And I think that games aren't "face the challenge" - things T.G, 'cmon they're just fun things to spend time with
You see? Here lies the main difference. I cannot enjoy games that do not forces me to stretch my limits. The prime reason I'm modding BG2 at the first place is to make it more challanging (though not in the Weimeric way, of course). If I help my friends complete games like these, I never "let" them to take easier paths, and at the end, most of them are happy because they actually managed to do something instead of "cheating it".But when that challenge would prevent you enjoying the game, I dont see why not remove it. As has been said, games are for enjoyment.
Thats my philosophy for RL too.
This is true of course.Some people take pleasure in a challenge, others enjoy them for other reasons - so why not, for those people, make the game easy? Its why most games have dificulty settings.
Edited by T.G.Maestro, 02 June 2005 - 12:23 AM.