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#181 Feanor


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:32 AM

Choo Choo, on Feb 1 2008, 05:46 PM, said:

Tempest, on Feb 1 2008, 04:42 PM, said:

There are always rumors about a BG3 in the works. I say no to another sequel. Let the honored champion rest in peace.

Agreed. And we don't want any Bhaalspawn wee kids, either, to step up. The story's rather very finished by now. :rolleyes: (If someone INSISTS on it, I guess their protagonists in other games could serve as Bhaalspawnspawn. I personally think that's just a tiny bit lame, but to each their own.)

Dude, if that's the best you can come up with it, it means that the imagination of the BG fans has reached an all-time low. There are a TON of intrigues which can be created if someone wants to ressurect the franchise without resorting to such an obvious and childish solution.
The cliche of BG3 based on "Bhaalspawn kids" has become ridiculous already and starts to look more like simple negativity at this point.

I'll give you just ONE suggestion : while playing the Bhaalspawn again is impossible mainly because due to the high levels reached in Throne of Bhaal, in a BG3 the Bhaalspawn could become the main antagonist this time.
The saga of Bhaal's inheritance has ended, but as far as I'm concerned, the Bhaalspawn is very much alive and kicking in Faerun or among the planes (if he accepted godhood). The Throne of Bhaal didn't put an end to his biography.
The battle for the throne of Bhaal may have ended, but the story of the Bhaalspawn did not. We don't know what happened with him after the end, do we (regardless if he accepted godhood or not) ?

In the case of the above-mentioned scenario, I admit that the prospect of confronting my former alter-ego from the first two Baldur's Gate looks quite enticing.

Sure that the plot can turn into a disaster, but no more than the plot of any new game. It depends only on how good the writers are.

#182 Tempest


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:37 AM

But I wouldn't take that chance-good writers are few and far between these days, and making a BG3 work would demand some of the best. It's also unlikely WotC would license a BG3 that would be at all recognizable, given how FR is getting tossed out the window in favor of Fourth Edition, which would preclude basically any sequel to any current DnD video game.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#183 Choo Choo

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:39 AM

If it's me you're refering to as "dude", I'm a girl. And no, it's not everything I can imagine (I have a very vivid and broad imagination, thank you), but that doesn't mean I don't feel that the story is VERY finished. I want some things left to my imagination. And yes, the Bhaalspawn is very much alive and kicking, but that doesn't mean I want to hear more about it.

But to each their own, I guess.

(in any case, a BG3 without the Bhaalspawn as a protagonist wouldn't really be a sequel in the same way. They should make a new game - with the IE engine - in that case.)

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#184 Kulyok

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:46 AM

Seldarine, Feanor is back. What have we done to deserve this? :( Now all is left is TGMaestro to show up, and my misery will be complete.

Anyway, yes and yes to Tempest's statements. The dialogue will suck, and WotC plays by the different rules now, so the game will be a letdown, and an unrecognizable letdown at that.

(This is my cue to suck up and say something about hiring JCompton and Co, but everyone knows we're the best when it comes to shoes, forgetful bards and morose elves anyway, so. :) )

#185 Feanor


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 10:12 AM

Choo Choo, on Feb 1 2008, 07:39 PM, said:

If it's me you're refering to as "dude", I'm a girl. And no, it's not everything I can imagine (I have a very vivid and broad imagination, thank you), but that doesn't mean I don't feel that the story is VERY finished. I want some things left to my imagination. And yes, the Bhaalspawn is very much alive and kicking, but that doesn't mean I want to hear more about it.

But to each their own, I guess.

(in any case, a BG3 without the Bhaalspawn as a protagonist wouldn't really be a sequel in the same way. They should make a new game - with the IE engine - in that case.)

In fact, I used "dude" as a generic term. :D

And, damn, I see you are not willing to give it a chance. :P

Choo, the suits don't care about this. From what I know (but it could be false, though) Baldur's Gate wasn't even supposed to be a saga focused around the Bhaalspawn character (hence the title) but rather a series of separate stories a la Icewind Dale set in the Baldur's Gate area. It's only the huge success of the Bhaalspawn saga who made Baldur's Gate 2 to be done as it was.
BG2 isn't even set in Baldur's Gate area so the title makes just as much sense as a BG3 without the Bhaalspawn.

Honestly, I think it's worth a try, but as Kulyok said you need good writers to avoid a fiasco, that much is true.

But, Cho, did you feel that the story was finished after BG1 as well ? :D You may feel that way, but do you realize that the ending from TOB again wasn't the one originally intended either ?

Edited by Feanor, 01 February 2008 - 10:16 AM.

#186 Feanor


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 10:22 AM

Kulyok, on Feb 1 2008, 07:46 PM, said:

Seldarine, Feanor is back. What have we done to deserve this? :( Now all is left is TGMaestro to show up, and my misery will be complete.

Anyway, yes and yes to Tempest's statements. The dialogue will suck, and WotC plays by the different rules now, so the game will be a letdown, and an unrecognizable letdown at that.

(This is my cue to suck up and say something about hiring JCompton and Co, but everyone knows we're the best when it comes to shoes, forgetful bards and morose elves anyway, so. :) )

Can you elaborate a bit ? Haven't kept up with D&D for the last two years. Heard that they moved the setting almost 100 years up in time but nothing more than that.

#187 Choo Choo

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 10:22 AM

No, I didn't, since the character was still a Bhaalspawn. (that, and I started playing BG2 for real before I started playing BG1 for real. :P)

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#188 Tempest


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 10:28 AM

Check Delusions for info on 4E, Feanor, but the short version is: everything you know about FR is now wrong. Up to and including the Planes, the various races, the way magic works, the entire class and prestige class system, the nations of FR, and so on and so forth. Personally, Bioware and Bethesda are about the only companies I would trust with another Baldur's Gate game.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#189 Delight

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 11:05 AM

Feanor, on Feb 1 2008, 07:12 PM, said:

Choo, the suits don't care about this. From what I know (but it could be false, though) Baldur's Gate wasn't even supposed to be a saga focused around the Bhaalspawn character (hence the title) but rather a series of separate stories a la Icewind Dale set in the Baldur's Gate area. It's only the huge success of the Bhaalspawn saga who made Baldur's Gate 2 to be done as it was.
BG2 isn't even set in Baldur's Gate area so the title makes just as much sense as a BG3 without the Bhaalspawn.

That's interesting. I wonder how BG-centric BGII would look...

#190 Klorox

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 11:24 AM

If a BGIII were ever made, I think it'd be really cool if you joined up with Gorion (or played him) and the final mission were to save the Bhaalspawn from a temple of Bhaal where s/he is to be sacrificed.
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!

Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy, squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye? Oh, squiggly line, it's alright, you are forgiven.
? Stewie Griffin

#191 WizWom

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 11:56 AM

Klorox, on Feb 1 2008, 01:24 PM, said:

If a BGIII were ever made, I think it'd be really cool if you joined up with Gorion (or played him) and the final mission were to save the Bhaalspawn from a temple of Bhaal where s/he is to be sacrificed.

Better yet - evil path, you try to thwart Gorion, and end up rescuing Sarevok from the Harper assault and putting him into place in Rieltar's family - good path you try to facilitate the rescue or the children, and end up with Gorion's Ward being the only one rescued. Both paths have the same entry; you learn about Bhaal's plans bit by bit.

Oh, but I'm dreaming. It ain't gonna happen that way.

#192 Delight

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:04 PM

I think that BGIII should happen in Baldur's Gate after death of Mystra :D .

#193 Choo Choo

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:09 PM

Hmm.. a game set during the Year of Shadows could at least prove some damn interesting opportunities.

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#194 Feanor


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:15 PM

Choo Choo, on Feb 1 2008, 10:09 PM, said:

Hmm.. a game set during the Year of Shadows could at least prove some damn interesting opportunities.

See, Choo, your unbearable rejection of BG3 is not shared by many. :P

BTW, could you elaborate ? When is this year of Shadows and what do you have in mind by "interesting opportunities".

And you are too pessimistic about the story of BG3. A story is as good as the writer who writes it.

#195 Feanor


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:18 PM

Tempest, on Feb 1 2008, 08:28 PM, said:

Check Delusions for info on 4E, Feanor, but the short version is: everything you know about FR is now wrong. Up to and including the Planes, the various races, the way magic works, the entire class and prestige class system, the nations of FR, and so on and so forth. Personally, Bioware and Bethesda are about the only companies I would trust with another Baldur's Gate game.

Eh, I took a look, but it's not like that. It's not that "everything has become wrong", simply Forgotten Realms endured some major historical changes like it happened in the past on several occasions (The Crown Wars and The Sundering, The Fall of Netheril, The Times of Troubles etc). It's nothing surprising from this point of view and a welcome change in my opinion, because I disliked that the Realms seemed to be set in stone with no major alteration.

If someone wants to use the previous edition he can simply set the campaign before 1375 and everything is ok.

Edited by Feanor, 01 February 2008 - 12:19 PM.

#196 Choo Choo

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 12:35 PM

Year of Shadows = Time of Troubles.

If that rings a bell. :)

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#197 -Al-

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Posted 02 February 2008 - 04:50 PM

I'm not gonna propose anything original here, given that I haven't given much thought to another sequel to the game, but how about one in which the protagonist is chosen by the Gods (our previous protagonist being either Bhaal or an NPC, playable or not) to try to stop a second Time Of Troubles (and this is also where I should say I haven't read much regarding the event beyond what I could take from playing BGII)? Would it be a viable and interesting option for a sequel?

#198 Rabain



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Posted 02 February 2008 - 06:27 PM

The only BG3ish thing in production (supposedly) is JE Sawyers Neverwinter module that uses the intended storyline of the never-started BG3 (The Black Hound).

In my opinion, just like the many mods and TC's etc that are so popular these days, the story should just bypass the Bhaalspawn saga, that is happening somewhere else.

In the city of Baldur's Gate there is a young man (or woman) setting their boots in the footsteps of numerous heroes, both named and nameless that have gone before. Tell that story instead...

It is not the story as such, I think, that has drawn so many people. Instead it is the engine, the characters and the storyline together that make it popular.

The Bhaalspawn Saga is over, let it go, but that doesn't mean the IE engine has to die.
A knight without armour in a savage land...

#199 DNDSuki

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Posted 05 February 2008 - 10:43 AM

Lol fed up of the "Guild War"--one guild saying BGIII should have the bhaalspawn/bhaalspawn's child and another saying it should have a prequel
what about an innocent/apprentice who stumbles upon the secret/legend of baldur's gate and the bhaalspawn story 100 years later? that could be a new story, since BGII was in 2001 and now it's 2008.

bhaalspawn's child? bhaalspawnspawn? thats very classic, and also it is not stated whether CharName did have a child, unless the romance was with Aerie which ended up with a child. I wonder if in BGII CharName chose to be a god, would it have any impact on the relationships.
Prequel? honestly i didnt play BGI and don't know a single thing; but guess most on the plot/storyline has been covered in BGI.

Concluding, an important aspect of the game is its graphics.. is BGIII going to be like NWN2?

#200 Gabrielle


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Posted 05 February 2008 - 05:05 PM

There is no BG3 and there will not be a BG3. Nor would we want it. Using that trashy 4th edition rules set would ruin it.
For all of your BG modding needs: Chosen of Mystra.

This is The End.