Possible actress for Ariena
Posted 16 April 2005 - 04:41 AM
Download the zip file and put it anywhere. Unzip it anywhere you want. Hit the .bat file two times with left mouse button or once with enter and presto you're .wav files.
Download is 577 Kb for the once who want to know and contains 8 recordings (already somewhat modified). I have more at home.
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 16 April 2005 - 06:24 AM
Though maybe its just me, but for some reason Ariena8 doesn't blend in that voice completely I think. Don't really know why...

Posted 16 April 2005 - 06:42 AM
You do not think it sounds too nice? I mean Ariena is not supposed to sound cute, when it comes to her charachter. Due to her Aasimar blood I do wish her to have a clear voice (and in that way maybe nice), though still threating sounding.
Edited by Deathsangel, 16 April 2005 - 06:46 AM.
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 16 April 2005 - 07:03 AM
If you wish that Ariena has a more impatient, meaner, or 'pissed off' voice, then I would suggest to make more grunt louds in it, lay somewhat more deeps in the voice and be LOUDER! That should make Ariena more 'bitch-like'!

A good attack sound would be something like a war cry of an berserk, if you know what I mean.

Edited by Surtr, 16 April 2005 - 07:05 AM.
Posted 16 April 2005 - 09:46 AM
Posted 17 April 2005 - 03:58 AM
Ariena8 = RAARRHH! I really reckon this to be a good war-cry.
Would anyone be interested, if I were to put Ariena's lines here?
Edited by Deathsangel, 17 April 2005 - 04:02 AM.
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 17 April 2005 - 05:24 AM

I think a war cry would be more something like these here:
- Well, just some of my favourit ones, and remember to put feelings in it!

And just post away the lines from Ariena, so that the fans can help you a bit out!

Posted 17 April 2005 - 08:16 AM
And he I can think of some myself. I ain't going to change the lines, it is more something of a spoiler
SAY NAME1 ~Ariena~ SAY NAME2 ~Ariena~ SAY MORALE ~Ariena needs you to fight also, weaklings. Ariena no takes all fights alone!~ [Arienamo] SAY HAPPY ~Ariena is happy, she no be with weak leader. Me choose good.~ [Arienaha] SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~You needs more think about you. No needs to be so nice. It no helps.~ [Arienaan] SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~You is stupid! Ariena tells no good to be nice. Makes you weak. You listens to Ariena.~ [Arienase] SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING ~Ariena no follows weakling! Me leave!~ [Arienabr] SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~Me will smash them!~ [Arienaa] SAY LEADER ~Ariena gets power? Ariena never has had power before. Me likes!~ [Arienab] SAY TIRED ~Ariena even needs sleep. It no wise to fight when eyes wants to close.~ [Arienac] SAY BORED ~If you is thinking so much, can you not gives Ariena SOMETHING TO FIGHTS?!~ [Arienad] SAY HURT ~Me have had worse. You no worries about Ariena.~ [Arienae] SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~You needs me to smash?~ [Arienaf] SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~Me listen.~ [Arienag] SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~What?!~ [Arienah] SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~If Ariena gets good share.~ [Arienai] SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Me will try.~ [Arienaj] SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~Okay.~ [Arienak] SAY DAMAGE ~Only is scratch.~ [Arienal] SAY DYING ~If Ariena comes back, me kill you.~ [Arienam] SAY AREA_FOREST ~We can finds good meat here to eat. Ariena hunts for wild boar?~ [Arienan] SAY AREA_CITY ~Ariena finds city no nice. Many looks at Ariena. Ariena oughts to kill them all!~ [Arienao] SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Place makes Ariena thinks back of many moons... Ariena no likes it!~ [Arienap] SAY AREA_DAY ~Ariena no likes sun. It no friend of Ariena.~ [Arienaq] SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Moon time is nice. Ariena still sees, but many not. Makes Ariena better.~ [Arienar] SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~Ariena wants to fight! Me no want stupid task.~ [Arienas] SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~You really needs Ariena to does that?~ [Arienat] SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Ariena likes fight better, but me will do it.~ [Arienau] SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Ariena wants to taste blood, smell blood, feel blood! It be to long ago!~ [Arienav] SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~Me want to fight!~ [Arienax] SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~What you needs?~ [Arienay] SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~DIE!!!~ [Arienaz] SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~It no happens again!~ [Ariena1] SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Ariena no is strong enough to gives pain.~ [Ariena2] SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~Ariena no has place to put item. You finds it in the dirt.~ [Ariena3] SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~RRRAARRHHH!~ [Ariena8] SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Me squash your head!~ [Ariena9] SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Me be okay to fight.~ [Ariena0] SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Ariena is okay to do what you wishes.~ [Ariena_] SAY REACT_TO_DIE_GENERAL ~Weakling!~ [Arienaw]
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 17 April 2005 - 09:31 AM
And sorry if I may misunderstood you about Arienas lines, 'cause I though you ask for help. If so, then I apologice(sp) about that!
Though. don't know if thats an small typo or if its correct, but I wondered: Ariena oughts to kill them all!~ [Arienao]
The other sound-texts are great, btw! :thumb:
Edited by Surtr, 17 April 2005 - 09:33 AM.
Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:04 PM

Reflects both race and stats.

But if i really had to select something for improvement, i would recommend just a tiny bit more emotion in some of the sounds.
Posted 01 May 2005 - 11:28 PM
@Sutr; Hm... indeed mistake. The correct grammar is: 'He ought to' , thus Ariena ought to use ought to

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 11 May 2005 - 01:48 PM

I will take down the example tomorrow and the new soundset... well that is surprise. I am confident it sounds great! Thanks for the advice and opinions!
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 11 May 2005 - 11:46 PM

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~