Pratchett's Discworld is awesome (I read every book of the series, except the newest one I think). But Douglas Adams is even awesomer

Posted 30 March 2005 - 12:15 PM
Posted 30 March 2005 - 12:25 PM
Posted 30 March 2005 - 01:05 PM
Disso...You sure you're thinking of the same trilogy NiGHTMARE was asking about? By R. A. Salvatore?What about R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elf trilogy (a prequel to the Icewind Dale trilogy )? Many people say those three books are the best of the Drizzt novels. In fact, I've even seen Drizzt haters cite them as how good the rest of the novels could have been.
I for one is not very fond of Drizzt, but the Dark Elf Trilogy is amazingly written. Most of the Forgotten Realms books (especially the ones about the Time of Troubles) are badly written and made to make money, but the Dark Elf Trilogy is really good. Especially Dissolution.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 01:14 PM
Edited by NiGHTMARE, 30 March 2005 - 01:16 PM.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 01:19 PM
It is.I've never played it, but I thought Gothic 2 was supposed to be a great game?Atari is a moneyproducing machine, and no good RPG has ever come from them, so we fanatic fans can begin shivering.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 01:53 PM
Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:33 PM
Posted 30 March 2005 - 09:29 PM
Posted 30 March 2005 - 09:59 PM
Grunker, somehow I just knew you were about to say the Death Gate Cycle when you said "For anyone who would like to read amazing fantasy books I can recommend" =). That series was amazing. My favorite fantasy series by far. I bought all seven of the books and would keep them next to my bed so I could read like 10 random pages before going to bed just to remind me that there is some beauty in the world =). Now that I think about it Haplo isn't all that different from Irenicus...
Right, Dissolution is one of the War of the Spider Queen uh... hexalogy novels. Which, other than the prologues, weren't even written by R.A. Salvatore
It is.I've never played it, but I thought Gothic 2 was supposed to be a great game?Atari is a moneyproducing machine, and no good RPG has ever come from them, so we fanatic fans can begin shivering.
NWN isn't bad either, and Troika is no more, thank goodness. Atari's just a publisher, anyway; the developer is what's important here. I've never understood why some people think it's so awful for a game company to behave like a business. It could be a lot worse -- EA Games could have the license. They're a programming sweatshop.
The PC's mother being a priestess of Bhaal was a retcon, and a really horribly stupid one. BG3 may not even have anything to do with the child of Bhaal thing at all. It's impossible to know what it will be about and whether it will be good or bad at this stage.
Edited by Grunker, 30 March 2005 - 10:02 PM.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 10:57 PM
Gah.NWN is a heap of dung... And Troika redeemed themselves and made themselves state of the art game-creators in my eyes when they made Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, a game that's definetely in my RPG top3, try it, and see what I mean.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:50 PM
Posted 01 April 2005 - 02:47 AM
Gah.NWN is a heap of dung... And Troika redeemed themselves and made themselves state of the art game-creators in my eyes when they made Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, a game that's definetely in my RPG top3, try it, and see what I mean.
I can't say I've played Bloodlines; I can say I've seen a lot of the dialogue from it, and it's godawful--much worse than NWN could ever be.
I bought Bloodlines. I played it for about 2 hours and decided it was a huge waste of money and haven't played it since.
And there are only 7 books in the Death Gate Cycle... Unless they wrote 7 more within like the last 3 years or something, which I really doubt. There was one book per world (kinda, they broke that rule later on jumping around). But if there are more I really want to know because I've reread them so many times because they were sooo great.
Posted 01 April 2005 - 05:42 AM
I can't say I've played Bloodlines; I can say I've seen a lot of the dialogue from it, and it's godawful--much worse than NWN could ever be.
Posted 01 April 2005 - 05:49 AM
Posted 01 April 2005 - 06:02 AM
Posted 01 April 2005 - 06:35 AM
Here's why I don't like Bloodlines. The men walk like women, and not just any women, the biggest sluts I've ever seen. The entire game is insanely choppy, and gets unbelievably more so the longer you play. If you don't restart every half an hour or so the game becomes unplayable (and I have a pretty new computer, it should be able to handle anything, and handles Doom 3 just fine even). For an RPG, it seems overly simplistic in abilities, which I was actually OK with because I decided to have fun with it instead of powergame like I always do. I was really looking forward to being able to finally be the bad guy in an RPG and do whatever I want without worrying about Cowled Wizards and such warping in and blasting me apart. Then I found out about the "Masquerade." You can't do anything cool or people find out that there are vampires in the world and bad things happen. What's the point in being evil if you can't be evil?
Also, all the cutscenes are VERY fast and VERY choppy. I read in a review about one where a guy summons wolves, they run right through him, run past the enemy, and then bite the air and somehow rip the guy apart. Then I watched the cutscene, and felt kinda like I did when I watch Moulin Rouge with a 103 degree fever; very very confused. It went so fast I had no idea what I just watched. After going through the tutorial for a few days (restarting, loading, giving up and coming back took quite a while, and the tutorial itself was so long that I wished there was a warning) I finally reached a city and had a mission. It took me 20 seconds to forget my mission, about an hour to load walking out of the building you start in because I kept having to restart, and then I spent the next hour trying to figure out how to get the stupid prostitute to go somewhere where I could suck her blood. She wouldn't shut up about the dark alleys being too public, and it kept freezing when I tried to go back into the building. I finally got her to a dark alley, sucked was JUST about to suck her blood, then she ran away because apparently my time expired or something. Then I gave up.
Edited by Grunker, 01 April 2005 - 06:37 AM.
Posted 01 April 2005 - 07:13 AM
Here's why I don't like Bloodlines. The men walk like women, and not just any women, the biggest sluts I've ever seen. The entire game is insanely choppy, and gets unbelievably more so the longer you play. If you don't restart every half an hour or so the game becomes unplayable (and I have a pretty new computer, it should be able to handle anything, and handles Doom 3 just fine even). For an RPG, it seems overly simplistic in abilities, which I was actually OK with because I decided to have fun with it instead of powergame like I always do. I was really looking forward to being able to finally be the bad guy in an RPG and do whatever I want without worrying about Cowled Wizards and such warping in and blasting me apart. Then I found out about the "Masquerade." You can't do anything cool or people find out that there are vampires in the world and bad things happen. What's the point in being evil if you can't be evil?
Also, all the cutscenes are VERY fast and VERY choppy. I read in a review about one where a guy summons wolves, they run right through him, run past the enemy, and then bite the air and somehow rip the guy apart. Then I watched the cutscene, and felt kinda like I did when I watch Moulin Rouge with a 103 degree fever; very very confused. It went so fast I had no idea what I just watched. After going through the tutorial for a few days (restarting, loading, giving up and coming back took quite a while, and the tutorial itself was so long that I wished there was a warning) I finally reached a city and had a mission. It took me 20 seconds to forget my mission, about an hour to load walking out of the building you start in because I kept having to restart, and then I spent the next hour trying to figure out how to get the stupid prostitute to go somewhere where I could suck her blood. She wouldn't shut up about the dark alleys being too public, and it kept freezing when I tried to go back into the building. I finally got her to a dark alley, sucked was JUST about to suck her blood, then she ran away because apparently my time expired or something. Then I gave up.
Most of the problems you're speaking about I have never met, and my computer is on the verge of giving up because it can't handle the graphics. The loading times were immense, but it was no problem because the readings they've provided is amazing. Why do you keep reloading? I thought the brilliancy of this game was that you didn't have to do it as much as par example in Baldur's Gate.
It is very simplistic in its abilities because the RPG system it uses is White Wolf - The company that originally wrote "the Masquerade". Just because you don't think it isn't cool that you can't rip every guys head of when you're a vampire it doesn't make it a bad game. It makes it an INSANELY GOOD GAME. The masquerade is a fantastic idea, because it solves the issue of "why we don't know vampires exist" and it makes it so that there's tons of roleplaying in the game, where you try to hide your actions.
"What's the point in being evil if you can't be evil?", you can be, just in other ways than ripping people's heads of, which by my standards would offer no roleplaying and would make it a shitty game. The "Beckett" charachter is fantastic, and yes, the voice-acting is fantastic also. The dialogue options even, I think are great, and the dialogue the NPC's offer is even better.
If you can roleplay, and especcially if you have played Vampire the Masquerade with pen and paper (or try playing VtM: Redemption, which offers more introduction) the game will be greater still. Also, if you feel thrown into the world with no knowledge whatsoever, that's only good, cause that's the way a childe without a sire should feel, because its very rare to be one, and they have no executive watching their backs and teaching them how to act in "the World of Darkness".
Every bit about this game just screams: "GOOD ROLEPLAYING" to me, but if you want to be evil by blasting everything apart with a .44 Magnum, play another game
Posted 01 April 2005 - 07:55 AM
Edited by NiGHTMARE, 01 April 2005 - 07:56 AM.
Posted 01 April 2005 - 09:34 AM
A prequel? Nothing good can come of that.
The Throne of Bhaal ENDED THE SERIES okay? They couldn't do a sequel even if they wanted to, hence the decision to make a prequel.