Introduction: Chrysta is a new, romanceable NPC who will hopefully introduce something fresh and new to the mod NPC scene. Although designed as a new NPC to romance, the main focus of the mod is to see how people react to an individual whose development and fate is quite literally in the hands of the PC - and not just as a Child of Bhaal. Chrysta starts knowing little of herself and her past, and it is up to the PC to help and guide (or hinder and corrupt) her on her journey of self discovery. Helping Chrysta to become all she can be will be a path open to the PC whether or not she is being romanced.
Appearance: At first appearance, Chrysta has the form and shape of a rather small, young female Elf. Completely hairless to the point of being totally bald, her skin is a pale green in colour and almost scaly in appearance - rather like the surface of a leaf. Check out the pic below (which is the one I use for my avatar) for a rough indication of how I imagine she might look (a version of this might end up as her portrait after suitable "Baldurisation", but that is for future discussion and debate):

The above portrayed was kindly produced by Muse of the Sol Ek Sa group.
Background: When first met outside Irenicus's dungeon as another apparent escapee from the wreckage of the dungeon, it soon becomes apparent that she is one of Jon Irenicus's "clone" attempts, and although Elven blood clearly runs in her veins she is clearly not a pure blood member of any species on Faerun. No one knows anything more about her to begin with... least of all Chrysta. Her thieving abilities and innate ability to cast certain druidic spells hint at elements of her background before Irenicus took her and altered her, and her prowess at skills normally restricted to the assassin sub-class hints that some of that background may be very dark indeed. Her memory of her time in Irenicus's hands is patchy at best - all she claims to know is that she witnessed some of his experiments on <CHARNAME>, and as a result she sees him/her as her best chance of finding more about herself. Of her time before she fell into the hands of the evil fallen mage, she claims to remember nothing...
Game Implementation: I know that due to hard coding restrictions a straight Druid/Thief multiclass combo isn?t possible. Therefore, Chrysta will be a hopefully innovative combination of an Assassin-kit thief and Druid. I plan on doing this by having her as an assassin who gains certain druidic spells (with the PC having a limited choice as to which she gains) and abilities (e.g. shapechange) as special abilities on level-up. She will have certain innate abilities and restrictions as a unique creature (e.g. susceptibility to fire and other disabilities to offset her being an assassin with druid spells - I hate overpowered NPCs who make the game too easy), and will have the avatar and paperdoll of a greenskinned, bald Elf woman.
Proposed Starting Stats: STR 12, CON 8, DEX 17, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 15
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Elf(-ish)
Class: Assassin (Thief) with innate Druidic Special Abilities
In terms of dialogue and scripting, I want Chrysta?s development and ultimate fate to be a direct result of the intervention of the player ? she comes across as a somewhat troubled and fragile individual, but whether this is a true reflection of how her personality was scarred as a direct result of Irenicus's tampering, or a clever ruse to ilicit sympathy from <CHARNAME>, will only become apparent as the game progresses.
As stated above, I do intend to make Chrysta a ?Romanceable? NPC for male PCs of any race (she is susceptible to influence, after all), and also give her lots of dialogue and banter. She will also have her own set of subquests ? many of which will be involved with discovering who she is and where she came from.
Edited by Sir Kalthorine, 04 May 2012 - 03:57 PM.