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#1 Grunker


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 02:44 AM


Yes there is definetely being worked on Baldurs Gate 3. I know Atari is the publisher, but they've yet to choose a publisher.

It will be made in a 3D engine, and it will be a prequel to BGI, which means that it will take place BEFORE the other games, likely in the Time of Troubles, where the whole thing started. It is also known that they might implement one of Minsc's ancestors, with a miniture giant space *something* as a pet.

So everybody, stick together and pray that Atari will leave the development to companies like Troika.

We had a few discussion about this topic that will shed even more light on the matter at the DLTC forums. (GOI - Glory of Istar, the mod that converts Baldurs Gate into a whole other game, in the Dragonlance setting).

Here are the threads:

Main conversation:


Another conversation with much info:


Also, there's a little info at www.planetbaldursgate.com and in Biowares forums.


Edited by Grunker, 13 January 2010 - 05:25 PM.

"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#2 Grunker


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 02:48 AM

Oh, and in one of the threads above, you can find the exact article in PC Gamer.
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#3 Loké

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 04:44 AM

A prequel? Nothing good can come of that.

#4 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:05 AM

A prequel? Nothing good can come of that.

I don't agree here - it can be made quite nice with enough thoughts put into it. Why do you think it would be bad?
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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:12 AM

Atari is a moneyproducing machine, and no good RPG has ever come from them, so we fanatic fans can begin shivering.

I've never played it, but I thought Gothic 2 was supposed to be a great game?

#6 Ebon

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:37 AM

Being set in the Time of Troubles-that means we'll assist Bhaal produce his spawn. Of course, that will end in a poor woman being raped. :ermm: Not good.

#7 Sir guestalot

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 06:21 AM

Uh, as far as i recall from TOB, charname's mother did it willingly:p

#8 Archmage Silver

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 07:11 AM

The PC's mother was a priestess of Bhaal.

#9 Sol

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 07:52 AM

I think it's stupid to make a prequel. A large part of the story in the Time of Troubles is already revealed in BG1, BG2 and ToB.

#10 Archmage Silver

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:13 AM

Besides, I don't know how I'm able to play a mage if a magic missile could destroy a city or my mage. Unless they're going to forget the wild magic. Which would already f*** up the game.

#11 Ebon

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:25 AM

Hmm, time of troubles? Gods having flesh and walking amongst us? That has promises. I'm in!


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:32 AM

All we know is that it'll be a prequel. That it's set during the Time of Troubles is mere speculation.

My guess is that it's set several centuries earlier, this being backed up by the "Minsc ancestor part" (since if it were the ToT, it could only really be his father).

#13 Sir guestalot

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 10:06 AM

I bet we get to play boo or something, yes, thats what the game will be about...
about boo's secret

"Baldurs gate 3: Boo's Dark Secret"

#14 LoOk

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 10:08 AM

Lol, I get disturbing images in my head from that title.. > <
You can never name any better game for me than Baldur's Gate!

Got nothing to say..

#15 Grunker


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 10:35 AM

I bet we get to play boo or something, yes, thats what the game will be about...
about boo's secret

"Baldurs gate 3: Boo's Dark Secret"


"Baldur's Gate 3: Boo, the Kender of the Forgotten Realms" :D

Yes, it is only speculation that it will be set in the Time of Troubles, and you do have a good point about the Minsc ancestor part...

We'll be pretty sure wether the game will be good or suck when we hear the name of the developer, that's all I'm waiting for. I'm not really anticipating the game, because I fear what might come.
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#16 Grunker


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 10:36 AM

A prequel? Nothing good can come of that.


The Throne of Bhaal ENDED THE SERIES okay? They couldn't do a sequel even if they wanted to, hence the decision to make a prequel.

Edited by Grunker, 13 January 2010 - 05:28 PM.

"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#17 Loké

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:06 AM

A prequel? Nothing good can come of that.

I don't agree here - it can be made quite nice with enough thoughts put into it. Why do you think it would be bad?


Every other prequel I can think of was terrible.


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:15 AM

What about R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elf trilogy (a prequel to the Icewind Dale trilogy )? Many people say those three books are the best of the Drizzt novels. In fact, I've even seen Drizzt haters cite them as how good the rest of the novels could have been.

Edited by NiGHTMARE, 30 March 2005 - 11:20 AM.

#19 Grunker


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:52 AM

What about R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elf trilogy (a prequel to the Icewind Dale trilogy )? Many people say those three books are the best of the Drizzt novels.  In fact, I've even seen Drizzt haters cite them as how good the rest of the novels could have been.


I for one is not very fond of Drizzt, but the Dark Elf Trilogy is amazingly written. Most of the Forgotten Realms books (especially the ones about the Time of Troubles) are badly written and made to make money, but the Dark Elf Trilogy is really good. Especially Dissolution.

For anyone who would like to read amazing fantasy books I can recommend (I'm not sure about the name of series in english so I'll translate it directly from danish) the Death's Gate series by Magaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. They have created their own world, without having to do it within boundaries given by a big company like Wizards of the Coast.

I think I just might have pissed someone off with this reply... Hope not.
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee


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Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:58 AM

My personal favourite fantasy world is the Discworld :).