/program files/NWN";
const string MOD_DIR = "E:/program files/nwn/modules/";
const string DB_NAME = "NWNXLeto";
is this what it should look like?
const string NWN_DIR = "E:/program files/NWN/";
const string MOD_DIR = "E:/program files/nwn/modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWNXLeto";
also i made the mistake of putting in quotes "" in the nwnx.ini
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
when it should have been
ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
i am hoping this will sort it all out, i will try playing about with it. Thanks again guys.
Posted 07 June 2005 - 11:35 PM
I think this is where your problem is too, did you import an erf file from NWNXLeto? If you did you might have to start over as I don't know what else might have been over written. The inc_letto script should start like this:
#include "inc_debug"
//constants defining directories
//must be changed to each install
const string NWN_DIR = "C:/nws1/";
const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued";
const string DB_NAME = "NWN";
const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto";
const string WP_LIMBO = "";
//Script Types
//taken from the build03.18 release notes
If the NWNXLeto is not working and you start a new charector the PRC Character Creator wont start and then new charectors cant leave the entrance
Good Luck
What he said.
mod_dir should not need C:/ E:/ ABCDEFG:/ or any such, just 'modules/(modname)
Posted 08 June 2005 - 01:41 AM
i hope other noobs read this and learn by my mistakes
everyone has been a great help, this has clarified lots of things for me,
Posted 08 June 2005 - 10:15 AM
No, not my mod, richterm and others then horred, they get all the credit and/or blameI did not import any erf files as i read that was just to update your previous mod to the latest version.

I asked if you impoerted an erf file because I dont think you have the right inc_letoscript.nss file.
inc_letoscript in Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued.mod v11:
#include "inc_debug" //constants defining directories //must be changed to each install const string NWN_DIR = "C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/"; const string MOD_DIR = "modules/Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"; const string DB_NAME = "NWN"; const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto"; const string WP_LIMBO = ""; //Script Types //taken from the build03.18 release notes /* SCRIPT, taking a LetoScript script as a parameter. Example: void main() { SendMessageToAllDMs("Firing LetoScript test..."); string LetoTest; SetLocalString(GetModule(), "NWNX!LETO!SCRIPT", "<file:open BOB 'g:/nwn/localvault/bob.bic'><FirstName> <LastName>"); LetoTest = GetLocalString(GetModule(), "NWNX!LETO!SCRIPT"); SendMessageToAllDMs("Result: #" + LetoTest + "#"); }
Your inc_letoscript:
#include "aps_include" //constants defining directories //must be changed to each install //alternativly it will use a local string on the module named NWN_DIR if set //in preference to the constant const string NWN_DIR = "E:/program files/NWN/"; const string MOD_DIR = "E:/program files/nwn/modules/"; const string DB_NAME = "NWNXLeto"; const string DB_GATEWAY_VAR = "NWNXLeto"; const string WP_LIMBO = ""; //set this to true if using build 18 or earlier of letoscript.dll const int PHEONIX_SYNTAX = TRUE; /*YOU MUST ADD THE FOLLOWING TO YOUR ON CLIENT EXIT EVENT object oPC = GetExitingObject(); LetoPCExit(oPC); */
As you can see from just the first line #include "inc_debug" vs #include "aps_include" and others they are not the same file. Something is buggered here!
Edited by jedi156, 08 June 2005 - 10:21 AM.
Posted 09 June 2005 - 12:29 AM
sorry to confuse you on that.
I have tried taking out the quotes on the nwnx.ini and the module would not load, i had to put them back,
I have corrected my linc_leto script to what was suggested and my game still wont work.
i will have to dig deep to see what i have done here, i am going to try a whole new install, maybe i missed something. I am going to document every single step.
I will just have to keep on trying.
Posted 09 June 2005 - 11:11 PM
can anyone tell me what extra steps i have to take to get prc to work under this setup?
I says in the guide that you have to make a few changes to get prc to work in the module as the guide was intended for a stand alone server
i initially thought it wouldnt make a difference but here with a prc problem
i know my nwnx.ini is correct and my inc_leto script is ok now
I would really appreciate any feeback