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Progress Report

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#1 Snowking


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Posted 03 May 2005 - 02:43 AM

Yes, this is where I will update the progress as it goes on. I have shamefully stolen tis report structure from Sillara of the Tamari because happen to like the set up the most. (Thanks Sillara!).

Journal Entries
Quest Dialogues
Friendship Talks
Friendship Talks (Code)
LoveTalks (Code)
Romance Conflict (Code)

Partially Done:
TrueSword Kit- 45%
Items- 33%
Flirts (Code)- 95%
Quest (Code)- 50%

Not Done:
.cre files

Edited by Snowking, 27 September 2007 - 02:15 AM.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#2 Snowking


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Posted 14 May 2005 - 08:32 PM

May 14 2005

Coded three LoveTalks and checked them, should be ready.
Got some coding practice in making my progress speed up slightly.

Edited by Snowking, 23 May 2005 - 12:25 AM.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#3 Snowking


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Posted 23 May 2005 - 12:27 AM

May 23 2005

Coded another three LoveTalks taking the total up to six.
Adjusted to my new computer and working hard and slightly faster too.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#4 Snowking


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Posted 23 May 2005 - 01:10 AM

May 23 2005

Two more LoveTalks have been coded.
I am making a lot better time than I had imagined.
Two updates in the one day is a little unorthodox I admit but hey, it's progress!

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#5 Snowking


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Posted 27 May 2005 - 03:22 PM

May 28 2005

Yet another two LoveTalks have been coded taking the total up to ten.
Coding skills are improving ever so slightly. Will update with progress again in a couple of days.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#6 Snowking


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Posted 31 May 2005 - 08:08 PM

June 1 2005

Two more LoveTalks have been written bringing the number up to twelve and bringing us almost halfway. Coding practice is helping me and work is being constantly done.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#7 Snowking


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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:15 PM

June 5 2005

And I have coded another three LoveTalks taking the total to fifteen. Soon I'll be moving on to flirt coding and quest coding. Fixing up and having everything checked and then I'll be about done. Thanks for your patience and support.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#8 Snowking


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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:58 PM

June 5 2005

Some bad news. It is double update day again when I feel like working more and end up with another update. Two more Lovetalks coded. Only a few left now and a couple of fixes and they will be done.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#9 Snowking


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 10:05 PM

June 26 2005

There has been no progress for a while, sorry. This is due to me being lazy, ill, tired and slightly busy but work continues on.
Coded up three more LoveTalks, only a couple of the more complex ones left. One of the new areas has been created and the others are being worked on. Creature files are also under construction at the moment. Hoping the next update will not take this long.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#10 Snowking


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Posted 02 July 2005 - 11:36 PM

July 2 2005

I now have the .tis files for all three of my maps and they are all just having the finishing touches administered.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#11 Snowking


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Posted 23 August 2005 - 08:44 PM

August 24 2005

Progress has been slow, and only little fixes hence no updates. However, I am moving back to my bigger tasks. Namely, coding up the last few LoveTalks. One more down, four more to go!

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#12 Snowking


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Posted 05 December 2005 - 05:21 PM

December 6 2005

Unfortunately I need to recode the LoveTalks, the good new is that it won't take very long and they will all be improved so the week or so of work will be well worth it for everyone.

I've recoded the first 10 already, 15 left to go.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#13 Snowking


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Posted 16 December 2005 - 08:25 PM

December 17 2005

Despite the fact I slowed down briefly, I am pushing forward still at a steady pace.

I have coded 5 more LoveTalk's up, 10 to go.

I have also written another LoveTalk, one regarding Paladinhood, which will be slotted in taking the total number of LoveTalk's to 25, and friendship talks to 11.

Edited by Snowking, 30 December 2005 - 02:53 PM.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#14 Snowking


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Posted 17 December 2005 - 08:50 PM

December 18 2005

Recieved new that the Temple of Arvoreen interior map is nearing completion.

Got bored so I've started coding the Friendship Talks, 2 down already, only 8 more to go!

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#15 Snowking


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Posted 17 December 2005 - 09:24 PM

December 18 2005

Lucky for you all, today is a double update day!

4 more Friendship Talks have been fully coded. Only 5 more to go (yes, I added 1 more talk to the Friendship path).

Edited by Snowking, 17 December 2005 - 09:25 PM.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#16 Snowking


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Posted 25 December 2005 - 03:08 AM

December 25 2005

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody!!
Two more LoveTalks have been coded, one previous LoveTalk has been expanded.
Three more Friendship Talks have been coded.
Two items (Screenshots coming soom) have been created.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#17 Snowking


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Posted 30 December 2005 - 02:54 PM

December 31 2005

Happy New Years to everybody, for later on tonight.

Coded the last of the Friendship Talks, all that they require is some proofing and they will be ready to go.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#18 Snowking


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Posted 30 December 2005 - 10:49 PM

31 December 2005

Okay, I've done a lot more work than I was expecting today.

All of the LoveTalk's have been coded, they just require the occaisonal tweak, and proofing and then they're ready to be put aside until everything is being compiled.

Happy New years!! (again)

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#19 Snowking


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 03:21 PM

11 January 2006

And, good progress for the first report of 2006!

Friendship Talks have been proofed, and fixed and are now fully completed!!

Edited by Snowking, 10 January 2006 - 03:22 PM.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod

#20 Snowking


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Posted 08 July 2006 - 07:27 PM

9 July 2006

Ok, I have been a bit slack lately (six months since the last report! :blink: ), but I am getting back into the full swing of things. I've fixed a lot of small things, editing and improving where possible. Now, the main updates.

I have written a new friendship talk, only available on the friendship path. It's been coded too, just needs a little tweaking over the next week. the Readme which I've been putting together was updated. I've requested help on flirt and romance conflict coding so I should hopefully have finished both by the end of the month. I've asked Seifer about a bam he is making for me, and I'll request help with the last couple of bams and the kit tomorrow. Stayed tuned for another update or two over the next week.

Current Mods in the Works: The Mazzy Romance Mod