Did Irenicus rape Imoen?(the poll)
Posted 28 September 2005 - 06:43 AM
Have the original writers of BG 2 ever commented or alluded to the possibility that Irenicus raped Imoen? Also, if Irenicus did rape Imoen than why not the PC too?
The pc is the primary character, and I have always thought that Irenicus finds the pc more interesting than Imoen. After all, Irenicus uses the pc's soul for himself not Imoen's soul which he gives to Bohdi.
So if rape were to be done then it would seem to me that the pc would have been his primary target. Certainly, there is no hint in the game that the pc has been sexually assaulted or that rape has anything to do with arousing Bhaal and facillitating the retrieval of the pc's soul.
Loch27, among others, seems to have a sound point. What would be the point of raping any of them? The murder of the thieves seems to be more to the point.
Posted 28 September 2005 - 09:17 AM

Edited by Ashara, 28 September 2005 - 09:17 AM.
Posted 29 September 2005 - 05:01 AM
Please, see this 33 page thread ( http://www.shsforums...?showtopic=3599 ) that argues back and forth, pro and contra, striving to answer these particular questions. It is a good if long read.
You are so mean.

In the game, we never really hear the pc's reaction to the torture. There are a several passing comments on the subject but the comments are shallow. Why not have Imoen and the pc have a discussion about their mutual experiences?
I don't think the general story needs anymore drama. The story has so much angst already, why add more? I think the rape aspect would tilt the story to parody.
Posted 29 September 2005 - 05:16 AM
PC1A: "Imoen, I am worried for you. You never said a word about what happened to you in Irenicus' lair."
PC1B: "So, Imoen, at last somebody of the opposite gender paid some attention to you, eh? I never thought you liked it rough."
PC2A: "Imoen... I am so sorry that you were tortured. If you need a friend, or perhaps more than a friend, I am ready to listen."
PC2B: "Everybody in Candlekeep liked YOU! You, not me! You got what you deserved!"
PC3A: "Irenicus did that? Oh, how horrible! My poor, poor Imoen... Say, would you like a foot massage?"
PC3B: "He raped you? Well, then, I suppose you're spoiled goods. Korgan, help yourself."
PC4A: "Imoen, I suffered at Irenicus' hands, too! Stop telling me how horrible it was, I KNOW!"
PC4B: "Tortured, were you? Raped, weren't you? (yawn) Now, go and tell somebody else, be a good girl."
PC5A: "How could he? You, so innocent, so cheerful, so fresh..."
PC5B: "Who in their right mind would like to make love to you? Eww, you're ugly! You're disgusting!"
Every single reply is what one of my PC's wanted to say to her. I guess it'll be rather difficult to write such a discussion, and include these and more in.
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 29 September 2005 - 08:14 AM
...PC6B: Minsc, you mentioned something about being searched... and Boo being missed?! Were you er... violated?
Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:46 PM
How would she know he's beyond that unless he had tried to take pleasure in her company. THe number of times Immy remarks little things that seem to confirm or deny it are to numerous to count however and so I say leave it as mysterious as it is. Otherwise you will have lots of people unhappy."I doubt he took pleasure in her company, he's beyond that."
Alternatively you make a was raped and wasn't raped mod.
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
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Posted 30 October 2005 - 04:26 AM
I am interested in this particullary question, since I am trying to write a fanfic-novel based on SoA+ToB. It won't be just a simple retelling, I intend to change lots of things, which seemed wrong to me or add new things, which I think should be there. I also try to give more insights into the different characters. A lot more. This won't be just a simple good-versus-evil story. Characters will have problems, will fail, will do things which they later regret (even from an ethical point of view).
So of course when I tried to outline Imoen's character, I stumbled upon this question: Was Imoen raped or not?
In my opinion, Irenicus wouldn't do it. He does things, because he thinks they would be useful to whatever he wants to achieve (in this case, stealing Imoen's soul). So he is rather a pragmatic, emotionless person. But if he thought, raping Imoen would achieve this, he would of course do it. Perhaps not himself, since I doubt he would be able to have any feelings for anyone and it is impossible (logically) to rape someone without being able to feel lust. It would be just another experiment for him. Probably would take an ogre, orc or some other humanoid beast to do the job in order to reach maximum results.
--- Thomas Hobbbes
"If you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."
--- Friedrich Nietzsche
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--- Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Children of Bhaal - my BG2 fanfic-novel (Rated R)
Posted 22 May 2007 - 07:40 PM
Posted 22 May 2007 - 07:58 PM
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 22 May 2007 - 08:08 PM
Dryad 1:We are his possessions.
Dryad 2:His servants.
Dryad 3:His concubines. Please help us to escape!
Imoen to the Dryads:I used to dream... but he doesn't. Your charms don't work on him anymore, do they?
Dryad 1:How do you know of this? He has touched you as we, hasn't he? Irenicus searches for something he cannot find, and he looks within those that have no more idea than he.
They were his concubines and couldn't instill passion in him anymore, they recognized that he tried to regain a glimpse of that old passion by using Imoen and responded to her that they could tell "He has touched you as we"
Edited by Oldwolf, 22 May 2007 - 08:10 PM.
-No importance-
Posted 13 June 2007 - 10:05 PM
Now Irenicus is insane, but not in the... Most know way. Irenicus vuews people as tool or items, this does not mean he's without emotion, cold yes, but as in varus parts in the game he shows a veried emotions most notable anger and fustertion, Imoen said becouse she was saying that as a victum. He most like tryed to invoked a loveing or careing emotion for another, He use them to tray it drawout, how ever it was fuirtless. To induce these emotion what is the best way to find such things is phisacl contact and the most intament form of contact is sex. And for the other resins if you don't buy that or you think there's more to the story, he did have a resin other than emotional needs, Imoen innocence caped the taint at bay, and what better way to distory innocence.
But in all realaty if you look inaph you'll find a real life Irenicus
Posted 01 July 2007 - 03:37 AM
Regardless, he's still guilty of it, because his "experiments" still have much the same effects of an actual rape, torture would only be putting it in "nicer" terms

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Posted 01 July 2007 - 02:14 PM
I think that the main problem with threads like this is that people can't imagine the effects of a real torture and try to replace it with something that they can imagine as something that would do "worser" damage.Regardless, he's still guilty of it, because his "experiments" still have much the same effects of an actual rape, torture would only be putting it in "nicer" terms
Posted 03 August 2007 - 03:10 PM
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
-- 'Preludes', TS Eliot
Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:44 PM

You are right G3CK0 that Irenicus has nothing really to gain from any form of sexual assault, be it from him or an underling or what-have-you.
But not once throughout all the time we know Irenicus have we seen him refrain from causing the most damage possible, which could go to show that he would not be above such things, if he thinks it would speed along his attempts to draw Bhaal's essence out into the open, where his rituals can try to steal Imoen's and the PC's divine souls with a plenty amount of taint in them. He wouldn't care if they died from the ritual, or from psycholocial damage caused by whatever "experiments" he put them under.
I think only those invovled could really answer this question, the fact remains that while you start off in SOA in Irenicus's company and only then has he been using knifes, psychological attacks and magic for torture, who knows when it would've developed further if the Shadow Thieves had not intervened followed shortly by the Coweled Wizards. (Which I swear I'll kill them all if they touched Imoen anytime before Irenicus broke free!!!)

*ahem* s'cus me, just had to release that anger for a bit.

Point is, you're in his company for an undisclosed amount of time, but it wasn't long that much is certain. So unless he is more peverted and twisted than we all thought, I'd suspect it wouldn't be until after Spellhold is in his grasp, and probably some day during your voyage there, seeing how Imoen is still seen resisting just before you arrive in Byrnlaw.
Edit: Typo
Edited by Solar's Harper, 04 September 2007 - 04:34 PM.
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Posted 28 August 2007 - 08:28 PM
I think Irenicus would have 'mind' raped Imoen, but as mentioned before, I got the feeling that he was quite beyond all physical motivations by the time that he captured <charname> and company. I always viewed the capture and torture taking place over a couple of weeks and no longer than a month. However, his lair and plans seem to allude to Irenicus having descended into ruin for a lot longer than when you were captured. I feel that his experiments at trying to clone Elliseme and his encounters with the dryads all occurred before he even got the idea of capturing Bhaal essence and obtaining Godhood. Not to mention I'm not convinced that his experiments with the dryads wasn't perhaps an attempt at trying to obtain immortality. I mean, he kept those 'things' in jars so long that they lost their memories and he had entirely forgotten about them (they appeared to believe that Irenicus was going to bring them back to life, suggesting that his previous plans were to escape death and not become a god).
But, just my two cents. I would think that, the best way to write a mod, would be to take a page from the writers and just be ambiguous about the situation.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 04:35 PM
I know it's said in Lord Mirrabbo's mod...but it IS alluded to in BG2. When you enter the dryad's place and Imoen does her "So beautiful!" line. The dryads are happy to have such a pretty vivacious person around, and Imoen says something "Your charms don't work on him anymore, do they?"
The dryads answer with "He has touched you as he has touched us!?" I assumed it was that he used them for concubines, but I'm not sure what other "charms" dryads have. I assumed the sexual, probably because of nymphs.
"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
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Posted 02 September 2007 - 11:09 AM
The argument that he was trying to instill emotion, as he had used the dryads just doesn't fit. Rape is a crime of anger, not of passion or lust.
That Irenicus had 'touched' the dryads might have something to do with their magic. He was after all highly regarded among the elves and one of the best mages they had. (Demin talks of this) So maybe he had used his magic and theirs to try and get emotion. Oh the possibilites are endless.
Immy and the PC were there for one reason and one reason only. Revenge. Without their souls he could not go on his little rampage, like the madman he is, and kill all the elves and become a God. KedorLao mentioned the 'things' in the jars, which I would have to agree Irenicus was looking for a way to escap death. As for the clones... he was clinging to the memory of his lover, which he could no longer feel for. (It is all discussed at the Tree of Life).
Can't dryads charm people in a non sexual way as well? Kind of like the 'friends' spell or such?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"
Posted 04 September 2007 - 02:12 PM
Charm Person.The dryads answer with "He has touched you as he has touched us!?" I assumed it was that he used them for concubines, but I'm not sure what other "charms" dryads have. I assumed the sexual, probably because of nymphs.
Posted 04 September 2007 - 04:33 PM

It may have indeed been only a failed plan to instill emotion back into Irenicus, though it is quite obvious that despite what is said, he does still have one emotion: anger.
Didn't I say this would be quite the long debate?

Anyways I'm sticking with the 'Yes' vote but I will simply state again, that there is no sure way of telling. Irenicus still holds many secrets to us, revenge is his most obvious one so we need to dig deeper than that. And remember that he did actually say he was suprised that the PC survived, as he was suprised with Imoen. But from his tone, it was obvious he didn't care what the result, just as long as he got what he wanted.
Besides, he may have figured out a way to stop the PC from returning to Bhaal just after or before death. Who knows? Definetely not me.

If he indeed did find a way, repeating procedure would be less risky for his side at least, not so for the PC or Imoen.

Edited by Solar's Harper, 04 September 2007 - 04:33 PM.
Classic Adventures - a Total Conversion compilation dedicated to bringing many of the old and new PnP modules into the wonderfully dangerous world that is Baldur's Gate II. Fancy link button to Downloads page.
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