Redemption Bugs
Posted 15 January 2003 - 04:14 PM
I installed the asension and this mod before starting a new game. After some time, I finally made it to the last battle however I'm getting all sorts of bugs.
First: If I insult Irenicus, then I get into an infinite loop with Mellisan, whereby she keeps summoning many Irenicus'
Second: If I get Irenicus to join up with me, Bodhi appears, turns into a bad, and then nothing happens. I'm assuming Demogorgon should appear, but I used the scroll on him.
Any suggestions as to what's happening?
Posted 15 January 2003 - 04:43 PM
On the mean time try uninstall and reinstall both Redemption and Ascension. If this does not help - you will need to uninstall the whole game. Again out of 1000 downloads and about 30 testers you are the first to have this problem and it looks like the corrupted script files are to blame. This happens if you assidentally install the mod twice sometimes.
I can popint you to the clean zip files with dialog.tlk and override folder to save you the trouble of reinstalling - but these will give you 'clean' SoA+ToB+ToB patch only, no extra mods. Would you like this? The files are 2MB and 16MB large.

What other mods do you have installed?
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 16 January 2003 - 04:22 AM
Anyway, I accidentally installed your program twice, however nothing went wrong in that process. As for the mods I'm using, obviously Ascension and Redemption, as well as all of the improved fights from David.
Don't worry about sending me the files, as my Internet is too slow. I'll just reinstall it.
Regardless, I'll send you a copy of my save so that you can give me some feedback.
Posted 16 January 2003 - 04:32 AM
kirjana@fiam.net. My hotmail accout would not take big files.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 17 January 2003 - 01:22 AM
Thanks for checking it out.
I reinstalled everything, and again I got the same problem. However I noticed that I was not using the Weimer Acension Mod, so I downloaded that version, reinstalled everything again; and it finally works.
Thanks again.
Posted 17 January 2003 - 08:59 AM
In fact I am going to pin down this little exchange so that it stays on top. Perhaps I should emphasise again on the download page and in the README that Redemption will only work with Weidu version of Ascension!
I sort of suspected it, but never tried the older version. Weimer did a lot of changes to the script files and my own scripts heavily rely on his.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 17 January 2003 - 11:35 AM
I hasten to add that WeiDU-Ascension makes so much more Ascension Classic that this is entirely a good thing, nobody should let their friends use Ascension Classic, etc.
Posted 17 February 2003 - 04:10 PM
Posted 24 February 2003 - 11:47 PM
A small bug I just encountered in the beginning of throne of bhall is that if you force talk to anomen the other npcs interjections about irenicus getting a new soul pop up even though I am now where near there.
Sorry, I did not check this board for a while. Can you please email me with more details? ladydorotea@hotmail.com - it will help if you also can send me your save game. I never had anybody complain about this. Hmm, force talk to Anomen - what do you mean by this? There was 'no-romance' Anomen bug that I fixed once, maybe it is something similar.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 25 February 2003 - 04:15 AM
Posted 18 March 2003 - 10:33 AM
Some quick questions about my buggy end game. In the first battle Amylessan shows up and talks as normal, followed by Irenicus (although it's only one part, and I think he had more dialouge in the origional) anyway here's where things get [U]really[U] weird. First Bohdi does not show up, Amelyessan stays and begins attacking at the same time as Irenacus, additional bug Irenacus stays blue while firing various attack spells at my person. I run up to Irenacus (whose circle is blue) and talk to him while my companions put the smack down on Mely, and Irenacus has nothing to say (red letters says he has nothing to say) so we finish of Mel (first incranation at begining of battle) and run up to talk to Irenacus again. This time it works slightly better, the origional script comes up, and Bohdi is summoned. I take down both of them and Melissan pops back up like a bad penny, while her graphic still floats in the throne. On top of this she gives her final dialouge (Your destiny versus mine, etc.) So I fight her while she summons up many many demons, I finally stop her she teleports back to the throne and three seconds later pops back up on the battlefeild, without my opening any portals. Eventually I ignore her and destroy the portals. So I fight the demons summoned by Mellisan, the demons from the portal, and Amylessan at the same time. I release all th portals and fight the five and Amylessan, after destroying the five Amylessan pops up one more time while the Amylessan is still on the battlefeild. Eventually I destroy both and make it to the end sequence, where the solar talks, and Balthazaar begins to try to convince you not to become a god, and his speech loops, which is in the end very frustrating. Oh, I forgot to mention that after imoen reverts to her origional self she asks to rejoin your party, your made to say yes, and her circle remains blue. I've got the ease of use, Solafien, Valen (currently not in party), Ascesion, Redemption, and the NCP flirt pac (Aeirie) installed. Can you help?
Posted 19 March 2003 - 06:58 AM
Can you uninstall all the mods and reinstall them and check if you have the same problem?
Did you install Redemption right 'after' Ascension?
Make sure you at least have the latest Ascension from Weimer's site, not the old non-Weidu mod.
Also, if you uninstall Redemption and enter the pocket plane - does everything proceed as normal? If the answer to all questions is 'yes' then I have the first case of uncompatibility issue.
Please send me your saved game just before you eneter the Pocket Plane
at kirjana@fiam.net email. I will need the whole savegame folder, better zipped.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 19 March 2003 - 03:49 PM

Posted 19 March 2003 - 05:17 PM
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 20 March 2003 - 05:13 PM
The best way to do it really, would be to do *total* recall - ie uninstall everything - including the game itself. Install SOA-ToB-Patch. Install Ascension (latest Weimer version from his site) install Redemption right after this. Install all your other mods on top of this package. I am sure it will work - that is if you don't accidentally install anything twice on top of one another. I had seen effects like you are describing in my games *if* I screwed the installation. That is why I always keep the zipped version of dialog.tlk and override folder with just SoA-ToB-patch-extra CD's handy. If I have a corrupted game I just delete dialog.tlk and override contents and unzip saved versions, after which action I reinstall all the mods. Works like a charm.
If you don't want to reinstall everything - try just the mods and re-install them in the right order. Flirt packs should be WEIDU-based. Again - the only way I can really help you test your game is to get your save file. Sorry.
Janetta aka Dorotea
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 22 March 2003 - 11:52 AM

Posted 13 April 2004 - 11:51 PM
In the dialogue with Jonny, one of the options to convince Jon Irenicus to quit Mellisan ends in the following:
Melissan have made many promise she did not mean to keep.
this should be has and promises.
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 14 April 2004 - 07:36 AM

By the way - I am thinking about more Demogorgon riddles - the old ones grew stale over time.

Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes