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Weidu compatibylity

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#1 mrnemo00

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Posted 10 May 2005 - 01:31 AM

I'v installed TDD(latest version) and SoS(latest version). Now, when I tried to visit the new areas from TDD the game crashed.!!! :bash: Shoulden't WEIDU mods be compatible, and is there any way to fix this bug?
Sorry if i posted on the wrong forum(actualy this si my first time on a forum ever so please cut me some salck :D ). A, and hope my spelling isn't tobad

#2 drake127

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Posted 10 May 2005 - 01:37 AM

Shoulden't WEIDU mods be compatible

Compatibility depends on modder rather than WeiDu itself. Modder can choose which parts will patch or overwrite or append. All possibilities have disadvatages and advantages, WeiDu is not panacea. It helps but you cannot expect absolute backward and foreward compatibility. When two mods try to overwrite same parts of the game (one mod overwrite changed parts of another mod) errors have to appear.

#3 cujo

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Posted 10 May 2005 - 02:38 AM

Did you install the areas and sounds too? If not this will be the reason why TDD is crashing.

If you have a Yahoo ID go to Horred's Big Picture Yahoo Group. Download an update for TDD and SOS and after you extracted TDD and SOS into your BGII folder, extract the new versions and overwrite the files when asked for. After that install again.

#4 -Guest-

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Posted 23 May 2005 - 01:39 PM

I seem to have read somewhere on the new face of bp that u wont be able to play tdd sos or ts at the same time until bp -weidu is finished until then it seems u can only play these as standalone mods

#5 Sir BillyBob

Sir BillyBob
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Posted 23 May 2005 - 08:09 PM

No, you can play TDD and SOS Weidu versions together. It isn't "BP" because Horred hasn't finished the small parts that mix the mods together (mainly his enemy A.I.). What I am not sure of is mixing either with TS.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website

#6 cujo

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 01:35 AM

I believe Horred made the three big mods so that they can be played together no matter what order you install them in. But until BP-WeiDU comes out there might be some small issues.