Basically, I am looking for a particular kind of spell-effect animation for use in the Chrysta mod. However, rather than simply picking from one of the many already in the game I thought I would give all you creative types out there a chance to show off your skills and have a bit of fun in the process by running a COMPETITION to find the best custom effect.
The remit for the animation description is pretty broad - I am looking for a snazzy effect that would be appropriate for a humanoid "metamorphosis" - think of a humanoid forming a chrysalis and then emerging from it, or "shedding an old skin to reveal a new one" like a humanoid snake, and you get the basic idea. Then think "impressive light effect" to go along with it, and voila! :thumb:
Oh, and don't ask for any more specifics on what the effect will be used for... any more detail than I have given and we are into the realm of naughty spoilerisation, which is not like me at all
Rules are as follows:
- Entries can be either completely custom-designed from scratch, or be novel customisations/combinations of existing in-game effects. Imagination will be rewarded .
. - All necessary files to display the animation in-game, plus instructions on what I need to do to show them (I am a technical doofus, remember!) should be sent to me at
. - Maximum of 3 entries per person
. - A screenshot (or other representative image, e.g. an animated .gif) of your entry must be posted on this thread . This is to ensure that I don't get too many entries with similar effects, and to everyone an idea of the level of competition you face to spur you on to even greater efforts.
. - Make sure when you email your entry to me you mention your Forgotten Wars user name, otherwise I won't know who you are!
. - Plenty of time to work - deadline for receipt of last entry is 30th June 2005.
. - The competition will be judged by... me! Judge's decision will be final. Any attempts at bribery or coercion will be in vain, but may result in bonus prizes for particularly imaginative or creative attempts
- The winner, as well as having their animation spell effect included in the Chrysta mod, will have one of the Chrysta NPCs named in their honour (provided the name is not too silly!).
. - The top three entries (including the winner) will be posted a hard copy of the Chrysta mod on CD format when she is finally released, and will each receive a book/game token (£10 for the winner, £5 for runners-up).
Edited by Sir Kalthorine, 12 April 2005 - 06:12 AM.