The Mod for the Wicked!
Posted 19 September 2005 - 12:00 AM

Posted 19 September 2005 - 12:47 AM
I'm currently developing a solution to allowing the player to side with Faldorn, which may or may not extend into an evil druid stronghold. But this is the Mod for the Wicked forum, so I should probably stop trying to steal the limelight.
Thanks a hell of a lot! Please also make Faldorn a joinable PC with adequate ( evil, eco-terrorist) dialogue. I always thought that BG2 had too few PCs, especially evil ones, compared to BG1 - and the evil PCs from the Darkest Day mod never had enough dialogue to be interesting, so Deathsangel's Pcs and yours will be a bonus. Looks like with both your efforts it's going to be a great game in the near future. Pity about the Unseeing Eye mod, though.
Give me time. I am going to adress Faldorn as well... Do you really think the Mod for the Wicked would leave that? That is also why I think it might be nice to talk to you Sim about the ideas. I am not going to make Faldorn joinable though. Such a nice druid grove no one is going to give up, right?
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 19 September 2005 - 07:57 AM
Give me time. I am going to adress Faldorn as well... Do you really think the Mod for the Wicked would leave that? That is also why I think it might be nice to talk to you Sim about the ideas. I am not going to make Faldorn joinable though. Such a nice druid grove no one is going to give up, right?
Aww! I really liked some of those those BG1 characters and was somewhat depressed when Bioware had them in BG2 without allowing some of them them to join up with the party(eg:- Coran/Tiax/Garrick/Safana etc.). There's something really nice about continuity of characters etc. Perhaps you could have the PC helping Faldorn destroy Trademeet (and its mercenary etc. allies) (with Faldorn giving up the Druid stronghold to the PC [if the PC is a druid] once the PC beast Faldorn in a fight- if the PC is not a druid you could have Cernd defeating Faldorn afterwards, so that she has to flee with the party.
Posted 19 September 2005 - 02:10 PM
I won't be adding joinable NPCs. My current implementation of the alternative Faldorn path allows the player to identify himself as having met her before, and to offer to help destroy Trademeet. This can be done either by depositing poison in the fountain in town, or by walking in and killing everyone, resulting in the town being decimated completely by Faldorn's superior forces. Upon completion of the quest, Trademeet is then wiped from the map, since I'm not too inclined to produce a "ruins" map at this stage. In future, I intend to extend this to allow some alternative druid quests if Faldorn is still alive.Give me time. I am going to adress Faldorn as well... Do you really think the Mod for the Wicked would leave that? That is also why I think it might be nice to talk to you Sim about the ideas. I am not going to make Faldorn joinable though. Such a nice druid grove no one is going to give up, right?
As a side effect, I also make it possible to attack and kill Faldorn outside the established druidic ritual-- she is very tough, and this has the consequence of severely damaging the grove through her link to it.
Edited by SimDing0, 19 September 2005 - 02:10 PM.
Posted 20 September 2005 - 12:06 AM
I won't be adding joinable NPCs. My current implementation of the alternative Faldorn path allows the player to identify himself as having met her before, and to offer to help destroy Trademeet. This can be done either by depositing poison in the fountain in town, or by walking in and killing everyone, resulting in the town being decimated completely by Faldorn's superior forces. Upon completion of the quest, Trademeet is then wiped from the map, since I'm not too inclined to produce a "ruins" map at this stage. In future, I intend to extend this to allow some alternative druid quests if Faldorn is still alive.Give me time. I am going to adress Faldorn as well... Do you really think the Mod for the Wicked would leave that? That is also why I think it might be nice to talk to you Sim about the ideas. I am not going to make Faldorn joinable though. Such a nice druid grove no one is going to give up, right?
As a side effect, I also make it possible to attack and kill Faldorn outside the established druidic ritual-- she is very tough, and this has the consequence of severely damaging the grove through her link to it.
One thing, though. There are a number of important items, usually only available available in Trademeet market after helping Trademeet, which should either become available elsewhere or be found on the ground after the destruction of Trademeet.
Posted 20 September 2005 - 06:05 PM

Posted 23 September 2005 - 01:53 PM
A few ideas I had..Note:If I accidentally copied some body's else ideas, my apologies, I must have missed them in this topic.
Watcher's Keep/Demogorgon
The complete situation with Demogorgon and Watchers Keep ...should get more attention from other powers. I'm sure, that Grazz't and Orcus(and such), really would prefer Demogorgon to remain trapped. I would also assume, that Asmodeus as well, would prefer to keep a quite powerful Demon Prince trapped, since it's in the best interest of Baator. Of course, as somebody mentioned, I also think it should be possible to join with Demogorgon. With other words, I think you should have some interaction with one, or more, of the above Cosmic Entities, when your in the position to either keep Demogorgon stuck or set him free. Of course, instead of Asmodeus, it could be an other Lord that controls a layer, or (one of)The Dark Eight. Since the Dark Eight, are the ones that have such a huge interest in The Blood War. This would actually give a reason, for an evil PC to not release Demogorgon, if he is rewarded by one of the above. Which could be with items,gold or perhaps even support at the final battle with Melissan. It would perhaps even be an idea, that if you work with one of the Demon Princes/ Asmodeus/Dark Eight, that you would be able to really destroy Demogorgon. As in, you get backup from one of the above sources, and the backup would be the key, to completely destroying Demogorgon(with other words, he WON'T reform on The Abyss, and is 'REALLY dead). To make it somewhat more realistic, if this path is taken, I would suggest that Demogorgon will be A LOT more tougher, than if you just decide to set him free by 'killing'(aka, causing him to reform on The Abyss)him. And as in tougher, I also mean passed the Improved Demogorgon fight. Of course, the backup in question would be formidable as well. Of course, you don't neccesailry would have to get a really tough fight, just makes more sense to me. Demogorgon is after all, a demon prince, and if you are going to really try to destroy him, he WILL use all his power to defend himself.
Circus Tent/Aerie/Circus Performers
This might have been suggested earlier, but I can't remember..Anyway, the moment that Kalah is dead, the people that are left in the tent, are unarmed.., Except Aerie and Quale, nothing a good (back) bash on the head can't solve tho. So I was thinking, wouldn't it be easy to sell them(or something in that direction)to the slavers? Or an other option, would be a mass sacrifice inside the tent. In both situations, your character will of course, first seal off the tent.
Planar Sphere/Demon Hearts
Demon Heart Soup
This originally started off some sort of joke on the forums(just as Hackmaster +12). But, I reckon, that it could be an idea for an evil mod(perhaps add some other stuff in the soup as well...). As for the effects of eating the soup, I have no exact ideas. Or, you could use the soup(instead of a single demon heart) to construct/empower/ corrupt some sort item, or it could have some use in a certain situation.
Sahugin City
After you are done with your hole Dnderdark business(and assuming, that you didn't kill them all).. It could be an idea in combination with the idea(that somebody else had) of becoming a Pirate Lord on Brynlaw, that you are able to persuade the Sahuagins to help you becoming a Pirate Lord. While you hardly need their support to become a pirate lord(after all, your party would be able to easily rip the Pirate Lord to shreds), it could be used as start point, for more things to do. Such as, sending Sahugins(and Pirates ) to raid ships/towns, which could work as some sort of stronghold.
Government District/The guy that calls the guard if you don't tell your name
Wouldn't add that much, just a bit more believe option for an (Lawful) evil character. I think you should be able to scare him off. When he threatens to call the guards, you could(if you got a low enough reputation/virtue perhaps), tell your name + insert evil titles/evil stuff you have done/whatever(AKA, intimidate) , and then he would decide, it would be best not to ask for your name..
Edited by Soul Harverster, 23 September 2005 - 02:05 PM.
If you answered ''yes!'' to any of these questions, you might have what it takes to enlist in...
Benefits include:Competive Pay!Guaranteed promotions! Prompt payment-- you always get what you deserve! Excellent severance pay!Travel and meals(all you can eat)!
Why wait?Enlist now!See the Lower Planes!
Posted 24 September 2005 - 12:34 PM
This might have been suggested earlier, but I can't remember..Anyway, the moment that Kalah is dead, the people that are left in the tent, are unarmed.., Except Aerie and Quale, nothing a good (back) bash on the head can't solve tho. So I was thinking, wouldn't it be easy to sell them(or something in that direction)to the slavers? Or an other option, would be a mass sacrifice inside the tent. In both situations, your character will of course, first seal off the tent.
Problem is, that Amnish soldier saw CHARNAME entering. And so did half a dozen onlookers, judging by how many people around talked about the circus and its problem. It'll be hard to eliminate them all.
Besides, a tent is a tent, i.e. after Kalah's magic is gone, it's pretty easy to hear from the outside what's going on. CHARNAME will be in trouble.
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 24 September 2005 - 11:21 PM
This might have been suggested earlier, but I can't remember..Anyway, the moment that Kalah is dead, the people that are left in the tent, are unarmed.., Except Aerie and Quale, nothing a good (back) bash on the head can't solve tho. So I was thinking, wouldn't it be easy to sell them(or something in that direction)to the slavers? Or an other option, would be a mass sacrifice inside the tent. In both situations, your character will of course, first seal off the tent.
Problem is, that Amnish soldier saw CHARNAME entering. And so did half a dozen onlookers, judging by how many people around talked about the circus and its problem. It'll be hard to eliminate them all.
Besides, a tent is a tent, i.e. after Kalah's magic is gone, it's pretty easy to hear from the outside what's going on. CHARNAME will be in trouble.
I agree with this. This is also the way I want to look at every change. If it is possible within bounds or that charnames is actually getting way to many problems or something alike...
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 25 September 2005 - 01:26 AM
If you answered ''yes!'' to any of these questions, you might have what it takes to enlist in...
Benefits include:Competive Pay!Guaranteed promotions! Prompt payment-- you always get what you deserve! Excellent severance pay!Travel and meals(all you can eat)!
Why wait?Enlist now!See the Lower Planes!
Posted 25 September 2005 - 03:35 AM
Posted 25 September 2005 - 11:33 PM
Here's an idea: how about the PC setting up a business relationship between the slavers and the drow?
That won't be to much necessary... To much of a spoiler to go into detail, but it is more or less covered
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 05 November 2005 - 05:13 PM
Take over Slaver's guild, then sellout to FireKnives. Twisted Rune, or some other organization
Assimilate the powers of the power's of the Shade Lord, then do the same to the "Old God" or use the rift device to destroy it instead of the Eyeless Beholder.
Doublecross both Mavar and Arain Linvail and possibly sellout Shadow theives to the Fireknives or Cowled Wizards. The price being transport to Brynlaw.
Lead the fallen paladins in corupting or destroying Order of the Radenit Heart.
Join the Twisted Rune then sellout to Cowled Wizards or assume conrtol.
Doublecross deep gnomes release the Balor, price being the lightstone, gain access to the silver dragon.
Sellout the silver dragon twice by giving her heart or eggs to one of the following:- drow, either the Black, Shadow or Red dragons, or the deep gnome or drow Demons.
Ally with the Drow to destroy both Irenicus, Bhodi and the surface elves.
Doublecross both Matron Mother's come to a private arangement with the Demon or Lolth.
Lead a Drow/Demon/Lolth assult on the surface Elves, then the Elven city and destroy or corupt the tree of life.
Then doublecross the Drow/Demon/Lolth before they doublecross the Drow/Demon/Lolth before doublecross you.
I'm sure there are many more nice things for an evil SOB to do.
Posted 31 March 2006 - 11:25 PM
but u guys sound like your getting rid of the drugs and making the slaving buisness not sound as cool with implementing so many outer city forces (especially drow.)
first on the drugs...this can be a pretty simple concept...you know talking to the right people ( maybe shadow thieves and they're associates etc. ) making connections...gaining respect and eventually making it to the top owning a stronghold (or maybe a sort of semi stronghold structure) and collecting your dope money. maybe you could even be a small time runner earlier on in your "drugs" career. that idea about the different poisons (earlier on in the thread.) seems cool to, but i dont think that should be associated with the drugs in any way (if thats what you were planning.)
and with the slaving, yes everything you said sounded cool...getting slave money etc. but the whole follow the slaver idea isnt all that appealing (maybe it can be one of your options, but...) I believe the whole *talking to the right people* (slave lords underlings, and/or lethinan) is more "streetish" and apealling.
but the guy that said incorporating the drow in any way i thoughly disagree with. it should stay pretty much within the city with a few (or maybe alot) of outside connections like guys smuggeling slaves; or maybe big time
"slave boss's" coming into the city to check on the slaving buisness in athkatla. but the with the drow now thats just takin it to the outer limits...i think its likely they wouldn't even listen to what you would have to say to them and kill you instead. if you are going to use the drow concept i think that should be fairly hard to get to, and you should make the right decisions, and since that sounds hard to code it would be best left alone.
again on the outer city forces...yeah have them of course but not so out-of-place as the drow.
these are just a few opinions from a newb like myself.
(P.S - heres a couple suggestions: you can get notes passed onto you by people that approach you when in the city which use a couple *code words* which your leaders guide you on how to decode or give you text that does so. Coded messages play a big role in underground criminal societies

sry for any bad grammer, spelling, etc. but its late and im going to bed as soon as im done typing this
Posted 01 April 2006 - 06:41 AM

Minsc: Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
Saemon: Pardon?
Aerie: This is gonna hurt you ALOT more than me!
Sarevok: Now I return the favor!
Drizzt: Yes, yes, you have my attention.
Lilarcor: And this one's for Grandma, who said I would never amount to anything more than a butterknife!
Posted 01 April 2006 - 11:29 AM
Posted 01 April 2006 - 11:59 AM
maybe you don't have to make them all big and advanced...they could be more tdd style or something like that.
and the guy that said have kirinhale as an npc (the sirine from durlags tower) thats a good idea to...though i might want to see a more advanced version of her...maybe even romanceable.
Posted 03 April 2006 - 05:15 AM
oh yeah about the 5 npcs...i'd say go for it!
maybe you don't have to make them all big and advanced...they could be more tdd style or something like that.
and the guy that said have kirinhale as an npc (the sirine from durlags tower) thats a good idea to...though i might want to see a more advanced version of her...maybe even romanceable.
She is a succubus, she says so herself. Unfortunalty do neither BG or BG2 gave them an animation with wings and yes, there will be a romance as said.
They are all fully developed.
I myself am not an artist, so getting new areas is difficult for me, as this is a lot of work and there are not many who do this... I reckon spicing up Brynlaw, a pirate city, would be the better way to go.
Don't worry, the black lotus won't be forgotten
About the discussion on quests, well let me first get my coding up to standard. Kido version 4 seems to have quite a bit of bugs, so I need to certainly brush up on quest coding skills... To react to it in general I have the same sentiments as pome_grande. If it gets too out of there, I won't do it. Some suggestions given are already planned of being incorporated (from what 5th_horsman said and what pome_grande said)
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 08 April 2006 - 01:28 AM
Like you can warn Xzar of the Harpers intentions. Near the end of the Quest Pack mission, instead of Xzar trying to revive Montaron as ghoal.
A Zentarium Cleric Agent will be near by resurrect Montaron. He could be the guy who Montaron and Xzar are currently working under.
Maybe this Zhent Cleric can ask you to go on a mission, and request that you take Xzar and Montaron with you.
For Sarevok, weither it be in SOA or TOB, there should be an option were the player can restore Sarevok to his original form.
And if need be, i have the full render of the avatar than i'm currently using! to be the portrait for that form.
Tob Sarevok can drop all of his current items before mophing into his original form.
He has his old sword back as well as personal items and armor.
Sarevok's sword should be none removeable. The idea is not to allow equiping
Armor and helmet should be none removeable, since he should already be around AC -5
Edited by Vasculio, 08 April 2006 - 02:11 AM.
Montaron- Ye live longer if ye don't annoy me. Mayhaps even a week or more.
Posted 10 April 2006 - 01:45 AM
Heres my idea for Re-uniteing with Xzar and Montaron. Adapt the Xzar/Harper Plot from the Quest Pack from Pocket Plane Site
Like you can warn Xzar of the Harpers intentions. Near the end of the Quest Pack mission, instead of Xzar trying to revive Montaron as ghoal.
A Zentarium Cleric Agent will be near by resurrect Montaron. He could be the guy who Montaron and Xzar are currently working under.
Maybe this Zhent Cleric can ask you to go on a mission, and request that you take Xzar and Montaron with you.
Unfortunatly I must decline. First, because SimDing0 does not want me to use any material of quest pack. Second, making the 6th NPC will require huge works. Is in my eyes unneccessary seeing Kirinhale is there for magic power (sorcerer) and Kido fills the role of mad-man (and more (whom is also in the top 10 of about 50 NPC's in the Ironworks guide to NPC's)). Third, Montaron will start as said in the cage as that would be your companion that has travelled along from BG1. As such the Harper quest is strange and will be deleted, in its current form, for evil players. Don't worry the new form will feat the Mod for the Wicekd much better.
For Sarevok, weither it be in SOA or TOB, there should be an option were the player can restore Sarevok to his original form.
And if need be, i have the full render of the avatar than i'm currently using! to be the portrait for that form.
Tob Sarevok can drop all of his current items before mophing into his original form.
He has his old sword back as well as personal items and armor.
Sarevok's sword should be none removeable. The idea is not to allow equiping
Armor and helmet should be none removeable, since he should already be around AC -5
Nice, but perhaps a bit risky... I don't think players like to have him in total original form. You can get him below AC -5 and give him better weapons than he used to have. As such an option will cost a lot of coding and little use, I am not quite in favor of it. The Avatar is also used in BG2 I believe for the 'evil counterpart' of oneself in the Pocket Plane, but I did intend on making Sarevok recognize his own sword. Unfortunatly Weimer is gone and I can't ask permission to use the same one as him (for compatibility reasons), but maybe I can ask him later, as I am not yet in that stage. On another note though you say you have the avatar, but do you also have the .bams for his equipment (?), cause that would be neat to use... Perhaps just give option to regain his old armor...
[edit] On another note; I really love the creativity that comes in. Keeps me motivated and certainly more points of view are better. So keep it coming, though I stick to my guns... Xzar ain't returning a recruitable NPC. Do I already heard a notion of making him playable, in conjunction with this mod, which I don't mind one bit. Heck I would probably help with getting it all implemented and with coding questsions etc. *I* am not just going to do it all by myself and will not start the project and not before finishing this one.
Edited by Deathsangel, 10 April 2006 - 01:53 AM.
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~