Any ETA on version 11?
Posted 18 April 2005 - 12:34 PM
Any idea when version 11 will be out, would like to find the spider queen and see the new stuff under mulrok and the new traps.
Posted 18 April 2005 - 01:15 PM

Posted 18 April 2005 - 11:09 PM
Well i cannot speak for Horred I would guess and say very soon, he has made some pretty good progress and the dungeon is coming along nicely. If you would like to play the most recent release you can come check out our server
We've got some issues with the deathcorpse to sort out, and with raise dead/resurrection. Also, I'm doing a lot of creature overhauling. This takes time, I'm afraid. I'll aim for this weekend.
Posted 20 April 2005 - 01:45 PM
hmm, its gone silent here lately.
Any idea when version 11 will be out, would like to find the spider queen and see the new stuff under mulrok and the new traps.

Seriously me and my group is becoming native to Horredīs NORDOCK

But we are anxious to test V11

@Horred: Kepp on the marvelous WORK!!!!!! :thumb:
Posted 22 April 2005 - 02:17 AM
It seems like that Undeath's Eternal Foe dodge bonus stacks.
Posted 26 April 2005 - 03:59 PM

I beleive version 11 is in final touch up stages and will be released soon
Posted 27 April 2005 - 09:33 AM
drop your linen and start your grinning
I beleive version 11 is in final touch up stages and will be released soon
This is good news and I thank you for the update, but man I hate the word soon. It could be 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days, 10 months, 10 years

Thanks for all the hard work.
Posted 27 April 2005 - 06:50 PM
Posted 03 May 2005 - 08:48 PM

Edited by muaddib, 03 May 2005 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 04 May 2005 - 05:25 AM
gee....... dont i feal like an idiot
I know it is running smooth on our server, and the forums have been quiet with problems, so im still sticking with "its close"
Having problems with the "new, imporved" Vault system. Tried to update this morning, but the file was "too large" (by no more than 1 MB). Hopefully it'll get worked out in the next day or 2, cause I have an empty mod download at this time!

Posted 04 May 2005 - 08:24 AM
gee....... dont i feal like an idiot
I know it is running smooth on our server, and the forums have been quiet with problems, so im still sticking with "its close"
Having problems with the "new, imporved" Vault system. Tried to update this morning, but the file was "too large" (by no more than 1 MB). Hopefully it'll get worked out in the next day or 2, cause I have an empty mod download at this time!
Well I should know better, any time I ask when something will be done I curse it

If it is actually to big, you could use the PRC Compiler
After Compiling with it version 10 was 1.7MB smaller
Posted 05 May 2005 - 05:25 AM

Posted 06 May 2005 - 11:37 AM
Just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to version 11's release!
Stop waiting, and go grab it!