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#1 stuartpierce

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 12:29 AM

Ok, I'm trying to run this version of Nordock for the first time.  I believe I've downloaded all the required files.  
The MySQL I had no idea how to setup.  I downloaded the Essentials version and just took the defaults, except for startup automatically.
I've done this:

1) Put the module file in the module folder, the hak in the hak folder, and the tlk in the tlk folder--
   inside of your NWN game folder.

*** I did this.  No idea what to do with the DB Builder Mod folder.

2) Run the auto-installer included in the CEPv151 package

3) Run the auto-installer included in the PRCn2.2c package

4) Unpackage NWNX2 to your game folder (C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/ by default.)
   Make sure it is "loose" in the folder, not contained within one. NWNX2 is the
   execution that you will use to start your NWNServer.

5) Install MySQLv4.1 on your PC. (I don't think it matters if you have v4.0xxx, any "4 series" appears fine).
   I used C:/mysql as an install folder. You can put yours wherever you like. I use a databse named "nwn".
You can change this, note your changes in the NWNX.ini configuration file.
   Note: You might be able to get this to work with MSAccess ODBC database as well, but I
   don't have this program to verify that.

*** Downloaded the Essentials version.  Installed and took the defaults.
6) Install LETO to your game folder. Make sure it is "loose in the folder" as well.

7) Install NWNX-ODBC.dll to your game folder.
8) Install the contents of nwnx-leto to your game folder. Make sure it is "loose in the folder"
   as well.
   NOTE ON LETO: If your game install is in a folder other than default, you'll have to
      change the settings in inc_letoscript.nss (at the very top) accordingly. Thanks
      to some befuddled admins for bringing this issue to my (and now, your) attention. ;)

9) Also use NWNX-Hashset.dll and NWNX-Function.dll (available from nwnx.org). Otther plugins are optional.
   Install to your game folder.

*** There were other files with hashnet and function, but I just copied the .dll files.

So what else do I need to do next?  I tried running this module from NWServer, but it just says Loading Game.


Stuart Pierce

Edited by stuartpierce, 24 May 2005 - 12:30 AM.

#2 stuartpierce

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 01:06 AM

Ok, I got further on my own. I changed the nwnx.ini file to say:
ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"

I launched NWNX2, and it seems to load the module. I'm in the middle of creating my first character. It seemed to be loading the data pretty quickly, until I got to feats (I think, I just allocated my skill pts).
Wow, this is slow. I wasn't sure it was ever going to get to 1%. This was faster when I connected to someone else's server.
Hopefully it will all work when it's done.


#3 stuartpierce

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 05:01 AM

Still creating my first char. I don't know why feats load so slowly. Up until this point, I thought it was loading the data more quickly than when I connected to an external server.
It displayed 0% 18 times before going to 1%, and so on for each %.
This is with me directly connecting to my own PC? It was so slow I just went to bed. Woke up and my character is in fugue from lack of food and water.


#4 muaddib

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:04 PM

You did not use the database module and as a result it will take ALOT of time for your players to create characters at first. The database (feats) need to be populated from a file (this takes alot of time). The good news is the more people that join your server and make "different" characters will take less and less time to make characters as the data base gets populated. When i first made my server it took 30 min to make a character, after making almost every character i could by myself and having 100+ players now character creation is under 5min.

Sit back, make a pot of coffee, smoke if you got them and "wait"  :)

#5 stuartpierce

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:51 PM

Ah, thanks!


#6 -Confused-

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 08:20 PM

I just downloaded this module and am trying to play it solo offline. When I load it though, the game just stops at the point where it says "Loading Module." I think I loaded everything as per the instructions, so I'm a little lost. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

#7 qeylIS [Kahless]

qeylIS [Kahless]
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Posted 26 May 2005 - 10:21 PM

I just downloaded this module and am trying to play it solo offline.  When I load it though, the game just stops at the point where it says "Loading Module."  I think I loaded everything as per the instructions, so I'm a little lost.  Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

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Did you install all the needed requirements (cf. ReadMe)?

Without them, it is not possible to play it :whistling:

#8 -Confused-

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 07:40 AM

I think I did. I opened MySQL, Leto, and NWNX-ODBC and all the other zipped files with winrar and put their contents into the NWN folder. Could this be where the problem is (I need to open them with another program or i need to take only specific parts an put them elsewhere)? Once again, thanks.

#9 stuartpierce

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 06:22 PM

If I try to load the game from Nwserver, I get the Game Loading screen that never finishes.
I have to run NWNX2 to make it load.


#10 stuartpierce

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 06:29 PM

Change NWNX.ini to say

ModuleName = "Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued"

Then when you run NWNX2 the game will load and finish.
