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v8, v9 Canteen problem

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#1 Jaguar

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 03:10 PM

Has anyone experinced this?

When I fill a canteen.. then try to drink from it it ALWAYS says canteen EMPTY...

This is after the dialog that says you have filled the canteen...

Strange huh?

What is wrong here?

Why can I not fill the canteen and then drink from it?

This is happening with v8 and v9 for me... I haven't changed anything in the mod....
There has to be others out there with this problem

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Edited by Jaguar, 22 March 2005 - 04:25 PM.

#2 muaddib

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 04:47 PM

The only thing i saw or had a problem with was when i had 3 canteen's if 2 were full it would report the 3rd as full as well...even though it wasnt. t was acting like one of the canteens was a duplicate of another one. I dropped the "duplicate" one and everything seems ok.

#3 Jaguar

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 04:49 PM

Damn..... no lie.. everytime I fill the canteen.. it says.. Filled canteen.
And then if I use it it says it is empty..

and all I haven't changed anything in the mod except the inc_letoscript


Edited by Jaguar, 22 March 2005 - 04:51 PM.

#4 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 12:46 AM

Damn..... no lie.. everytime I fill the canteen.. it says.. Filled canteen.
And then if I use it it says it is empty..

and all I haven't changed anything in the mod except the inc_letoscript


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that is weird, Jaguar. I just chug-a-lugg'ed from two different canteens on Muaddib's server, without any problems.

Check your pwdata table in MySQLCC. Look for line entries that say CHARGES and SRCTAG (plus the pc's name). Let me know what you find (or don't find).

#5 Jaguar

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 03:43 AM

ok Horred,

Looks like PWDATA is not being updated with that info....
I used Dingo's sql and imported all the tables and see info from his server up to the 16th of March... BUT nothing from any of the characters I have created..

Hmmmmm.... interesting... Cause I can create characters just fine.. Even logout and log into the last position I was in....

Here is the info on my server:


PW Action
Server Name: Jaguar{LOA}_Server_1
Server IP:
Player Pass: jaguarloa

Any ideas Horred?? I know i am fresh out... lol

#6 Jaguar

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 04:11 AM

Check this out....

i just dropped the PWDATA table..... and recreated it...

still empty....

it says in game..

You have found a water source. You can fill you canteen here.

Then it says... (when I do fill it) You fill the canteen.

THEN when trying to use the canteen it says:

The canteen is empty, you should fill it at a water source.

i am TOTALLY stumped.... considering I changed nothing with the v9 mod and create the pwdata table like Tiggers instructions (I have done this before using APS_253)

Anyone have any ideas? This is truly weird...

#7 horred the plague

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 04:53 AM

Check this out....

i just dropped the PWDATA table..... and recreated it...

still empty....

it says in game..

You have found a water source. You can fill you canteen here.

Then it says... (when I do fill it) You fill the canteen.

THEN when trying to use the canteen it says:

The canteen is empty, you should fill it at a water source.

i am TOTALLY stumped.... considering I changed nothing with the v9 mod and create the pwdata table like Tiggers instructions (I have done this before using APS_253)

Anyone have any ideas?  This is truly weird...

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Well, what it says in-game is not of consequence---those are scripted messages. What really matter is whether or not the data is being written. In this case, it isn't. Is there possibly some setting that makes a SQL table read-only, or the equivalent? Anybody???

#8 -Guest-

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 05:45 AM

Hmmmm./..... interesting... I will have to check that..

BUT in my experience there isn't... I will look when I get home tonite...

I also imported YOUR SQL for the table creation... That wnet thru fine also...

Yeah.. Can anyone breathe some information into this?

I really do not want to have to rebuild my sql server again... UUGGGHHHH....

#9 Jaguar

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 07:07 AM

That is my post above...

#10 muaddib

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 02:30 PM

Only way to make a table read only is through user rights...ie one user has read only rights while the other might be set up with full access ..ie default accout "root"

Edited by muaddib, 23 March 2005 - 02:34 PM.

#11 Jaguar

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 02:57 PM

Yeah, all the access rights and priviledges are for the NWNUSER account....

so, the GRANT ALL *.* was run over the system during creation....

#12 Jaguar

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 05:54 AM


More on my Canteen problem...

I noticed that my PLAYER INFO TABLES (pwdata, playerdata, et..)

ARE NOT being updated... UUUGGGHHH.....

Any insight? I checked the user info... and it is all there... and correct.. in fact in mysql admin I made sure the users had all rights and Privi's.....

Could it be something in one of the INI files?

I checked the NWN FF.ini file and adjusted some of it's properties...


how crazy is this? hehehehe

I know now what is supposed to happen Horred... I loged into your server and drank some water... Cool... too bad mine isn't working.. :-(

I am TOTALLY at a loss at this point....
I am running mysql 4.1 not 4.0 but I don't think that would be the problem only cause i have all the other tables being read from and were being created in the convocc...

What pisses me off the most is that I rebuilt the server, so it's a clean OS AND followed all the docs explicitly. At least I can create characters now.. but they die cause of thirst.. HEHEHAHHAHA I dunno... Talk about frustrating..

Edited by Jaguar, 25 March 2005 - 06:01 AM.

#13 muaddib

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:04 PM

What pisses me off the most is that I rebuilt the server, so it's a clean OS AND followed all the docs explicitly. At least I can create characters now.. but they die cause of thirst.. HEHEHAHHAHA  I dunno... Talk about frustrating..

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The one thing that i can think of that was giving me problems is WERE the server is installed...ie...mine used to be c:\Games\NWNserver that wouldnt work straight out of the box.....but C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN works just fine.

#14 horred the plague

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:13 PM


More on my Canteen problem...

I noticed that my PLAYER INFO TABLES (pwdata, playerdata, et..)

ARE NOT being updated...  UUUGGGHHH..... 

Any insight? I checked the user info... and it is all there... and correct.. in fact in mysql admin I made sure the users had all rights and Privi's.....

Could it be something in one of the INI files?

I checked the NWN FF.ini file and adjusted some of it's properties...


how crazy is this? hehehehe

I know now what is supposed to happen Horred... I loged into your server and drank some water... Cool... too bad mine isn't working.. :-(

I am TOTALLY at a loss at this point....
I am running mysql 4.1 not 4.0 but I don't think that would be the problem only cause i have all the other tables being read from and were being created in the convocc...

What pisses me off the most is that I rebuilt the server, so it's a clean OS AND followed all the docs explicitly. At least I can create characters now.. but they die cause of thirst.. HEHEHAHHAHA  I dunno... Talk about frustrating..

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you shouldn't even be using nwnff.ini at this point, nor NWN-MYSQL.dll. I run MySQL 4.19, so that isn't the issue.

Until you can solve this issue, i suggest turning off the food/hunger/thirst systems in hc_default.nss. At least your people won't die of thirst then. :unsure: I'm pretty clueless as to what could be the cause, as well. The mod is definitely supposed to be taking care of this (and does, on every server I've checked out thus far).

Try taking out all of the server-based exe's/dll's you have there (especially the fast french ones!)--and put in only the ones listed in the version 9 readme file. The listed versions, as well. If you still are using fast french, you followed an outdated install guide, I guarantee it. Grape Ape and I are slowly working him out of the mod on a script level, as well. We've come to the conclusion he's causing more trouble than he's worth.

#15 Jaguar

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:14 PM

ok... I am using C:\NWNDedicatedServer 1.65 (i.e C:/NWNDedicatedServer 1.65/)

Could that be the problem????

#16 horred the plague

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:19 PM

ok... I am using C:\NWNDedicatedServer 1.65 (i.e C:/NWNDedicatedServer 1.65/)

Could that be the problem????

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I really don't know jack about the dedicated server proggie--I only have 1 pc, so I do it a different way. In either case, don't use fast french. Are you using leto 4.18, nwnx-leto 3+18, and nwnx_261 in any way? those are what I'm using. I should let somebody else runnig a working dedicated server answer this question, befor I mess you up even further.

#17 Jaguar

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:26 PM

Horred, you could never mess me up man.... I thank you for all your help...

Let's see.... Leto is version3.18 I believe (like the documentation says) and aps/nwnx is 2.61 I think.... Again like the docs say..

I used Tiggers docs explicitly...

The only thing that is different is mysql version is 4.1 NOT 4.0. Maybe that is it... cause I had to create the user accounts a little differently.. I did it in admin.

Maybe that is it.. I dunno.... I will have to look at that part... DAMN this is frustrating...

#18 horred the plague

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:38 PM

Horred, you could never mess me up man....  I thank you for all your help...

Let's see....  Leto is version3.18 I believe (like the documentation says) and aps/nwnx is 2.61 I think....  Again like the docs say..

I used Tiggers docs explicitly...

The only thing that is different is mysql version is 4.1 NOT 4.0. Maybe that is it... cause I had to create the user accounts a little differently.. I did it in admin.

Maybe that is it.. I dunno.... I will have to look at that part... DAMN this is frustrating...

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Again: I'm using MySQL 4.19. Not sure if it's different with the dedicated server, but I'm doubting it. GrapeApe said he started off using a 3.xx version, without incident, before he upgraded. I personally switched from 4.023 to 4.19 in the middle of this (around version 5 or so), without a stitch.

#19 Jaguar

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 01:27 PM

Well, I think I will change the path name to my server to C:\Neverwinternights\NWN\

Uninstall my install of NWN on the server and reinstall it to C:\NWN

MAYBE that will work... That is the only thing I see different.. my server is located at C:\NWNDEDICATEDSERVER 1.65

Like I said.. none of the player info is being saved in the tables..

I will look into it when I get home in about an hour...

Any other suggestions?? Has anyone else used a different install path....

#20 Jaguar

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 03:50 PM

HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!!

I FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!



Horred, remember I told you that there was no player data getting ported into the pwdata table...??

Well, that was the problem...

1. EVERYONE should go into the Control Center, connect to User Administration AND check the privileges for their users...

2. MAKE SURE you put in ALL the NWNX DLL's that are called for... DUH!!!

I FEEL SO FR@#$KING STUPID!!!! :crying:

Now I can see when I fill the canteen and take a drink the water canteen line and the charges change dynamically as they are used.. PHEW..... THANK GOD!!!

Thank you EVERYONE for your help..... :thumb: :w00t: