Choo Choo, on Feb 1 2008, 05:46 PM, said:
Tempest, on Feb 1 2008, 04:42 PM, said:
There are always rumors about a BG3 in the works. I say no to another sequel. Let the honored champion rest in peace.
Agreed. And we don't want any Bhaalspawn wee kids, either, to step up. The story's rather very finished by now.(If someone INSISTS on it, I guess their protagonists in other games could serve as Bhaalspawnspawn. I personally think that's just a tiny bit lame, but to each their own.)
Dude, if that's the best you can come up with it, it means that the imagination of the BG fans has reached an all-time low. There are a TON of intrigues which can be created if someone wants to ressurect the franchise without resorting to such an obvious and childish solution.
The cliche of BG3 based on "Bhaalspawn kids" has become ridiculous already and starts to look more like simple negativity at this point.
I'll give you just ONE suggestion : while playing the Bhaalspawn again is impossible mainly because due to the high levels reached in Throne of Bhaal, in a BG3 the Bhaalspawn could become the main antagonist this time.
The saga of Bhaal's inheritance has ended, but as far as I'm concerned, the Bhaalspawn is very much alive and kicking in Faerun or among the planes (if he accepted godhood). The Throne of Bhaal didn't put an end to his biography.
The battle for the throne of Bhaal may have ended, but the story of the Bhaalspawn did not. We don't know what happened with him after the end, do we (regardless if he accepted godhood or not) ?
In the case of the above-mentioned scenario, I admit that the prospect of confronting my former alter-ego from the first two Baldur's Gate looks quite enticing.
Sure that the plot can turn into a disaster, but no more than the plot of any new game. It depends only on how good the writers are.