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#21 qeylIS [Kahless]

qeylIS [Kahless]
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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:03 AM

It's up on the vault.

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Only my eagerness :rolleyes:

#22 Gorgotham

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:06 AM

HAving a problem getting it to work, logs are telling me the cnr_misc table is missing, and I don't know the contents of it. It's version 3 of the world Horred.

Also tell me ffspeak can't be initialized, although I have all the files there. Any help please?


#23 horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:15 AM

HAving a problem getting it to work, logs are telling me the cnr_misc table is missing, and I don't know the contents of it. It's version 3 of the world Horred.

Also tell me ffspeak can't be initialized, although I have all the files there. Any help please?


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Gorgotham--you don't need to post here AND send me a PM. I read both. :rolleyes:

Check my reply in the PM--no need to repeat myself. :P

If this was version 3, it would say version 3 on the .rar file. I fixed this problem in version 2. It was the whole reason I rushed them a version 2, on the same day.

At any rate, version 4 I know has this right. Let's just hope it doesn't take another week for them to update it. :crying:

#24 Gorgotham

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:17 AM

It does indeed say version 3 on the rar, and the self installer FYI.

#25 horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:21 AM

It does indeed say version 3 on the rar, and the self installer FYI.

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I don't know what to say--I set the !@#!#$@%@$%R^@^& variable a week ago--something is screwed, the ^%$&@%$&^@$%&%@ers somehow crossed files. I give up, I'm going to bed. Goodnight....

#26 -Guest_Leutian_*-

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:46 AM

It does indeed say version 3 on the rar, and the self installer FYI.

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I don't know what to say--I set the !@#!#$@%@$%R^@^& variable a week ago--something is screwed, the ^%$&@%$&^@$%&%@ers somehow crossed files. I give up, I'm going to bed. Goodnight....

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i suggest using the updated NWNX2mysql.dll i mentioned in my earlier post and forget about nw FF all together since nwnx2 with that dll does everything you need it to. and please dont disregard my post this time around.

#27 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:46 AM

I don't know what to say--I set the !@#!#$@%@$%R^@^& variable a week ago--something is screwed, the ^%$&@%$&^@$%&%@ers somehow crossed files. I give up, I'm going to bed. Goodnight....

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ff_inc_options, from my pc:

// Global options of the module
const int FF_USING_CNR = 1; // Using FF specific optimized version of CNR ? In all other cases, keep 0 here
const int FF_USING_LOG_ACTIONS = 1; // Using LogAction features ?
const int FF_SYNCHRONIZE_TIME = 1; // Synchronize InGame date and time with Real one ?
const int FF_USE_EXTERNAL_DATABASE = 1;// Uses a external DataBase ?
const int FF_PCC_DM_CONTROL = 0; // DMs need to be manually validated ?
const int FF_PCC_NAME_CONTROL = 0; // Player name should be controled ?
const int FF_PCC_CLERIC_NEED_DEITY = 0;// Cleric and paladin are rejected if this is 1 and they have an empty value for the deity
const int FF_PROTECT_SERVER_INITIALIZATION = 0; // Eject players while server is initializing
const float FF_UPDATEDELAY = 10.0; // Mean delay between two refreshes (10.0 sec is the default, go up 120.0 if lag problems)

const int FF_NEED_UNIK_NAME = 0; // If set to 1, the same name can't be reused for 2 PCs on the server
// If set to 0, then different accounts (players) can each have PCs with the same name
// (but in no way 2 PC can have the same name for the same account)

const int FF_UNIX = 0; // If you're using APS/NWNX 2 for Unix, starting with version beta 5.1-pre4, set this to 1
// In that case, FF_SYNCHRONIZE_TIME and FF_USING_NWN_SPEECH should be set to 0

// NWNx_FFSpeech options
const int FF_USING_NWN_SPEECH = 1; // Using Speech processing ?
const int FF_SPEECH_DEADCANSPEAK = 1; // If 0, then dead are not allowed to speak
const int FF_SPEECH_GETCHANNEL = 0; // Do you need channel information ?
const int FF_SPEECH_GETIP = 0; // Do you need IP information ?

// Databases Cleaning options
const int FF_CLEAN_LOG_DAYS = 15; // Number of days before the data are deleted from log table - 0 = disable this cleaning
const int FF_CLEAN_LOGIN_DAYS = 7; // Number of days before login information are deleted ('login' table) - 0 = disable this cleaning
const int FF_CLEAN_PC_DAYS = 60; // Number of days before a PC will be deleted if not played - 0 = disable this cleaning

ff_buildtables is the script that builds the tables (catchy ame, eh?)

it is executed at the BEGINNING of hc_on_mod_load. It has built these tables over six times for me, without incident. What can I say?

Okay, check ff_buildtable. See if it has this code:

SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cnr_misc` (" +
"`player` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
"`tag` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
"`name` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
"`val` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
"`expire` SMALLINT UNSIGNED default NULL," +
"PRIMARY KEY (`player`)" +
") TYPE=MyISAM" );

Should be right below:


If it doesn't, they have the wrong version, somehow....

If it doesn't, add it, compile and save the script, and save the module. run it again.

VERSION 4 WILL DEFINITELY HAVE THIS--unless they find a way to screw that up too. Is it obvious I'm 10 shades of pissed off about this whole debacle? Hopefully they can add my update correctly, tomorrow. AFTER I get some sleep.

#28 horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:01 AM

Okay, check ff_buildtable. See if it has this code:

    SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cnr_misc` (" +
      "`player` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
      "`tag` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
      "`name` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
      "`val` VARCHAR(64) default NULL," +
      "`expire` SMALLINT UNSIGNED default NULL," +
      "PRIMARY KEY  (`player`)" +
      ")  TYPE=MyISAM" );

Should be right below:

      <<THE CODE ABOVE>>

If it doesn't, they have the wrong version, somehow....

If it doesn't, add it, compile and save the script, and save the module. run it again.

VERSION 4 WILL DEFINITELY HAVE THIS--unless they find a way to screw that up too. Is it obvious I'm 10 shades of pissed off about this whole debacle? Hopefully they can add my update correctly, tomorrow. AFTER I get some sleep.

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Check this for now. I'm so angry, I couldn't sleep. So, I did the fixes, and I'm currently uploading Version 4. Hopefully they get it right, and it doesn't take another week. Sorry, but I did my part--more than once. I'm the vicitim here--and so are you all.... :crying:

#29 horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:26 AM

Believe it or not, it's updated. Check the page again: here

And re-download. ;)

#30 Gorgotham

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:59 AM

Thanks for the quick action Horred, it is appreciated.

I am now trying to get version 4 running, started with a blank DB, and here are some snippets from the log..

NWN-FF Version 4.0.12 Copyright © 2004 FastFrench
(Based on APS/NWN Extender - Copyright © 2003 Ingmar Stieger (Papillon))
[Thu Mar 03 02:54:19 2005] NWN-MySQL Version 4.0.12 main DLL started.
(speech plugin) * Extension "FFSPEECH" is loaded.
* Extension "FUNCTIONS" is loaded.
* Extension "LETO" is loaded.
* NWNX_MYSQLSPEECH.dll skipped: a Speech plugin is allready loaded
* NWNX_ODBC.dll skipped: this NWN-FF main dll has allready MySQL DataBase build-in support
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "ALTER TABLE `pwdata` DROP INDEX `idx`" (Can't DROP 'idx'; check that column/key exists)
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "INSERT INTO cnr_misc (player,tag,name,val,expire) VALUES('~','NordockCEPPRCPlagued','CnrBoolBuildRecipeDatabase','1',0)" (Duplicate entry '~' for key 1)
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "INSERT INTO cnr_misc (player,tag,name,val,expire) VALUES('~','NordockCEPPRCPlagued','cnrAnvilMaster_DeviceLoaded','0',0)" (Duplicate entry '~' for key 1)

this goes on for quite a few line.


! Bad syntax (EXEC): "SELECT quantity FROM cmd_misc WHERE merchant='Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued' AND sVarName='vendor_deb_IsPersistent'" (Unknown column 'quantity' in 'field list')
! sqlfetch: res=NULL

! Bad syntax (EXEC): "INSERT INTO cmd_misc (merchant,sVarName,quantity) VALUES('Nordock-CEP-PRC-Plagued','vendor_deb_IsPersistent','1')" (Unknown column 'merchant' in 'field list')
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "SELECT value FROM cpv_misc WHERE sVarName='vendor_deb_CpvEnabled'" (Unknown column 'sVarName' in 'where clause')
! sqlfetch: res=NULL


! Bad syntax (EXEC): "ALTER TABLE gender ADD NAME varchar(255)" (Table 'nwn.gender' doesn't exist)
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "UPDATE gender SET NAME='156' WHERE RowNo='0'" (Table 'nwn.gender' doesn't exist)
! Bad syntax (EXEC): "SELECT NAME FROM gender WHERE RowNo='0'" (Table 'nwn.gender' doesn't exist)
! sqlfetch: res=NULL

Hmm, after trying to make a character, it appears all the tables for the prc are missing., the above was just the first one. Am I not doing something right?

As usual, any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.


Digging around a bit, I noticed this...

void main()
ExecuteScript("prc_onmodload", OBJECT_SELF);

in the mod onload. But the prc_onmodload doesn't exist. I am by no means a good scripter, so I may be looking at something that I don't understand.

Edited by Gorgotham, 03 March 2005 - 04:01 AM.

#31 GrapeApe

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 07:58 AM

I have the v3 up and running on 2 linux dedicated servers. I have downloaded the v4 and don't anticipate any problems inserting it and restarting the server, doing it later today. From what we saw of the world at 3am last night it's looking awesome, GREAT WORK HORRED!

So, if you have any questions about a linux install pm or email me via my profile in these forums. I use IRC, MSN, and supplied an email link.


PS I obviously didn't install the nwnx-ff or any of it's plugins, just the nwnx2 from the aps/nwnx for linux. Using MySQL and data is going in.

Edited by GrapeApe, 03 March 2005 - 08:02 AM.

#32 Gorgotham

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 08:16 AM

If that's the case, then I gotta be doing SOMETHING wrong. But what?

I know it's connecting to the DB, because it DOES create the tables for most of the things.

I wiped it and had an empty NWN database folder, ran the mod, and it populated with tables.

What I've done so far is add an "s" to the Var statements in the above mentioned files where it was having a problem, and that seemed to fix that, and manually added the other fields in the table. So it stopped complaining about those.

Now, for some reason, the server hangs everytime it gets to the "Running, log in at will" and I have to close it.

I am starting the mod with nwn-FF, I tried starting it with nwnx2, but it won't load and complains about the ffspeech.dll.

I know I shouldn't have to be doing any of these things as Horred has taken care of it. But why is this happening? And on the odd chance I actually do get to log in, the mysql-nt binary crashes when trying to make a new character with the convocc, and subsequent reloads don't fix it. I have to wipe the DB again, and start over.

I really want to get this working, I've been at it since it went up on the vault. And I'm getting blurry eyed. Please help me.

Edited by Gorgotham, 03 March 2005 - 08:17 AM.

#33 udoh

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 08:41 AM

If that's the case, then I gotta be doing SOMETHING wrong. But what?

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You and me both!!!!!

Been bashing my head aroudn with this all day (for the last 10 or so hours), I see unable to get as far as you.

I'm not really sure what to tell you guys about how far i've (not) got. I have tried with both NWNX2 and NWN-FF (I don't quite understand the differences), I have used a number of tutorials (each of them differs).

With NWNX2 it runs the NWServer, and then loads the MOD, and during the loading of the MOD, the MOD will appear in the multiplayer section of NWN, but when it's finished laoding it's gone (can't conenct with direct-connect, nothing).

-----------------LOG FILE FOR NWNX.TXT -----------------------
* Loading plugins...
* An error occured while loading extension FFSpeech (126: The specified module could not be found. )
* Plugin functions is loaded.
* Plugin leto is loaded.
* An error occured while loading extension MySQLSpeech (126: The specified module could not be found. )
* An error occured during OnCreate of odbc
* NWNX2 activated.
* NWNX2 shutting down...
* NWNX2 shutdown successfull.

I have no idea if this info will help.

Is there anyone out there with a working Windows server, that coudl send me a list of the files in their NWNServer folder (and maybe INI), then I could compare, or even a RAR file containing their files.

Hope someone out there has the knowledge. Until then, I will keep oin trying :)


Edited by udoh, 03 March 2005 - 09:03 AM.

#34 GrapeApe

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 10:47 AM

v4 up and running on one of my linux boxes. test connected, all systems go.

I heard after my last post that my co-admin's server isn't working properly, and I had thought I walked him through the same process I used... His server comes up but characters get booted instantly and the dm get's a black blank screen on connect. I'll be working with him after work tonight.


#35 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 11:11 AM

There are over 2000 scripts in the vatious hak paks. prc_onmodload is one of them. Hit the button in the bottom right corner (the one that says hak pakk resources) and be enlightened.

Udoh, sounds like you don't have the dll's in your game folder. In particular, NWNX-ODBC.dll. Look in the NWN-FF bin folder. Either that, or your MySQL isn't set up right. Can you connect to it? Did you make some user names? Root/nwn user?

Here's a copy of my NWN-FF.INI file, in text format. Copy/paste, and overwrite what you've got.

Attached File  NWN_FF_info.txt   12.22K   25 downloads

I warned you guys; setting all this up wasn't easy. I can't give you a well of advice, either. This was my first experience with any of these proggies. I assume that, with my running server for almost 2 weeks--you realize this can be done?

EDIT: And for the record, I don't have the SPEECH components set up right either. I've got an error log 73kb long (and counting). The mod still works without.

My nwnx log file:

* Loading modules...
* An error occured during OnCreate of FFSpeech
* Extension functions is loaded.
* Extension hashset is loaded.
* Extension leto is loaded.
* An error occured during OnCreate of MySQLSpeech
* Extension odbc is loaded.
* Extension profiler is loaded.
* NWNX2 activated.

Do you guys have nwnx_hashset.dll and nwnx_functions.dll in your game folder? Try puttting ALL the dll's in your game folder--everyone you find in NWNX and NWN-FF. (Hey, all I can do is guess here...not like I can look at your PC or anything). :rolleyes:

Edited by horred the plague, 03 March 2005 - 11:29 AM.

#36 udoh

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 12:19 PM

EDIT: And for the record, I don't have the SPEECH components set up right either. I've got an error log 73kb long (and counting). The mod still works without.

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Thanks for your assistance as always Horred, it's much appricated. Thanks for INI file.

I think i've found a solution to the Speech Components problem not loading. I disabled the 1394 device in my network connections (and disabled any other unused network devices) and the Speech component loads without problem.

Not sure if it's needed, but it seems to load now.

If someone has a working NWNX-ODBC.DLL, can they please post the date and time so I can compare with mine. Thanks in advance.


Edited by udoh, 03 March 2005 - 12:19 PM.

#37 -Guest_Leutian_*-

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:09 PM

EDIT: And for the record, I don't have the SPEECH components set up right either. I've got an error log 73kb long (and counting). The mod still works without.

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Thanks for your assistance as always Horred, it's much appricated. Thanks for INI file.

I think i've found a solution to the Speech Components problem not loading. I disabled the 1394 device in my network connections (and disabled any other unused network devices) and the Speech component loads without problem.

Not sure if it's needed, but it seems to load now.

If someone has a working NWNX-ODBC.DLL, can they please post the date and time so I can compare with mine. Thanks in advance.


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hmm has anybody bothered to get the nwnxodbc.dll that writes directly to your mysql db and skips the odbc cnnnector yet? that might help solve a lot of your odbc issues.... once again i mentioned this earlier and if anyone needs it i will gladly post it here just ask.

#38 -Guest_Leutian_*-

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:12 PM

EDIT: And for the record, I don't have the SPEECH components set up right either. I've got an error log 73kb long (and counting). The mod still works without.

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Thanks for your assistance as always Horred, it's much appricated. Thanks for INI file.

I think i've found a solution to the Speech Components problem not loading. I disabled the 1394 device in my network connections (and disabled any other unused network devices) and the Speech component loads without problem.

Not sure if it's needed, but it seems to load now.

If someone has a working NWNX-ODBC.DLL, can they please post the date and time so I can compare with mine. Thanks in advance.


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hmm has anybody bothered to get the nwnxodbc.dll that writes directly to your mysql db and skips the odbc cnnnector yet? that might help solve a lot of your odbc issues.... once again i mentioned this earlier and if anyone needs it i will gladly post it here just ask.

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try this odbc.dllNWNXODBC.dll

#39 -Guest_Leutian_*-

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 02:13 PM

EDIT: And for the record, I don't have the SPEECH components set up right either. I've got an error log 73kb long (and counting). The mod still works without.

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Thanks for your assistance as always Horred, it's much appricated. Thanks for INI file.

I think i've found a solution to the Speech Components problem not loading. I disabled the 1394 device in my network connections (and disabled any other unused network devices) and the Speech component loads without problem.

Not sure if it's needed, but it seems to load now.

If someone has a working NWNX-ODBC.DLL, can they please post the date and time so I can compare with mine. Thanks in advance.


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hmm has anybody bothered to get the nwnxodbc.dll that writes directly to your mysql db and skips the odbc cnnnector yet? that might help solve a lot of your odbc issues.... once again i mentioned this earlier and if anyone needs it i will gladly post it here just ask.

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try this odbc.dllNWNXODBC.dll

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grr here is the real url for it since url code doesnt seem to want to display right just copy and paste this http://www.sunshadow.org/files/NWNX mysql plugin.rar

#40 udoh

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Posted 03 March 2005 - 03:05 PM

Hi Leutian,

I've downloaded and tried the file you suggested, for some reason it didn't seem to want to work for me. I've tried 5 different copies of the file and eventually I used the one in NWN-FF (don't know why it was the one that worked).

Now I need to find out why it all worked so I can help other people solve the problems.

One thing I did notice, was that there were problems in my ODBC logs with the file table "cnr_misc". It seems like the vault has updated the MOD 3 times today, and the latest (Version 4) seems to work a lot better than the other ones.

I have made it into the MOD, but I now have to work out why the LETO conversations are not working.


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