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Developer Diary Comments Thread

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#81 Sir Kalthorine

Sir Kalthorine

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 03:53 PM

I am a bit... well... I lost my muse etc, but if I have the right mood, I may be helpful, I suppose. Yet I'm not such a good coder as Liam. However, I may try to help, if you need some support.

I appreciate the offer, Lava, thanks :new_thumbs:

I would be perfectly happy to PM you with the password to the Workroom so you could get a better idea of the monster I am trying to create - the only thing stopping me is the desire not to spoil things (and Chrysta is a VERY spoiler-sensitive mod as I am a total coding masochist!) if you eventually want to play her.

I'll leave the choice up to you - either way, either helping from the inside or supporting from the outside, your interest is very much appreciated. :cheers:

KACH_TS.jpg Chrysta... could helping her to uncover her past threaten your own future?

"Pity the land in need of Heroes."- Bertolt Brecht
"A little madness, now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

#82 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 03:24 AM

I sent you a PM with some questions and other stuff :)
BTW - shouldn't this project be marked as active (in-progress) again? :P

#83 Sir Kalthorine

Sir Kalthorine

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:15 AM

I sent you a PM with some questions and other stuff :)
BTW - shouldn't this project be marked as active (in-progress) again? :P

PM answered - and if anyone knows how to make Chrysta an "Active" project again, please help get it done!

KACH_TS.jpg Chrysta... could helping her to uncover her past threaten your own future?

"Pity the land in need of Heroes."- Bertolt Brecht
"A little madness, now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

#84 Cal Jones

Cal Jones
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Posted 09 May 2012 - 10:27 AM

I am very glad to see this active again - it has the potential to be one of the most interesting NPC mods around. Welcome back!

#85 Sir Kalthorine

Sir Kalthorine

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 02:35 PM

I am very glad to see this active again - it has the potential to be one of the most interesting NPC mods around. Welcome back!

Cheers my friend, all the good will messages since I got back have been really encouraging.

KACH_TS.jpg Chrysta... could helping her to uncover her past threaten your own future?

"Pity the land in need of Heroes."- Bertolt Brecht
"A little madness, now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

#86 cmorgan

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 11:16 AM

SIR K!!!!!!!!!!

Word up, man - welcome back!

#87 -Guest_Sergio-

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:47 AM

So excited to see this!