OMG---what a disaster I found! It seems that CEP crew got absolutely nothing right with this mod. The scripts were wrong, the triggers were missing, the placeable models were misnamed, and some traps were left out of the 2DA file! They score a 0% on this one! Booooo!

So, instead of adding a bunch of floors, I spent my day rewriting their whole traps mod. I found the original on the Vault, imported it, made some corrections to IT, redid the traps.2DA, redid the trap_fire script, and then redid my existing traps on the five floors I had already done. And there went my day...

Well, despite all this--I did manage to get one more floor added.

I suppose before I get too hopeful, I'd better go load the mod up and see if my work was in vain, or not. Hopefully I see a lot of cool, new, Indiana Jones-style traps in the dungeon! I'll keep you all posted.