IF Global("KidoExists","AR0509",0) Global("KidoCreated","GLOBAL",0) Dead("Mekrath") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KidoExists","AR0509",1) SetGlobal("KidoCreated","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreature("Kido",[568.712],11) END
IF Global("KidoExists","AR0510",0) Global("KidoCreated","GLOBAL",0) !Dead("Mekrath") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KidoExists","AR0510",1) SetGlobal("KidoCreated","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreature("Kido",[757.924],13) END
Thus if the captor of Haer'Dalis is dead or not, decided where he spawns the first time. Now after you've done an killed Mekrath it could block one has a state that is correct. However, KidoCreated global was already set.
Also he leaves the party rather than he is reacreated... Normally if kicked out he goes to the Slums, so I need to take a good look.
I personally worked with Oversight & Refinements
The other mods I don't know. Brad can we have your WeiDu.log also posted here. That would be nice to reference and see if it might be another mod messing with it. I don't see at the moment how it could be Kido, but I may need to take a deeper look (I am at work now).