Also, be sure to set FF_USING_CNR togle from zero to one, in ff_inc_options.
SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cnr_misc` (" + "`player` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," + "`tag` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," + "`name` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," + "`val` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," + "`expire` SMALLINT UNSIGNED default NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY (`player`, `tag`, `name`)" + ") TYPE=MyISAM" );
Here is the code for the bbs tables. Add this part just above the FF_USING_CNR part (starts at line 33 in my script)
SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bbs_boards` ("+ "`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`pageSize` smallint(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '5',"+ "`maxItems` smallint(11) NOT NULL default '50',"+ "`boardId` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,"+ "PRIMARY KEY (`boardId`)"+ ") TYPE=MyISAM"); SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bbs_messages` ("+ "`title` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`poster` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`date` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`message` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`bbsName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',"+ "`messageId` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,"+ "PRIMARY KEY (`messageId`)"+ ") TYPE=MyISAM");
Then, save the script, and build the module ('Advanced editor--compile--scripts' only). You should have these tables on your next module load.
Sorry for the confusion, we'll get this right yet.
Edited by horred the plague, 20 March 2005 - 09:59 PM.