Mephistopheles at the end (in his full power) was nothing compared to this battle IMO. Gods, he never even used his Hellball...
So again, is it only me, or is this battle slightly too difficult at that point of the game?
Posted 25 February 2005 - 03:49 AM
Posted 25 February 2005 - 04:53 AM
Posted 25 February 2005 - 07:18 AM
I was wondering if it is only me, or did anyone else find this battle the most difficult encounter in the entire expansion (HotU). I'm talking about the encounter where you have to face Grimgnaw, Balpheron, Kloth, Maugrim and Crimson all at once. To be honest, I was bathing in sweat after I finally managed to bring them down (Protagonist: 10th level Fighter, 24th level Blackguard, Nathyrra: 10th level Mage, 4th level Rogue, 10th level Assassin, Aribeth: 16th level Paladin, 8th level Blackguard). Actually, I had to quicksave the game after each successful kill, and reload from that "safe point" after the other opponents beat me to death again and again...
Mephistopheles at the end (in his full power) was nothing compared to this battle IMO. Gods, he never even used his Hellball...
So again, is it only me, or is this battle slightly too difficult at that point of the game?
Posted 25 February 2005 - 07:51 AM
I was wondering if it is only me, or did anyone else find this battle the most difficult encounter in the entire expansion (HotU). I'm talking about the encounter where you have to face Grimgnaw, Balpheron, Kloth, Maugrim and Crimson all at once. To be honest, I was bathing in sweat after I finally managed to bring them down (Protagonist: 10th level Fighter, 24th level Blackguard, Nathyrra: 10th level Mage, 4th level Rogue, 10th level Assassin, Aribeth: 16th level Paladin, 8th level Blackguard). Actually, I had to quicksave the game after each successful kill, and reload from that "safe point" after the other opponents beat me to death again and again...
Mephistopheles at the end (in his full power) was nothing compared to this battle IMO. Gods, he never even used his Hellball...
So again, is it only me, or is this battle slightly too difficult at that point of the game?
Posted 25 February 2005 - 08:36 AM
Nope. I haven't been in the Beholder lair.Have you still got the stone from under the beholder tunnels that negates magic?
Um, actually, my biggestproblem was Kloth the Minotaur - his attacks inflict damage between 30-50 (without any criticals), and that is enough to rip apart anyone in my party. :glare: My 400 HP won't help that much here.spell casters are your highest priority targets. I?d suggest killing Maugrim first, as Belpheron may throw area damage spells that hurt his own side
Once she starts melee, she never deals under 50 points of damage - and seem to have a most nasty Attack score...Oh, and forget Crimson, she does nothing serious
Posted 25 February 2005 - 10:07 AM
I'd like to correct my stats: my protagonist was level 10 (fighter) and level 14 (Blackguard). Not a 24th level Blackguard as I wrote earlier...
Nope. I haven't been in the Beholder lair.Have you still got the stone from under the beholder tunnels that negates magic?
Um, actually, my biggestproblem was Kloth the Minotaur - his attacks inflict damage between 30-50 (without any criticals), and that is enough to rip apart anyone in my party. :glare: My 400 HP won't help that much here.spell casters are your highest priority targets. I?d suggest killing Maugrim first, as Belpheron may throw area damage spells that hurt his own side
Once she starts melee, she never deals under 50 points of damage - and seem to have a most nasty Attack score...Oh, and forget Crimson, she does nothing serious
Posted 28 February 2005 - 09:58 AM
I haven't picked those feats.raise your defence as high as you can with Expertise/Improved Expertise so he doesn't hit so often
At that point I only had Summon Fiend, and that goes down rather quickly against any of these opponents, even the spellcasters. The same goes for Summon Undead.doesn't the Blackguard have Summon Fiend as a class ability or epic feat? That should give you another melee combatant.
Well, not entirely for me: first, she is under the effects of Improved Invisibility, granting her 50% concealment. And as strange as it may seem, my characters had a moderately hard time hitting her, especially since she keeps running away once she gets hurt.She's a typical rogue/assassin type, really effective when flanking but horribly vulnerable to an all out attack.
Posted 28 February 2005 - 04:46 PM
Posted 28 February 2005 - 05:39 PM
Posted 04 March 2005 - 10:04 PM
Posted 17 February 2013 - 08:44 PM
I have a level 10 rouge level 11 assassin and level 5 barb. I had no difficulties killing them. Anyway what in the world am I suppose to do after I kill them?